sampleOriginN: Example origin site abundances and relative abundances

sampleOriginNR Documentation

Example origin site abundances and relative abundances


sampleOriginN is a dataset containing example origin site abundances from 5 scenarios used in Cohen et al. (2018). For the same 5 scenarios, sampleOriginRelN contains the relative abundances.





Each dataset is a named list with 5 vectors in it. Each vector has 4 elements (for the 4 origin sites). The relative abundance vectors each sum to 1. The 5 scenarios are:

  • Base: Equal abundance at each origin site

  • B Doub: The second origin site has twice the abundance of the other three sites

  • B Half: The second origin site has half the abundance of the other three sites

  • D Doub: The last origin site has twice the abundance of the other three sites

  • D Half: The last origin site has half the abundance of the other three sites

An object of class list of length 5.

MigConnectivity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:37 a.m.