ox: Measurement of oxygen saturation in blood

oxR Documentation

Measurement of oxygen saturation in blood


61 children had their blood oxygen content measured at the Children's Hospital in Melbourne, either with a chemical method analysing gases in the blood (CO) or by a pulse oximeter measuring transcutaneously (pulse). Replicates are linked between methods; i.e. replicate 1 for each of the two methods are done at the same time. However, replicate measurements were taken in quick succession so the pairs of measurements are exchangeable within person.


A data frame with 354 observations on the following 4 variables.


Measurement methods, factor with levels CO, pulse


Id for the child


Replicate of measurements. There were 3 measurements for most children, 4 had only 2 replicates with each method, one only 1


Oxygen saturation in percent.


ox <- Meth(ox)
with( ox, table(table(item)) )
summary( ox )
# The effect of basing LoA on means over replicates:
par( mfrow=c(1,2), mar=c(4,4,1,4) )
BA.plot(      ox , diflim=c(-20,20), axlim=c(20,100), repl.conn=TRUE )
# BA.plot( mean(ox), diflim=c(-20,20), axlim=c(20,100) )

MethComp documentation built on Oct. 20, 2024, 9:07 a.m.

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