NFP-class: 'NFP-class'

Description Slots See Also


An S4 object for storing network fingerprint similarity score information.



a numeric vector, network fingerprint based on reference networks before standardization.


a data frame, the permulated similarity score.


a numeric vector, the final standardized network fingerprint.


an APResult list, more details see package **apcluster**, each element provides a cluster information of a biological network based on one reference networks. #'@section method:

  • perm_score, signature(object = "NFP"): extract the randomized similarity score

  • cluster_info, signature(object = "NFP"): extract the cluster information

  • sub_NFP, signature(object = "NFP"): subset of NFP object

  • plot, signature(object, type = "character", p_size = "numeric", l_size = 'numeric'): plot NFP results

  • show, signature(object = "NFP"): display methods for S4 classes NFP, see also show

See Also

show-methods, plot-methods, perm_score-methods, cluster_info-methods, sub_NFP-methods

NFP documentation built on April 12, 2021, 5:09 p.m.