Dirichlet: The Dirichlet Distribution

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) Examples


Density function and random number generation for the Dirichlet distribution


rdirichlet(n, alpha)



number of random observations to draw


the Dirichlet distribution's parameters. Can be a vector (one set of parameters for all observations) or a matrix (a different set of parameters for each observation), see “Details”


The Dirichlet distribution is a multidimensional generalization of the Beta distribution where each dimension is governed by an alpha-parameter. Formally this is

D(α)=[Γ(∑α)/∏Γ(α)]∏ y^(α-1)

Usually, alpha is a vector thus the same parameters will be used for all observations. If alpha is a matrix, a complete set of alpha-parameters must be supplied for each observation.


returns a matrix with random numbers according to the supplied alpha vector or matrix.


Chong Wu


X1 <- rdirichlet(100, c(5, 5, 10))

Example output

Loading required package: vegan
Loading required package: permute
Loading required package: lattice
This is vegan 2.5-4
Loading required package: ape
Loading required package: aSPU
Loading required package: gee
Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: fields
Loading required package: spam
Loading required package: dotCall64
Loading required package: grid
Spam version 2.2-2 (2019-03-07) is loaded.
Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
and overview of this package.
Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.

Attaching package: 'spam'

The following objects are masked from 'package:base':

    backsolve, forwardsolve

Loading required package: maps
See https://github.com/NCAR/Fields for
 an extensive vignette, other supplements and source code 
Loading required package: matrixStats
Loading required package: cluster

Attaching package: 'cluster'

The following object is masked from 'package:maps':


             [,1]       [,2]      [,3]
  [1,] 0.29105184 0.24806740 0.4608808
  [2,] 0.25382229 0.33254543 0.4136323
  [3,] 0.11365039 0.57758880 0.3087608
  [4,] 0.25860573 0.40678402 0.3346103
  [5,] 0.12746048 0.26510768 0.6074318
  [6,] 0.26751905 0.27356930 0.4589117
  [7,] 0.31176683 0.30055708 0.3876761
  [8,] 0.21664021 0.16004899 0.6233108
  [9,] 0.31093869 0.30607414 0.3829872
 [10,] 0.35615739 0.32370583 0.3201368
 [11,] 0.11284317 0.39429438 0.4928624
 [12,] 0.13753828 0.25636807 0.6060937
 [13,] 0.33833881 0.22959871 0.4320625
 [14,] 0.30661004 0.44370568 0.2496843
 [15,] 0.43039055 0.11684270 0.4527667
 [16,] 0.25165503 0.29395678 0.4543882
 [17,] 0.19939113 0.12156608 0.6790428
 [18,] 0.39172161 0.35856373 0.2497147
 [19,] 0.26490581 0.27751978 0.4575744
 [20,] 0.43525198 0.19792406 0.3668240
 [21,] 0.29484520 0.41945323 0.2857016
 [22,] 0.41528304 0.06847855 0.5162384
 [23,] 0.35908524 0.32313296 0.3177818
 [24,] 0.20850325 0.32757231 0.4639244
 [25,] 0.36970308 0.22289124 0.4074057
 [26,] 0.22034737 0.31856185 0.4610908
 [27,] 0.30277456 0.14689051 0.5503349
 [28,] 0.18405935 0.33721352 0.4787271
 [29,] 0.42371140 0.26275292 0.3135357
 [30,] 0.21123281 0.19619178 0.5925754
 [31,] 0.08900358 0.35445936 0.5565371
 [32,] 0.21268466 0.23258089 0.5547345
 [33,] 0.25741906 0.13555578 0.6070252
 [34,] 0.21032519 0.13018204 0.6594928
 [35,] 0.21662694 0.16256778 0.6208053
 [36,] 0.24368849 0.19508822 0.5612233
 [37,] 0.16601711 0.19571871 0.6382642
 [38,] 0.22441511 0.19064478 0.5849401
 [39,] 0.28591009 0.34904109 0.3650488
 [40,] 0.32171421 0.21767947 0.4606063
 [41,] 0.18372713 0.14384564 0.6724272
 [42,] 0.27299559 0.26801278 0.4589916
 [43,] 0.19577170 0.33440854 0.4698198
 [44,] 0.28540894 0.28218834 0.4324027
 [45,] 0.26129145 0.15253126 0.5861773
 [46,] 0.33044326 0.22850552 0.4410512
 [47,] 0.17690680 0.44385360 0.3792396
 [48,] 0.21753701 0.30270723 0.4797558
 [49,] 0.21473043 0.33983482 0.4454348
 [50,] 0.19907245 0.43788822 0.3630393
 [51,] 0.26771481 0.23118532 0.5010999
 [52,] 0.20343841 0.21889661 0.5776650
 [53,] 0.28493347 0.17253773 0.5425288
 [54,] 0.19705209 0.37115920 0.4317887
 [55,] 0.10464306 0.15683067 0.7385263
 [56,] 0.06269919 0.32598628 0.6113145
 [57,] 0.22658491 0.21825749 0.5551576
 [58,] 0.36851602 0.18977634 0.4417076
 [59,] 0.18208115 0.54158791 0.2763309
 [60,] 0.06605319 0.29271592 0.6412309
 [61,] 0.18292370 0.33488411 0.4821922
 [62,] 0.35449474 0.08682098 0.5586843
 [63,] 0.13539434 0.35287885 0.5117268
 [64,] 0.35699517 0.31191344 0.3310914
 [65,] 0.28440635 0.28779718 0.4277965
 [66,] 0.16983919 0.51101230 0.3191485
 [67,] 0.28582309 0.16311738 0.5510595
 [68,] 0.35316709 0.20914643 0.4376865
 [69,] 0.18100694 0.35365026 0.4653428
 [70,] 0.15003428 0.17484900 0.6751167
 [71,] 0.17752877 0.13926950 0.6832017
 [72,] 0.22539027 0.24638748 0.5282222
 [73,] 0.49304300 0.16871032 0.3382467
 [74,] 0.23255657 0.22139577 0.5460477
 [75,] 0.22035030 0.34052962 0.4391201
 [76,] 0.17699354 0.17766021 0.6453463
 [77,] 0.23604706 0.38301602 0.3809369
 [78,] 0.21343176 0.23439251 0.5521757
 [79,] 0.31161928 0.08573942 0.6026413
 [80,] 0.41622634 0.21524186 0.3685318
 [81,] 0.19359846 0.21342492 0.5929766
 [82,] 0.24115032 0.19473928 0.5641104
 [83,] 0.14985072 0.41543186 0.4347174
 [84,] 0.20582387 0.46132395 0.3328522
 [85,] 0.19151952 0.21742383 0.5910567
 [86,] 0.23016880 0.20197343 0.5678578
 [87,] 0.11852500 0.17587381 0.7056012
 [88,] 0.21284618 0.25637078 0.5307830
 [89,] 0.11756747 0.39038157 0.4920510
 [90,] 0.16492242 0.13921792 0.6958597
 [91,] 0.20511682 0.32775159 0.4671316
 [92,] 0.12333633 0.32684158 0.5498221
 [93,] 0.26340607 0.04689733 0.6896966
 [94,] 0.34402229 0.18886469 0.4671130
 [95,] 0.29172818 0.13348662 0.5747852
 [96,] 0.29539679 0.25075352 0.4538497
 [97,] 0.28938509 0.14724859 0.5633663
 [98,] 0.14071609 0.27769015 0.5815938
 [99,] 0.11608768 0.63164364 0.2522687
[100,] 0.10134970 0.29181076 0.6068395

MiSPU documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:41 p.m.