hba.MC: A MCmcmc object from the hba1c data

hba.MCR Documentation

A MCmcmc object from the hba1c data


This object is included for illustrative purposes. It is a result of a 5-hour run using MCmcmc, with n.iter=100000.


The format is a MCmcmc object.


The data are the venous measurements from the hba1c dataset, using the day of analysis as replicate. Measurements are taken to be linked within replicate (=day of analysis).


# print.MCmcmc(hba.MC)
# One of the chains is really fishy (it's the first one)
# trace.MCmcmc(hba.MC)
# trace.MCmcmc(hba.MC,"beta")
# Try to have a look, excluding the first chain
# hba.MCsub <- subset.MCmcmc(hba.MC,chains=-1)
# trace.MCmcmc(hba.MCsub)
# trace.MCmcmc(hba.MCsub,"beta")
# A MCmcmc object also has class mcmc.list, so we can use the
# coda functions for covergence diagnostics:
# acfplot( subset.MCmcmc(hba.MC, subset="sigma"))

MethComp documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:07 a.m.

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