glucose: Glucose measurements by different methods

glucoseR Documentation

Glucose measurements by different methods


74 persons in 5 centres in Finland had blood glucose measured by 11 different methods, based on 4 different types of blood. Each person had blood sampled at 0, 30, 60 and 120 min after a 75 g glucose load.


A data frame with 1302 observations on the following 6 variables.


Method of measurement. A factor with 11 levels: n.plas1 n.plas2 h.cap h.blood h.plas h.serum m.plas m.serum o.cap s.serum k.plas.


Type of blood sample. A factor with 4 levels: blood plasma serum capil


Person id.


Time of blood sampling. Minutes since glucose load.


Center of sampling. Except for the two first methods, n.plas1 and n.plas2, samples were analyzed at the centres too


Glucose measurement in mmol/l.


The study was conducted at the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki by Jaana Lindstrom.


B Carstensen, J Lindstrom, J Sundvall, K Borch-Johnsen1, J Tuomilehto & the DPS Study Group: Measurement of Blood Glucose: Comparison between different Types of Specimens. Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, to appear.


  data( glucose )
  str( glucose )
  # Use only plasma and serum as methods and make a Bland-Altman plot
  gluc <- subset( glucose, type %in% c("plasma","serum") )
  gluc$meth <- gluc$type
  gluc$repl <- gluc$time
  BA.plot( gluc )

MethComp documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:07 a.m.

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