
Defines functions time_varying_parameter time_patch_varying_parameter strata_to_residency_counts strata_to_residency_proportion sample_stochastic_matrix sample_stochastic_vector draw_multinom

Documented in draw_multinom sample_stochastic_matrix sample_stochastic_vector strata_to_residency_counts strata_to_residency_proportion time_patch_varying_parameter time_varying_parameter

# utilities for users

#' @title Draw a multinomially distributed random vector
#' @description Warning: this function does no argument checking. Ensure the arguments
#' are as follows.
#' @param n an integer giving the number of balls to distribute in bins
#' @param prob a vector of probabilities for each bin, which must sum to one
#' @return an integer vector of length equal to the length of `prob`
#' @note This function uses the algorithm presented in:
#' Startek, MichaƂ. "An asymptotically optimal, online algorithm for weighted random sampling with replacement." arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.00532 (2016).
#' @export
draw_multinom <- function(n, prob) {
  .Call(C_draw_multinom, as.integer(n), as.numeric(prob))

#' @title Sample a stochastic vector
#' @description Given a vector of counts in cells, `x` and a stochastic matrix `prob`, each
#' row of which describes a probability distribution of how that cell should be
#' distributed among bins, sample destination bins for each cell count, and return
#' a vector giving the number of counts in bins. It is conceptually similar to
#' "stochastically" distributing the vector as `x %*% prob`, which gives the
#' expectation.
#' @param x a vector
#' @param prob a matrix, it must have number of rows equal to `x` and rows that sum
#' to one
#' @return a vector of length equal to the number of columns of `prob`
#' @importFrom stats rmultinom
#' @export
sample_stochastic_vector <- function(x, prob) {
  stopifnot(length(x) == nrow(prob))
  if (ncol(prob) == 1L) {
    # if everything is going to one bin just return the total number of balls
  samp <- vapply(X = 1:length(x), FUN = function(i) {
    draw_multinom(n = x[i], prob = prob[i, ])
  }, FUN.VALUE = integer(ncol(prob)), USE.NAMES = FALSE)

#' @title Sample a stochastic matrix
#' @description `x` is a matrix with arbitrary number of rows but whose columns
#' are equal to the number of bins that the stochastic matrix `prob` parameterizes
#' a distribution over. Each row of `x` gives a distribution of counts over bins
#' and is resampled according to `prob`. It is conceptually similar to
#' "stochastically" distributing the matrix as `x %*% prob`, which gives the
#' expectation.
#' @param x a matrix
#' @param prob a matrix, it must have number of columns equal to the number of columns of `x` and rows that sum
#' to one
#' @return a matrix whose dimensions equal the original `x`
#' @export
sample_stochastic_matrix <- function(x, prob) {
  stopifnot(ncol(x) == ncol(prob))
  samp <- lapply(X = 1:nrow(x), FUN = function(i) {
    sample_stochastic_vector(x = x[i, ], prob = prob)
  do.call(rbind, samp)

#' @title Helper function for lumped population strata (proportional assignment)
#' @description If input is given as a vector of population sizes per-strata, lumped
#' over patches, and a separate matrix whose columns describe how each strata is
#' distributed over patches, this function calculates the residency matrix and
#' population size for the overall stratification of both residency and strata.
#' @param H_strata a vector of population size by strata
#' @param J_strata a matrix whose columns sum to one giving the distribution of
#' strata (columns) populations over patches (rows)
#' @return a [list] with three elements:
#'  * `assignment_indices`: provides a mapping from patch (rows) and strata (columns)
#'     into the "unrolled" vector `H`
#'  * `J`: the residency matrix mapping elements in `H` to patches
#'  * `H`: the overall population distribution over strata and patches
#' @examples
#' # taken from package tests
#' J <- matrix(
#'    c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2,
#'    0.1, 0.6, 0.3), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' H <- c(50, 60)
#' # get the overall assignment of strata (cols) across patches (rows)
#' H_overall <- J %*% diag(H)
#' residency <- strata_to_residency_proportion(H_strata = H, J_strata = J)
#' @export
strata_to_residency_proportion <- function(H_strata, J_strata) {
  stopifnot(inherits(J_strata, "matrix"))
  stopifnot(H_strata >= 0)
  stopifnot(length(H_strata) == ncol(J_strata))
  stopifnot(approx_equal(colSums(J_strata), 1))

  p <- nrow(J_strata)
  s <- ncol(J_strata)
  n <- p*s

  # we need to determine the actual residency matrix
  pop <- list()

  pop$J <- do.call(what = cbind, args = replicate(n = s, expr = diag(p), simplify = FALSE))
  pop$H <- as.vector(J_strata %*% diag(H_strata))
  pop$H <- as.integer(pop$H)


