Man pages for NFP
Network Fingerprint Framework in R

calc_sim_scoreCalculating the similarity scores
cluster_info-methodsExtract the cluster information of _NFP_.
group-methodsGroup information of _NFPRefnet_
install_data_packageInstall NFP data package NFPdata
kegg_refnetHuman KEGG signal pathway maps
load_KEGG_refnetLoad the the reference molecular networks
net-methodsBasic networks of _NFPRefnet_ class
NFPThe NFP package
perm_score-methodsExtract the randomized similarity score
plot_NFPlistPlot multiple NFPs.
plot_NFP-methodsPlot NFP results
refnet_name-methodsNames of basic networks
show-methodsThe show generic function
show_NFPRefnet-methodsShow an Object
subnet-methodsSubset the basic networks
sub_NFP-methodssubset of NFP object
NFP documentation built on April 12, 2021, 5:09 p.m.