# Risk Matrix -------------------------------------------------------------
##' Computes the (binary) impact or vulnerability matrices
##' The function computes an impact or vulnerability matrix given
##' a network of bilateral exposures and a vector of capital buffers.
##' The impact matrix represents how much a vertex impacts the capital buffer of another vertex
##' when it defaults.
##' The vulnerability matrix is just the transpose of the impact matrix. It represents how much a vertex is impacted
##' by the default of another vertex.
##' @param exposures an adjacency \code{\link{matrix}}, (sparse) \code{\link{Matrix}} or an \code{\link[igraph]{igraph}}
##' object with the network of bilateral exposures between vertices. By default, the function
##' expects the exposures in the form of an assets matrix
##' in which A -> B means that A has an asset with B. However, you can
##' change that with the parameter \code{exposure_type}. When using a matrix, preferably it should have
##' rows and columns names.
##' @param buffer a numeric vector with the capital buffer for each vertex.
##' Values should be in the same row/column order as the network of bilateral exposures. The
##' buffer is not needed if \code{exposure_type = "vulnerability"}.
##' @param binary if \code{binary = TRUE} the function computes a 'binary' impact or vulnerability matrix.
##' It truncates all values less than 1 to 0 and all values greater than 1 to 1.
##' @param exposure_type character vector indicating the type of the bilateral exposures. It can be
##' an \code{"assets"} network (where A -> B means that A has an asset with B),
##' a \code{"liabilities"} network (where A -> B means that A has a debt with B),
##' a (binary) \code{"impact"} matrix (where A -> B indicates the relative impact
##' of A in B's capital buffer), or
##' a (binary) \code{"vulnerability"} matrix
##' (where A -> B indicates the relative impact A suffers from B's default).
##' The default is \code{"assets"}.
##' @param returns will the function return the impact or the vulnerability matrix?
##' The default is \code{"impact"}.
##' @return The function returns a (binary) impact or vulnerability matrix.
##' The term V[i,j] of the impact matrix represents
##' the impact of i's default in j's capital buffer.
##' The term V[i,j] of the vulnerability matrix represents
##' how much i's capital buffer is impacted by j's default.
##' If \code{binary = TRUE}
##' the values less than 1 are truncated to zero.
##' @examples
##' # Creating example data
##' ## Assets Matrix (bilateral exposures)
##' assets_matrix <- matrix(c(0, 10, 3, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0), ncol = 3)
##' rownames(assets_matrix) <- colnames(assets_matrix) <- letters[1:3]
##' ## Capital Buffer
##' buffer <- c(a = 2, b = 5, c = 2)
##' # Vulnerability matrices
##' vulnerability_matrix(assets_matrix, buffer, binary = FALSE)
##' vulnerability_matrix(assets_matrix, buffer, binary = TRUE)
##' @importFrom expm balance
##' @export
risk_matrix <- function(exposures,
binary = FALSE,
exposure_type = c("assets", "liabilities", "impact", "vulnerability"),
returns = c("impact", "vulnerability")){
if (!missing(buffer)) {
if (!is.numeric(buffer))
stop("buffer must be a numeric vector")
nas <-
if (any(nas))
stop("buffer cannot be NA: the following positions are NA: ", paste(which(nas), collapse = ", "), " of buffer are NA")
zeros <- (abs(buffer) < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))
if (any(zeros, na.rm = TRUE))
stop("buffer cannot be zero: the following positions are equal to zero (up to floating point precision): ",
paste(which(zeros), collapse = ", "))
if (!is.logical(binary)) stop("binary must be either TRUE or FALSE")
##' @export
risk_matrix.igraph <- function(exposures,
binary = FALSE,
exposure_type = c("assets", "liabilities", "impact", "vulnerability"),
returns = c("impact", "vulnerability")){
exposures <- exposures[,]
binary = binary,
exposure_type = exposure_type,
returns = returns)
##' @export
risk_matrix.default <- function(exposures,
binary = FALSE,
exposure_type = c("assets", "liabilities", "impact", "vulnerability"),
returns = c("impact", "vulnerability")) {
if (!missing(buffer)) {
if (length(buffer) != nrow(exposures))
stop("buffer must be of the same length as the number of vertices (number of rows of exposure matrix)",
"\nlength of buffer is ", length(buffer), " and number of vertices is ", nrow(exposures))
exposure_type <- match.arg(exposure_type)
returns <- match.arg(returns)
exposures <- rowcolnames(exposures)
if (exposure_type == "impact") {
if (binary) exposures <- (exposures >= 1)*1
if (returns == "vulnerability") exposures <- t(exposures)
if (exposure_type == "vulnerability") {
if (binary) exposures <- (exposures >= 1)*1
if (returns == "impact") exposures <- t(exposures)
if (exposure_type == "liabilities") exposures <- t(exposures)
vulnerability_matrix <- exposures / buffer
if (returns == "impact") vulnerability_matrix <- t(vulnerability_matrix)
if (binary) vulnerability_matrix <- (vulnerability_matrix >= 1)*1
##' @name risk_matrix
##' @export
vulnerability_matrix <- function(exposures,
binary = FALSE,
exposure_type = c("assets", "liabilities", "impact", "vulnerability")){
binary = binary,
exposure_type = exposure_type,
returns = "vulnerability")
##' @name risk_matrix
##' @export
impact_matrix <- function(exposures,
binary = FALSE,
exposure_type = c("assets", "liabilities", "impact", "vulnerability")){
binary = binary,
exposure_type = exposure_type,
returns = "impact")
# checks for rownames or colnames in a matrix
# internal function
rowcolnames <- function(exposures){
if (is.null(rownames(exposures)) & !is.null(colnames(exposures))) {
rownames(exposures) <- colnames(exposures)
warning("No rownames found, colnames used as rownames.")
if (!is.null(rownames(exposures)) & is.null(colnames(exposures))) {
colnames(exposures) <- rownames(exposures)
warning("No colnames found, rownames used as colnames")
if (is.null(rownames(exposures)) & is.null(colnames(exposures))) {
rownames(exposures) <- colnames(exposures) <- paste0("vertex_", 1:nrow(exposures))
warning("No rownames or colnames found. Vertices named sequentially.")
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