# Estimating Exposure Matrices --------------------------------------------
##' Matrix Estimation
##' @description
##' Methods for estimating matrix entries from the marginals (row and column sums).
##' There are currently two methods implemented: Maximum Entropy (Upper 2004) and
##' Minimum Density (Anand et al. 2015).
##' You may use the \code{matrix_estimation()} function, setting the desired \code{method}.
##' Or you may use directly the \code{max_ent()} function for maximum entropy estimation
##' or the \code{min_dens()} function for minimum density estimation.
##' @param rowsums a numeric vector with the row sums.
##' @param colsums a numeric vector with the column sums.
##' @param method the matrix estimation method. Choose \code{"me"} for
##' maximum entropy or \code{"md"} for minimum density.
##' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
##' @param the maximum number of iterations.
##' @param abs.tol the desired accuracy.
##' @param verbose gives verbose output. Default is \code{TRUE}.
##' @return
##' The functions return the estimated matrix.
##' @examples
##' # Example from Anand, Craig and Von Peter (2015, p.628)
##' # Liabilities
##' L <- c(a = 4, b = 5, c = 5, d = 0, e = 0, f = 2, g = 4)
##' # Assets
##' A <- c(a = 7, b = 5, c = 3, d = 1, e = 3, f = 0, g = 1)
##' # Maximum Entropy
##' ME <- matrix_estimation(A, L, method = "me")
##' ME <- round(ME, 2)
##' # Minimum Density
##' set.seed(192)
##' MD <- matrix_estimation(A, L, method = "md")
##' @references
##' Upper, C. and A. Worm (2004). Estimating bilateral exposures in the German interbank market:
##' Is there a danger of contagion? European Economic Review 48, 827-849.
##' Anand, K., Craig, B. and G. von Peter (2015). Filling in the blanks:
##' network structure and interbank contagion.
##' Quantitative Finance 15:4, 625-636.
##' @export
matrix_estimation <- function(rowsums,
method = c("me", "md"),
..., = 1e5,
abs.tol = 1e-3,
verbose = TRUE){
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "me") {
V <- max_ent(rowsums = rowsums,
colsums = colsums, =,
abs.tol = abs.tol,
verbose = verbose)
if (method == "md") {
V <- min_dens(rowsums = rowsums,
colsums = colsums,
..., =,
abs.tol = abs.tol,
verbose = verbose)
# Maximum Entroupy --------------------------------------------------------
##' @export
##' @name matrix_estimation
max_ent <- function(rowsums,
colsums, = 1e5,
abs.tol = 1e-3,
verbose = TRUE) {
nrow <- length(rowsums)
ncol <- length(colsums)
M <- matrix(1, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol) - diag(rep(1, nrow))
if (verbose) cat("Starting Maximum Entropy estimation.\n\n")
for (i in {
# Scaling Rows
rscale <- rcscale(rowsums, rowSums(M))
M <- diag(rscale) %*% M
# Scaling Columns
cscale <- rcscale(colsums, colSums(M))
M <- M %*% diag(cscale)
error <- sum(abs(colsums - colSums(M))) + sum(abs(rowsums - rowSums(M)))
if (verbose) cat("- Iteration number: ", i,
" -- abs error: ", round(error, 4),
" \n",
sep = "")
if (error < abs.tol) break
if (verbose) {
if (i >= cat("\nMaximum number of iterations reached! Change the parameter or other settings.\n")
cat("\nMaximum Entropy estimation finished.",
"\n * Total Number of Iterations: ", i,
"\n * Absolute Error: ", round(error, 4),
" \n",
sep = "")
rownames(M) <- colnames(M) <- names(rowsums)
rcscale <- function(target, value){
scale <- value
scale[scale <= 0] <- 0
scale[scale != 0] <- target[scale != 0]/scale[scale != 0]
# Minimum Density ---------------------------------------------------------
##' @param c the 'cost' an extra link for the minimum density estimation.
##' See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param lambda you should use \code{lamda}
##' together with \code{k}. For the first \code{k} rounds of
##' the algorithm, the function will allocate a fraction \code{lambda} of the total,
##' thus obtaining a "low density" solution, instead of a "minimum density" solution.
