
Defines functions add_s.weights

Documented in add_s.weights

#' Add sampling weights to a `matchit` object
#' @description
#' Adds sampling weights to a `matchit` object so that they are
#' incorporated into balance assessment and creation of the weights. This would
#' typically only be used when an argument to `s.weights` was not supplied
#' to [matchit()] (i.e., because they were not to be included in the estimation
#' of the propensity score) but sampling weights are required for generalizing
#' an effect to the correct population. Without adding sampling weights to the
#' `matchit` object, balance assessment tools (i.e., [summary.matchit()]
#' and [plot.matchit()]) will not calculate balance statistics correctly, and
#' the weights produced by [match.data()] and [get_matches()] will not
#' incorporate the sampling weights.
#' @param m a `matchit` object; the output of a call to [matchit()],
#' typically with the `s.weights` argument unspecified.
#' @param s.weights an numeric vector of sampling weights to be added to the
#' `matchit` object. Can also be specified as a string containing the name
#' of variable in `data` to be used or a one-sided formula with the
#' variable on the right-hand side (e.g., `~ SW`).
#' @param data a data frame containing the sampling weights if given as a
#' string or formula. If unspecified, `add_s.weights()` will attempt to find
#' the dataset using the environment of the `matchit` object.
#' @return a `matchit` object with an `s.weights` component
#' containing the supplied sampling weights. If `s.weights = NULL`, the original
#' `matchit` object is returned.
#' @author Noah Greifer
#' @seealso [matchit()]; [match.data()]
#' @examples
#' data("lalonde")
#' # Generate random sampling weights, just
#' # for this example
#' sw <- rchisq(nrow(lalonde), 2)
#' # NN PS match using logistic regression PS that doesn't
#' # include sampling weights
#' m.out <- matchit(treat ~ age + educ + race + nodegree +
#'                    married  + re74 + re75, data = lalonde)
#' m.out
#' # Add s.weights to the matchit object
#' m.out <- add_s.weights(m.out, sw)
#' m.out #note additional output
#' # Check balance; note that sample sizes incorporate
#' # s.weights
#' summary(m.out, improvement = FALSE)
#' @export
add_s.weights <- function(m,
                          s.weights = NULL,
                          data = NULL) {

  chk::chk_is(m, "matchit")

  if (!is.null(s.weights)) {
    if (!is.numeric(s.weights)) {
      if (is.null(data)) {
        if (!is.null(m$model)) {
          env <- attributes(terms(m$model))$.Environment
        } else {
          env <- parent.frame()
        data <- eval(m$call$data, envir = env)
        if (length(data) == 0) {
          .err("a dataset could not be found. Please supply an argument to `data` containing the original dataset used in the matching")
      else {
        if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
          if (is.matrix(data)) data <- as.data.frame.matrix(data)
          else .err("`data` must be a data frame")
        if (nrow(data) != length(m$treat)) {
          .err("`data` must have as many rows as there were units in the original call to `matchit()`")

      if (is.character(s.weights)) {
        if (is.null(data) || !is.data.frame(data)) {
          .err("if `s.weights` is specified a string, a data frame containing the named variable must be supplied to `data`")
        if (!all(s.weights %in% names(data))) {
          .err("the name supplied to `s.weights` must be a variable in `data`")
        s.weights.form <- reformulate(s.weights)
        s.weights <- model.frame(s.weights.form, data, na.action = "na.pass")
        if (ncol(s.weights) != 1) .err("`s.weights` can only contain one named variable")
        s.weights <- s.weights[[1]]
      else if (rlang::is_formula(s.weights)) {
        s.weights.form <- update(terms(s.weights, data = data), NULL ~ .)
        s.weights <- model.frame(s.weights.form, data, na.action = "na.pass")
        if (ncol(s.weights) != 1) .err("`s.weights` can only contain one named variable")
        s.weights <- s.weights[[1]]
      else {
        .err("`s.weights` must be supplied as a numeric vector, string, or one-sided formula")

    if (length(s.weights) != length(m$treat)) .err("`s.weights` must be the same length as the treatment vector")

    names(s.weights) <- names(m$treat)

    attr(s.weights, "in_ps") <- isTRUE(all.equal(s.weights, m$s.weights))

    m$s.weights <- s.weights

    m$nn <- nn(m$treat, m$weights, m$discarded, s.weights)


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MatchIt documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 9:08 a.m.