
Defines functions .metricinfo.MLMetric .metricinfo.list .metricinfo.function .metricinfo.ConfusionMatrix .metricinfo.ConfusionList .metricinfo.character .metricinfo.default .metricinfo metricinfo

Documented in metricinfo

#' Display Performance Metric Information
#' Display information about metrics provided by the \pkg{MachineShop} package.
#' @param ... \link[=metrics]{metric} functions or function names;
#' \link[=response]{observed responses}; \link[=response]{observed} and
#' \link[=predict]{predicted} responses; \link{confusion} or \link{resample}
#' results for which to display information.  If none are specified, information
#' is returned on all available metrics by default.
#' @return List of named metric elements each containing the following
#' components:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{label}{character descriptor for the metric.}
#'   \item{maximize}{logical indicating whether higher values of the metric
#'     correspond to better predictive performance.}
#'   \item{arguments}{closure with the argument names and corresponding default
#'     values of the metric function.}
#'   \item{response_types}{data frame of the observed and predicted response
#'     variable types supported by the metric.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## All metrics
#' metricinfo()
#' ## Metrics by observed and predicted response types
#' names(metricinfo(factor(0)))
#' names(metricinfo(factor(0), factor(0)))
#' names(metricinfo(factor(0), matrix(0)))
#' names(metricinfo(factor(0), numeric(0)))
#' ## Metric-specific information
#' metricinfo(auc)
metricinfo <- function(...) {
  args <- list(...)
  args <- if (length(args)) unname(args) else as.list(settings("metrics"))
  info <- do.call(.metricinfo, args)

  is_type <- if (length(info)) !map("logi", is, info, "list") else NULL
  if (any(is_type)) {
    info_metrics <- if (all(is_type)) metricinfo() else info[!is_type]
    info_types <- do.call(.metricinfo_types, info[is_type])
    info <- c(info_metrics, info_types)
    info <- info[intersect(names(info_metrics), names(info_types))]


.metricinfo <- function(x, ...) {

.metricinfo.default <- function(x, ...) {
  info <- list(x)
  if (...length()) c(info, .metricinfo(...)) else info

.metricinfo.character <- function(x, ...) {
  metric <- tryCatch(
    error = function(cond) list()
  .metricinfo(metric, ...)

.metricinfo.ConfusionList <- function(x, ...) {
  .metricinfo(x[[1]], ...)

.metricinfo.ConfusionMatrix <- function(x, ...) {
  c(list(x), .metricinfo(NULL, ...))

.metricinfo.function <- function(x, ...) {
  .metricinfo(list(), ...)

.metricinfo.list <- function(x, ...) {
  if (...length()) .metricinfo(...) else list()

.metricinfo.MLMetric <- function(x, ...) {
  generic_name <- x@name
  if (!isGeneric(generic_name)) generic_name <- paste0(".", x@name)
  if (isGeneric(generic_name)) {
    methods <- findMethods(generic_name)
    is_defined <- map("logi", function(method) {
      body(method) != .(numeric())
    }, methods)
    types <- as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, methods@signatures[is_defined]))
    names(types) <- methods@arguments
  } else {
    types <- NULL

  info <- structure(list(list(
    label = x@label,
    maximize = x@maximize,
    arguments = args(x),
    response_types = types
  )), names = x@name)

  if (...length()) c(info, .metricinfo(...)) else info

.metricinfo.Resample <- function(x, ...) {
  .metricinfo(x$Observed, x$Predicted, ...)

.metricinfo_types <- function(x, y, ...) {
  not_missing_y <- !missing(y)
  if (not_missing_y && is.factor(x) && is.factor(y)) {
    x <- ConfusionMatrix(table(x, x), ordered = is.ordered(x))
    y <- NULL
  info <- metricinfo()
  is_supported <- map("logi", function(this) {
    types <- this$response_types
    is_types <- map("logi", is, list(x), types$observed)
    if (not_missing_y) {
      is_types <- is_types & map("logi", is, list(y), types$predicted)
  }, info)

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MachineShop documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:28 p.m.