samplePsis: Example transition probabilities (psis) between origin and...

samplePsisR Documentation

Example transition probabilities (psis) between origin and target sites


A dataset containing example psi matrices used in Cohen et al. (2018).




A named list with 8 transition probability matrices in it. The direction is from origin site (rows) to target sites (columns), so each row of each matrix sums to 1. The psi matrices are:

  • Full Mix: Full mixing from all origin sites to all target sites

  • Avoid One Site: All origin sites have the same transition probabilities, mostly avoiding target site 4

  • Full Connectivity: Each origin site transitions to only one target site

  • Half Mix: Origin sites A and B mix fully between target sites 1 and 2, but don't move to target sites 3 or 4, while origin sites C and D mix fully between target sites 3 and 4, but don't move to target sites 1 or 2

  • Low: Simulation scenario labelled "Moderate Connectivity" in Cohen et al. (2014)

  • Medium: Simulation scenario labelled "Strong Connectivity" in Cohen et al. (2014)

  • One Site Preference: Three origin sites have full mixing, but origin site D only goes to target site 4

  • Negative: Artificial transition probability scenario developed to produce a negative MC value under some circumstances

MigConnectivity documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:37 a.m.