fgProcrustes: Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes

View source: R/core-ldk-procrustes.R

fgProcrustesR Documentation

Full Generalized Procrustes alignment between shapes


Directly borrowed from Claude (2008), called there the fgpa2 function.


fgProcrustes(x, tol, coo)



an array, a list of configurations, or an Out, Opn or Ldk object


numeric when to stop iterations


logical, when working on Out or Opn, whether to use $coo rather than $ldk


If performed on an Out or an Opn object, will try to use the $ldk slot, if landmarks have been previousy defined, then (with a message) on the $coo slot, but in that case, all shapes must have the same number of coordinates (coo_sample may help).


a list with components:

  • rotated array of superimposed configurations

  • iterationnumber number of iterations

  • Q convergence criterion

  • Qi full list of Q

  • Qd difference between successive Q

  • interproc.dist minimal sum of squared norms of pairwise differences between all shapes in the superimposed sample

  • mshape mean shape configuration

  • cent.size vector of centroid sizes.

or an Out, Opn or an Ldk object.


Slightly less optimized than procGPA in the shapes package (~20% on my machine). Will be optimized when performance will be the last thing to improve! Silent message and progress bars (if any) with options("verbose"=FALSE).


Claude, J. (2008). Morphometrics with R. Analysis (p. 316). Springer.

See Also

Other procrustes functions: fProcrustes(), fgsProcrustes(), pProcrustes()


# on Ldk
w <- wings %>% slice(1:5) # for the sake of speed
fgProcrustes(w, tol=0.1) %>% stack()

# on Out
h <- hearts %>% slice(1:5) # for the sake of speed
fgProcrustes(h) %>%  stack()

Momocs documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 5:07 p.m.

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