
Defines functions cenanova

Documented in cenanova

#' ANOVA for censored data
#' @description Performs a parametric test of differences in means between groups of censored data, followed by a parametric Tukey's multiple comparison test.
#' @param x1 The column of data values plus detection limits
#' @param x2 The column of indicators, where 1 (or `TRUE`) indicates a detection limit in the `y1` column, and 0 (or `FALSE`) indicates a detected value in `y1`.
#' @param group Grouping or factor variable. Can be either a text or numeric value indicating the group assignment.
#' @param LOG Indicator of whether to compute tests in the original units, or on their logarithms.  The default is to use the logarithms (`LOG = TRUE`).  To compute in original units, specify the option `LOG = FALSE` (or `LOG = 0`).
#' @param printstat Logical `TRUE`/`FALSE` option of whether to print the resulting statistics in the console window, or not.  Default is `TRUE.`
#' @importFrom survival survreg Surv
#' @importFrom multcomp glht mcp
#' @importFrom stats residuals
#' @export
#' @return
#' Returns the Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) comparison results including Chi-Squared value, degrees of freedom and `p-value` of the test. Test assumes log-normal(`LOG=TRUE`) or normal(`LOG=FALSE`) distribution of residuals from group means.
#' Tukey's multiple comparison p-values of pairwise differences in group means are also printed.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Group Names of groups (NOTE: `== 0` indicates null hypothesis of "equals zero").
#' \item `Estimate` Estimated difference between group means.
#' \item `Std. Error` Standard error of estimate.
#' \item `z value` Test statistic.
#' \item `Pr(>|z|)` P-values for test that difference in means equals zero.
#' }
#' @details Test is computed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation. When a gaussian	distribution model is	used (LOG=FALSE) modeled values may fall below zero, producing unreal p-values (often lower than they should be).  Because of this, testing in log units is preferable and is the default.
#' @seealso [survival::survreg]
#' @references
#' Helsel, D.R., 2011. Statistics for Censored Environmental Data using Minitab and R, 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, USA, N.J.
#'#' @examples
#' data(PbHeron)
#' cenanova(PbHeron$Liver,PbHeron$LiverCen,PbHeron$DosageGroup)
#' cenanova(PbHeron$Liver,PbHeron$LiverCen,PbHeron$DosageGroup,LOG=FALSE)

cenanova <- function(x1, x2, group, LOG=TRUE, printstat=TRUE) {
  yname <- deparse(substitute(x1))
  gname <- deparse(substitute(group))

  ydat <- na.omit(data.frame(x1, x2, group))
  y1 <- ydat[,1];  y2 <- as.logical(ydat[,2]); grp <- ydat[,3]

  # for both log and original units
  detect <- as.logical(1 - as.integer(y2))  # reverses TRUE/FALSE to fit survival functions
  Factor <- as.factor(grp)
  df <- length(levels(Factor))-1
  grpnames <- as.character(levels(Factor))

  # ln units for LOG = TRUE
  if (LOG == TRUE)  {
    lnvar <- log(y1)
    fconst <- max(lnvar)+1
    flip.log <- fconst - lnvar
    logCensData <- Surv(flip.log, detect, type="right")
    reg.out <- survreg(logCensData~Factor, dist = "gaussian")
    reg.chisq <- -2*(reg.out$loglik[1] - reg.out$loglik[2])
    reg.out$coefficients <- (-1)* reg.out$coefficients  # reversing the flip for all coeffs.
    reg.out$coefficients[1] <- fconst + reg.out$coefficients[1]  #reversing the flip for intercept
    dist.test <- "Assuming lognormal distribution of CensData"
    pval = pchisq(reg.chisq, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    dist <- "Lognormal Dist";  statistic <- reg.chisq
    result <- data.frame(dist, statistic, df, pval)

    #  write test results
      cat('\n',"     MLE test of mean natural logs of CensData:", yname, "by Factor:", gname, '\n', "    ",dist.test,'\n', "     Chisq =", signif(reg.chisq, 4), " on", df, "degrees of freedom", "    p =", signif(pval,3), '\n', '\n')
      # multiple comparisons
      x.mc <- glht(reg.out, linfct = mcp(Factor = "Tukey"))
    # Q-Q plot of residuals
    reg.predict <- predict(reg.out)
    log.unit <- reg.predict - flip.log
    cenregQQ(log.unit, as.logical(y2), Factor, main = "Normal Q-Q Plot of Logscale Residuals", LOG = FALSE)
  else  {
    # no logs used.  Original units
    CensData <- Surv(y1, detect, type="left")
    reg.out <- survreg(CensData~Factor, dist = "gaussian")   # officially a Tobit model
    reg.chisq <- -2*(reg.out$loglik[1] - reg.out$loglik[2])
    dist.test <- "Assuming normal distribution of CensData"
    pval = pchisq(reg.chisq, df, lower.tail = FALSE)
    dist <- "Normal Dist";  statistic <- reg.chisq
    result <- data.frame(dist, statistic, df, pval)

    #  write test results
      cat('\n',"     MLE test of mean CensData:", yname, "  by Factor:", gname, '\n', "    ",dist.test,'\n', "     Chisq =", signif(reg.chisq, 4), " on", df, "degrees of freedom", "    p =", signif(pval,3), '\n')
      # A warning
      cat("\n", "  NOTE: Data with nondetects may be projected below 0 with MLE normal distribution.", "\n", "  If so, p-values will be unreliable (often too small).  Use perm test instead.", "\n", '\n')

    # multiple comparisons
    x.mc <- glht(reg.out, linfct = mcp(Factor = "Tukey"))

    # Q-Q plot of residuals
    # reg.predict <- reg.out$linear.predictors
    from.groupmean <- residuals(reg.out, type = "response")
    cenregQQ(from.groupmean, as.logical(y2), Factor, LOG = FALSE)

  # finish for both log and not log
  group.means <- as.vector(x.mc$coef)
  for (i in 2:length(levels(Factor))) {group.means[i] <- group.means[i] + group.means[1]}
  group.means <- t(group.means)
  mean.names <- paste("mean(", grpnames, ")", sep="")
  colnames(group.means) <- mean.names
  rownames(group.means) <- " "
  result <- cbind(result, group.means)

  #print group means and mult comparison results
    print(group.means, row.names = FALSE, print.gap = 3)

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