
Defines functions rot.proc

## rot.proc <- function(x, y, scale=TRUE, weights=NULL, centerweight=FALSE, reflection=TRUE) {

##     if (centerweight && !is.null(weights)) {
##         xcent <- apply(x,2,weighted.mean,w=weights)
##         ycent <- apply(y,2,weighted.mean,w=weights)
##         x <- scale(x,scale=F,center=xcent)
##         y <- scale(y,scale=F,center=ycent)
##     }
## ### rotates 2 already centred matrices onto each other#
##     if (!is.null(weights)) {
##         Dn <- diag(weights)
##         X1 <- Dn%*%x
##         Y1 <- Dn%*%y
##         XY <- crossprod(X1,Y1)
##     } else
##         XY <- crossprod(x,y)	

##     sv1 <- svd(XY)
##     gamm <- tcrossprod(sv1$v,sv1$u)
##     if (sign(det(gamm)) < 1 && !reflection) {
##         if (!reflection) {
##             u <- sv1$u
##             v <- sv1$v
##             chk1 <- Re(prod(eigen(v)$values))
##             chk2 <- Re(prod(eigen(u)$values))
##             if ((chk1 < 0) && (chk2 > 0)) {
##                 v[, dim(v)[2]] <- v[, dim(v)[2]] * (-1)
##                 gamm <- v %*% t(u)
##             }
##             if ((chk2 < 0) && (chk1 > 0)) {
##                 u[, dim(u)[2]] <- u[, dim(u)[2]] * (-1)
##                 gamm <- v %*% t(u)
##             }
##         }
##     }
##     del <- sv1$d
##     ctrace <- function(MAT) sum(diag(crossprod(MAT)))
##     if (scale) {
##         if (!is.null(weights))
##             bet <- sum(del)/ctrace(Y1)
##         else
##             bet <- sum(del)/ctrace(y)
##         yrot <- bet*y%*%gamm}
##     else
##         yrot <- y%*%gamm
##     return(yrot)
## }

rot.proc <- function(x, y, scale=TRUE, weights=NULL, centerweight=FALSE, reflection=TRUE) {
    out <- rotonto(x=x, y=y, scale=scale, weights=weights, centerweight=centerweight, reflection=reflection,signref = FALSE)$yrot

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Morpho documentation built on June 22, 2024, 7:19 p.m.