predictShape.lm: Predict shapes based on linear models calculated from...

View source: R/predictShape.lm.r

predictShape.lmR Documentation

Predict shapes based on linear models calculated from PCscores


Predict shapes based on linear models calculated from PCscores.


predictShape.lm(fit, datamod, PC, mshape)



model of class lm where the PCscores are fitted onto


a one-sided "model" formula, of the form ~ x1 + x2 + ... + xk, corresponding to the right hand term in the model used in fit. If omitted, the predicted shapes of all specimen are calculated based on the fitted values.


Matrix/vector containing Principal components (rotation matrix) corresponding to PC-scores used in fit.


matrix of the meanshape's landmarks by which the data was centered before rotation in covariance eigenspace.


This function predicts the landmarks based on models calculated from PCscores.



array or matrix containing predicted landmark coordinates


matrix containing predicted PC-scores


Make sure that the levels of the variables used in datamod correspond exactly to those used in fit. Otherwise model matrix will be calculated erroneous.

See Also

model.matrix, lm, formula


proc <- procSym(boneLM)
pop <- name2factor(boneLM,which=3)
##easy model with only one factor based on the first four PCs
fit <- lm(proc$PCscores[,1:4] ~ pop)
## get shape for Europeans only
datamod <- ~as.factor(levels(pop))[2]
Eu <- predictShape.lm(fit,datamod, proc$PCs[,1:4],proc$mshape)

## get shape for Europeans and Chinese
datamod <- ~as.factor(levels(pop))
pred <- predictShape.lm(fit,datamod, proc$PCs[,1:4],proc$mshape)
## Not run: 
deformGrid3d(pred$predicted[,,1], pred$predicted[,,2], ngrid = 0)

## End(Not run)

## more complicated model

sex <- name2factor(boneLM,which=4)
fit <- lm(proc$PCscores[,1:4] ~ pop*sex)
## predict female for chinese and European
datamod <- ~(as.factor(levels(pop))*rep(as.factor(levels(sex))[1],2))
pred <- predictShape.lm(fit,datamod, proc$PCs[,1:4],proc$mshape)

## predict female and malefor chinese and European
popmod <- factor(c(rep("eu",2),rep("ch",2)))
sexmod <- rep(as.factor(levels(sex)),2)
datamod <- ~(popmod*sexmod)
pred <- predictShape.lm(fit,datamod, proc$PCs[,1:4],proc$mshape)

## add some (randomly generated) numeric covariate
somevalue <- rnorm(80,sd=10)
fit <- lm(proc$PCscores[,1:4] ~ pop+somevalue)
probs <- quantile(somevalue, probs=c(0.05, 0.95))
## make model for European at 5% and 95% quantile
popmod <- rep(factor(levels(pop))[2],2)
datamod <- ~(popmod+probs)
pred <- predictShape.lm(fit,datamod, proc$PCs[,1:4],proc$mshape)

Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.