palettes: Color palettes

palettesR Documentation

Color palettes


All colorblind friendly RColorBrewer palettes recreated without the number of colors limitation and with transparency support thanks to pal_alpha that can be used alone. Also, all viridis palettes (see the package on CRAN), yet color ramps are borrowed and Momocs does not depend on it. Also, pal_qual_solarized based on Solarized: and pal_seq_grey only shades of grey from grey10 to grey90.


pal_alpha(cols, transp = 0)

pal_manual(cols, transp = 0)

pal_qual_solarized(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_grey(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_BrBG(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_PiYG(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_PRGn(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_PuOr(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_RdBu(n, transp = 0)

pal_div_RdYlBu(n, transp = 0)

pal_qual_Dark2(n, transp = 0)

pal_qual_Paired(n, transp = 0)

pal_qual_Set2(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Blues(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_BuGn(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_BuPu(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_GnBu(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Greens(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Greys(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Oranges(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_OrRd(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_PuBu(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_PuBuGn(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_PuRd(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Purples(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_RdPu(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_Reds(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_YlGn(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_YlGnBu(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_YlOrBr(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_YlOrRd(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_magma(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_inferno(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_plasma(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq_viridis(n, transp = 0)

pal_qual(n, transp = 0)

pal_seq(n, transp = 0)

pal_div(n, transp = 0)



color(s) as hexadecimal values


numeric between 0 and 1 (0, eg opaque, by default)


numeric number of colors


Default color palettes are currently:

  • pal_qual=pal_qual_Set2

  • pal_seq=pal_seq_viridis

  • pal_div=pal_div_RdBu


a palette function


RColorBrewer palettes are not happy when n is lower than 3 and above a given number for each palette. If this is the case, these functions will create a color palette with colorRampPalette and return colors even so.


pal_div_BrBG(5) %>% barplot(rep(1, 5), col=.)
pal_div_BrBG(5, 0.5) %>% barplot(rep(1, 5), col=.)

Momocs documentation built on Nov. 13, 2023, 5:07 p.m.

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