##' See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param k you should use \code{lamda}
##' together with \code{k}. For the first \code{k} rounds of
##' the algorithm, the function will allocate a fraction \code{lambda} of the total,
##' thus obtaining a "low density" solution, instead of a "minimum density" solution.
##' See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param alpha weights for the row sums deviations. See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param delta weights for the column sums deviations. See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param theta scaling parameter.
##' Emphasizes the weight placed on finding solutions with similar characteristics
##' to the prior matrix. See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @param remove.prob probability to randomly remove a link during the algorithm. See Anand et al. (2015).
##' @name matrix_estimation
##' @export
min_dens <- function(rowsums,
c = 1,
lambda = 1,
k = 100,
alpha = 1/sum(rowsums),
delta = 1/sum(rowsums),
theta = 1,
remove.prob = 0.01, = 1e5,
abs.tol = 1e-3,
verbose = TRUE){
a = rowsums
l = colsums
if (lambda > 1 | lambda < 0) stop("lambda must be between 0 and 1")
# number of vertices
n = length(a)
# initial matrix
X = matrix(0, n, n)
# matrix of indices
mindex <- matrix(1:length(X), n, n)
# positions vector for sampling
mu = 1:length(X)
# remove diagonal (it will be zero)
mu = mu[mu != diag(mindex)]
# sampled positions vector
v = numeric(0)
# asset and liabilities deficit
ad = a - rowSums(X)
ld = l - colSums(X)
# 'prior' probabilities
probs = Q(ad, ld, n)
if (verbose) cat("Starting Minimum Density estimation.\n\n")
for (t in {
if (t > k) lambda <- 1
if ((runif(1) < remove.prob && t > 1 && length(v) > 0) || sum(probs[mu]) == 0) {
# sample position to be removed
ij = sample(v, 1)
# check position row and column indices
index <- which(mindex == ij, arr.ind = T)
i <- index[1]
j <- index[2]
# sum the value back
ad[i] = ad[i] + X[ij]
ld[j] = ld[j] + X[ij]
# remove the position value from X
X[ij] = 0
# include position back to the ones to be sampled
mu = c(mu, ij)
# remove it from the sampled
v = v[v != ij]
} else {
# sample position to be filled
ci <-, 1, prob = probs[mu])
# takes position value
ij = mu[ci]
# takes position row and column indices
index <- which(mindex == ij, arr.ind = T)
i <- index[1]
j <- index[2]
# adds value to X
Xnew = X
Xnew[ij] <- lambda*min(ad[i], ld[j])
# computes new deficits
## assets
adnew = ad
adnew[i] = adnew[i] - Xnew[ij]
## liabilities
ldnew = ld
ldnew[j] = ldnew[j] - Xnew[ij]
# checks new value function against old value function
dif = V(Xnew, adnew, ldnew, c = c, alpha = alpha, delta = delta) -
V(X, ad, ld, c = c, alpha = alpha, delta = delta)
comp1 = dif > 0
comp2 = exp(theta*dif) > runif(1)
if (comp1 || comp2) {
# updates X, ad and ld
X = Xnew
ad = adnew
ld = ldnew
# includes the position in the sampled vector
v = c(v, ij)
# removes it from the vector to be sampled
mu = mu[mu != ij]
# updates probabilities
probs = Q(ad, ld, n)
if (verbose) cat("- Iteration number: ", t,
" -- total alocated: ",
round(100*(sum(a - ad)/sum(a)),6),
" % \n",
sep = "")
if (sum(abs(ad) - 0) < abs.tol) break
if (verbose) {
if (t >= cat("\nMaximum number of iterations reached! Change the parameter or other settings.\n")
cat("\nMinimum Density estimation finished.",
"\n * Total Number of Iterations: ", t,
"\n * Total Alocated: ", round(100*(sum(a - ad)/sum(a)), 6),
" % \n",
sep = "")
rownames(X) <- colnames(X) <- names(rowsums)
V = function(z, ad, ld, c = 1, alpha = 1, delta = 1)
-c*sum(z > 0) - sum((alpha^2)*ad) - sum((delta^2)*ld)
Q <- function(ad, ld, n){
Q =, n)/rep(ld, each = n)
index <- (Q < 1 | # Q < 1/Q
Q[index] = (1/Q)[index]
Q[ | is.infinite(Q)] = 0
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