
#' This function provides an estimation of the inverse of the square root of the covariance matrix of each row of the residuals matrix.
#' @param  residuals the residuals matrix obtained by fitting a linear model to each column of the response matrix as if they were independent
#' @param  typeDep character in c("AR1", "ARMA", "nonparam") defining which type of dependence to use
#' @param  pAR numerical, only use if typeDep = "ARMA", the parameter p for the ARMA(p, q) process
#' @param  qMA numerical, only use if typeDep = "ARMA", the parameter q for the ARMA(p, q) process
#' @return It returns the estimation of the inverse of the square root of the covariance matrix of each row of the residuals matrix.
#' @examples
#' data(copals_camera)
#' Y <- scale(Y[, 1:100])
#' X <- model.matrix(~ group + 0)
#' residuals <- lm(as.matrix(Y) ~ X - 1)$residuals
#' whitening(residuals, "AR1")
#' @export
whitening <-
  function(residuals, typeDep, pAR = 1, qMA = 0) {
    n <- dim(residuals)[1]
    q <- dim(residuals)[2]

    if (typeDep == "no_whitening") {
      return(Diagonal(q, 1))

    if (typeDep == "AR1") {
      phi_hat <- c()
      for (i in 1:n)
        phi_hat[i] <- arima(residuals[i, ], order = c(1, 0, 0))$coef[1]
      phi_hat_final <- mean(phi_hat)

      phi_hat_vect <- rep(-phi_hat_final, (q - 1))
      square_root_inv_hat_Sigma <- bandSparse(q, k = c(1, 0), diagonals = list(phi_hat_vect, c(sqrt(1 - phi_hat_final^2), rep(1, (q - 1)))))

    if (typeDep == "ARMA") {
      phi_hat <- matrix(0, n, max(pAR, 1))
      theta_hat <- matrix(0, n, max(qMA, 1))
      if ((pAR >= 1) && (qMA >= 1)) {
        for (i in 1:n)
          phi_hat[i, ] <- arima(residuals[i, ], order = c(pAR, 0, qMA))$coef[1:pAR]
          theta_hat[i, ] <- arima(residuals[i, ], order = c(pAR, 0, qMA))$coef[(pAR + 1):(pAR + qMA)]
      if ((pAR >= 1) && (qMA == 0)) {
        for (i in 1:n)
          phi_hat[i, ] <- arima(residuals[i, ], order = c(pAR, 0, qMA))$coef[1:pAR]
      if ((pAR == 0) && (qMA >= 1)) {
        for (i in 1:n)
          theta_hat[i, ] <- arima(residuals[i, ], order = c(pAR, 0, qMA))$coef[(pAR + 1):(pAR + qMA)]
      phi_hat_final <- colMeans(phi_hat)
      theta_hat_final <- colMeans(theta_hat)

      acf_theo_hat <- ARMAacf(ar = phi_hat_final, ma = theta_hat_final, lag.max = (q - 1)) 
      psi_hat <- ARMAtoMA(ar = phi_hat_final, ma = theta_hat_final, 1000) 
      variance_hat <- 1 + sum(psi_hat^2)
      Sigma_hat <- toeplitz(acf_theo_hat) * variance_hat
      square_root_inv_hat_Sigma <- Matrix(round(solve(chol(Sigma_hat)), digits = 6))

    if (typeDep == "nonparam") {
      vector_cov <- matrix(0, n, q)
      for (i in 1:n)
        vector_cov[i, ] <- acf(residuals[i, ], type = "covariance", plot = FALSE, lag.max = (q - 1))$acf
      vector_cov_estim <- colMeans(vector_cov)
      cov_matrix <- toeplitz(vector_cov_estim)
      square_root_inv_hat_Sigma <- Matrix(round(solve(chol(cov_matrix)), digits = 6))

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MultiVarSel documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:58 a.m.