
Defines functions MLE_gamma

Documented in MLE_gamma

#'MLE for Gamma distribution
#'Maximum likelihood estimation of Gamma distributed observations
#'distribution parameters
#'@param g a list of Gamma distributed observation.
#'@importFrom stats uniroot
#' g_list <- list()
#' for(i in 1:1000){
#'  g_list <- c(g_list, rgamma(1, shape=100, rate=5))
#' }
#' mle <- MLE_gamma(g_list)
#' mle
MLE_gamma <- function(g){
  N <- length(g)

  a_mle <- try(stats::uniroot(function(a){(N*mean(log(g))
                                           - N*digamma(a)
                                           - N*log(mean(g))
                                           + N*log(a)
  )}, lower = 0.000001, upper=1E9)$root, TRUE)
  if(inherits(a_mle, "try-error")){
    a_mle <- 0.0001
    b_mle <- 0.0001
    warning("Unable to estimate Gamma hyperpriors properly
            (this can happen when only a few clusters are fitted).
            => Non informative values are returned instead")
    b_mle <- mean(g)/a_mle

  return(list("shape"=a_mle, "scale"=b_mle, "rate"=1/b_mle))

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NPflow documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:04 a.m.