
Defines functions find_boundaries2 find_boundaries

Documented in find_boundaries

#' @title find_boundaries.
#' @description \code{find_boundaries} will determine peak boundaries within a BPC or mass trace.
#' @details It is yet another peak finder or, more precisely, it is a function
#'   to identify two RT values which flank a intensity maximum which is required
#'   if one would like to integrate the peak area.
#' @param int The measured intensity of the ion mass (obviously ordered according to consecutive RTs).
#' @param rt The respective retention times (can be omitted as currently not used).
#' @param p The anticipated peak position (as index of int) if several peaks are within the mass trace.
#' @param k The smoothing window parameter (provided to runmed).
#' @param bl The baseline value. Can be provided explicitly if automatic determination is insufficient.
#' @param local_min This is practically the upper end of the baseline. It can be set to avoid boundary detection at local minima (e.g. for peaks suffering ion suppression).
#' @return Numeric vector of length=2 specifying the start and end index of the peak.
#' @examples
#' int <- sin(seq(-0.75 * pi, 1.75 * pi, by = 0.1))
#' plot(int)
#' abline(v = find_boundaries(int = int))
#' @importFrom stats runmed
#' @export
find_boundaries <- function(int = NULL, rt = NULL, p = which.max(int), k = 3, bl = min(int), local_min = int[p]) {
  # potential parameters
  min_inc <- 0.01 # at least 1% of peak height should be observed as difference between 2 consecutive values to differntiate noisebaseline from peak flan/increase
  # remove non-finite values and ensure positive values
  int[!is.finite(int)] <- 0
  int <- int - min(int)
  n <- length(int)
  # set up index
  idx <- 1:n
  # remove potential maxima from flanking peaks still present within int
  while (p %in% c(1, length(int)) && length(int) > 5) {
    warning("Could not detect appropriate boundaries as intensity maximum was found on mass trace border.")
    int <- int[-p]
    idx <- idx[-p]
    n <- length(int)
    p <- which.max(int)
  # default value for local_min
  # if (is.null(local_min)) local_min <- int[p]
  # default value for bl
  # if (is.null(bl)) bl <- min(int)
  # detect left/right boundaries
  if (p >= 3) {
    dint <- runmed(diff(int[1:p]), k = k)
    lb <- dint < 0 & int[1:(p - 1)] < local_min
    lb <- ifelse(any(lb), (1 + max(which(lb))), 1)
    test <- dint[lb:(p - 1)] > min_inc * int[p]
    if (any(test)) lb <- (lb:(p - 1))[min(which(test))]
  } else {
    lb <- 1
  if (p <= n - 3) {
    dint <- runmed(diff(int[p:n]), k = k)
    rb <- dint > 0 & int[(p + 1):n] < local_min
    rb <- ifelse(any(rb), (p + min(which(rb)) - 1), n)
    test <- abs(dint[1:(rb - p)]) > min_inc * int[p]
    if (any(test)) rb <- ((p + 1):rb)[max(which(test))]
  } else {
    rb <- n
  return(idx[c(lb, rb)])

find_boundaries2 <- function(int = NULL, p = which.max(int), k = 3, min_scans = 3) {
  int[!is.finite(int)] <- 0
  idx <- 1:length(int)
  n <- length(idx)
  test_front <- diff(int[1:p]) <= 0
  test_front <- which(rev(cumsum(as.numeric(rev(test_front)))) == k)
  test_front <- ifelse(length(test_front) >= 1, max(test_front) + 2, 1)
  lb <- idx[max(c(min(c(p - min_scans, test_front)), 1))]
  test_tail <- diff(int[p:n]) >= 0
  test_tail <- which(cumsum(as.numeric(test_tail)) == k)
  test_tail <- ifelse(length(test_tail) >= 1, p + min(test_tail) - 2, n)
  rb <- idx[min(c(max(c(p + min_scans, test_tail)), n))]
  return(idx[c(lb, rb)])

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MetabolomicsBasics documentation built on May 29, 2024, 9:02 a.m.