Man pages for MigConnectivity
Estimate Migratory Connectivity for Migratory Animals

abundExamplesExample relative abundance estimates from simulated data
calcMantelCalculate Mantel correlation (rM) from points and/or...
calcMCMigratory connectivity strength function
calcTransitionCalculate psi (transition probabilities between sites in two...
diffMantelPairwise differences between two or more independent Mantel...
diffMCPairwise differences between two or more independent MC...
distFromPosDistance matrix from position matrix
estMantelEstimate Mantel correlation (rM) from geolocator, GPS, and/or...
estMCEstimate migratory connectivity
estStrengthEstimate MC, migratory connectivity strength
estTransitionEstimate psi (transition probabilities between locations in...
getCMRexampleGrab (from
getIsoMapGet Isoscape map getIsoMap
isoAssignGenerate probabilistic isotope assignments
MigConnectivityMigConnectivity: A package for quantifying migratory...
modelCountDataJAGSEstimates population-level relative abundance from count data
OVENdataOvenbird light-level geolocator and GPS necessary data
plot.estMigConnectivityBasic plot function for estMigConnectivity objects
plot.intrinsicAssignBasic plot function for the different isoAssign outputs
projectionsMap projections
reverseTransitionReverse transition probabilities and origin relative...
sampleOriginNExample origin site abundances and relative abundances
sampleOriginPosExample origin and target site positions and distances on a...
samplePsisExample transition probabilities (psis) between origin and...
simCMRDataSimulate capture-mark-reencounter (CMR) migratory movement...
simCountDataSimulates Breeding Bird Survey-style count data
simGLDataSimulate geolocator (GL) migratory movement data
simMoveSimulates position of birds by individual, season, year, and...
simProbDataSimulate Dirichlet-based probability table data
simTelemetryDataSimulate telemetry/GPS data
weightAssignCalculate Weights for Isotope Assignments weightAssign
MigConnectivity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:37 a.m.