#' @title Helper function for lumped population strata (counts)
#' @description If input is given as a matrix of population counts per strata (columns)
#' and patch (rows), this function calculates the residency matrix and
#' population size for the overall stratification of both residency and strata.
#' @param H_counts a matrix of population counts
#' @return a [list] with three elements:
#'  * `J`: the residency matrix mapping elements in `H` to patches
#'  * `H`: the overall population distribution over strata and patches
#' @examples
#' # taken from package tests
#' J <- matrix(
#'    c(0.3, 0.5, 0.2,
#'    0.1, 0.6, 0.3), nrow = 3, ncol = 2, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' H <- c(50, 60)
#' H_overall <- J %*% diag(H)
#' residency <- strata_to_residency_proportion(H_strata = H, J_strata = J)
#' @export
strata_to_residency_counts <- function(H_counts) {
  stopifnot(inherits(H_counts, "matrix"))
  stopifnot(H_counts >= 0)

  p <- nrow(H_counts)
  s <- ncol(H_counts)

  pop <- list()

  pop$H <- as.vector(H_counts)
  pop$H <- as.integer(pop$H)
  pop$J <- do.call(what = cbind, args = replicate(n = s, expr = diag(p), simplify = FALSE))


#' @title Input parameters that may vary by time and patch
#' @param param if given a matrix, it must have nrows equal to `p` and ncols equal to
#' either `tmax` or `365`; if given a vector it must be of length `p`, `tmax`, or `365`.
#' @param p number of patches
#' @param tmax number of time steps
#' @return a matrix with `p` rows and `tmax` columns
#' @export
time_patch_varying_parameter <- function(param, p, tmax) {
  if (inherits(param, "matrix")) {
    stopifnot(nrow(param) == p)
    if (ncol(param) == 365L) {
      ix <- (1:tmax) %% 365L
      ix[which(ix == 0L)] <- 365L
      out <- param[, ix, drop = FALSE]
    } else if (ncol(param) == tmax) {
      out <- param
    } else {
      stop("incorrect dimensions of parameter")
  } else {
    # vector input
    if (length(param) == p) {
      if (p > 1) {
        out <- replicate(n = tmax, expr = param)
      } else {
        out <- matrix(data = param, nrow = 1, ncol = tmax)
    } else if (length(param) == tmax) {
      out <- do.call(rbind, replicate(n = p, expr = param, simplify = FALSE))
    } else if (length(param) == 365L) {
      ix <- (1:tmax) %% 365L
      ix[which(ix == 0L)] <- 365L
      out <- do.call(rbind, replicate(n = p, expr = param[ix], simplify = FALSE))
    } else if (length(param) == 1L) {
      out <- matrix(data = param, nrow = p, ncol = tmax)
    } else {
      stop("incorrect length of parameter")
  stopifnot(nrow(out) == p)
  stopifnot(ncol(out) == tmax)

#' @title Input parameters that may vary by time
#' @param param a vector of length `1`, `tmax`, or `365`.
#' @param tmax number of time steps
#' @return a vector with `tmax` elements
#' @export
time_varying_parameter <- function(param, tmax) {
  if (length(param) == 1L) {
    out <- rep(param, tmax)
  } else if(length(param) == 365L) {
    ix <- (1:tmax) %% 365L
    ix[which(ix == 0L)] <- 365L
    out <- param[ix]
  } else if(length(param) == tmax) {
    out <- param
  } else {
    stop("incorrect length of parameter")
  stopifnot(length(out) == tmax)

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MicroMoB documentation built on Jan. 17, 2023, 9:06 a.m.