OVENdata | R Documentation |
Ovenbird data from Cohen et al. (2018) and Hallworth and Marra (2015).
A named list with the necessary data to replicate the analyses found in Cohen et al. (2018) with archival light-level geolocator and GPS data. The data contained in the list are:
geo.bias: Archival light-level geolocator bias estimates. Location bias estimates in light-level geolocator estimates calculated using birds captured at known locations in Florida, Jamaica and Puerto Rico. Location bias is reported in meters and is a vector of length two with bias estimates in geolocator locations. Format: A vector of length two with bias estimates in geolocator locations.
geo.vcov: Covariance estimates in light-level geolocator estimates calculated using birds captured at known locations in Florida, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico. Covariance is reported in meters. Format: A 2x2 matrix of covariance estimates.
isGL: Archival light-level geolocator or PinPoint-10 GPS tag
vector indicating whether location estimates were obtained with a
light-level geolocator (TRUE
) or PinPoint-10 GPS tag (FALSE
Format: logical
of length 39
targetPoints: Non-breeding locations for 39 Ovenbirds caught during the breeding
season who carried either a light-level geolocator or PinPoint-10 GPS tag.
Ovenbirds were captured at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH and Jug Bay Wetland
Sanctuary, MD. These data are used as originPoints
in the estMC
and coords.x2
represent the longitude and latitude of the
capture sites, respectively. The data are projected in Lambert Conformal Conic.
Format: SpatialPoints
"+proj=aea +lat_1=20 +lat_2=60 +lat_0=40 +lon_0=-96 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80
+datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0"
originPoints: Capture locations for 39 Ovenbirds caught during the breeding season
who carried either a light-level geolocator or PinPoint-10 GPS tag. Ovenbirds were
captured at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, NH and Jug Bay Wetland Sanctuary, MD.
These data are used as originPoints
in the estMC
function. coords.x1
and coords.x2
represent the longitude and latitude of the capture sites, respectively.
The data are projected in Lambert Conformal Conic.
Format: SpatialPoints
targetSites: Non-breeding distribution target sites used in Cohen et al. (in prep) to
estimate MC of Ovenbirds tracked with light-level geolocators and PinPoint-10 GPS tags.
There are three non-breeding target sites 1) Florida, United States, 2) Cuba, and 3) Hispaniola
(Dominican Republic and Haiti).
Format: SpatialPolygons
originSites: Breeding distribution origin sites used in Cohen et al. (in prep) to estimate
MC of Ovenbirds tracked with light-level geolocators and PinPoint-10 GPS tags. There are two breeding
origin sites, one that encompasses NH and another that encompasses MD capture deployment locations.
Format: SpatialPolygons
originRelAbund: A dataset containing relative abundance estimates from BBS data reported in Cohen et al.
(in prep). These estimates can be used in estMC
function as originRelAbund
in conjunction
with archival light-level geolocator and GPS locations.
Format: A vector of length two with relative abundance estimates.
originDist: The pairwise Great Circle Distance between the center of the polygons contained within
. See "Ovenbird breeding distribution origin sites" or originSites
Format: square distance matrix
targetDist: The pairwise Great Circle Distance between the center of the polygons contained within
. See "Ovenbird non-breeding distribution target sites" or targetSites
Format: square distance matrix
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