
Defines functions df.test causality.test varmlp .onLoad

Documented in causality.test df.test varmlp

library (Rcpp)
library (Rdpack)

.Info <-  Module ('moduleInfo', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")

.neuralNet <-  Module ('VAR_MLP', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")

.Caus.test <-  Module ('causalityTest', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")

.dynCaus.test <-  Module ('nlinCausalityTest', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")

.df.test <-  Module ('DickeyFuller', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {}

#' Artificial Neural Network VAR (Vector Auto-Regressive) model using a MultiLayer Perceptron, with the sigmoid activation function. The optimization algorithm is based on the stochastic gradient descent.
#' @details This function builds the model, and returns an object that can be used to make forecasts and can be updated from new data.
#' @param df A numerical dataframe
#' @param sizeOfHLayers Integer vector that contains the size of hidden layers, where the length of this vector is the number of hidden layers, and the i-th element is the number of neurons in the i-th hidden layer.
#' @param lag The lag parameter.
#' @param iters The number of iterations.
#' @param learningRate The learning rate to use, O.1 by default, and if Adam algorithm is used, then it is the initial learning rate.
#' @param algo String argument, for the optimisation algorithm to use, in choice ["sgd", "adam"]. By default "sgd" (stochastic gradient descent) is used. The algorithm 'adam' is to adapt the learning rate while using "sgd".
#' @param batch_size Integer argument for the batch size used in the back-propagation algorithm.
#' @param bias Logical, true if the bias have to be used in the network.
#' @param seed Integer value for the seed used in the random generation of the weights of the network (a value = 0 will use the clock as random generator seed).
#' @param activations String vector for the activations functions to use (in choice ["sigmoid", "relu", "tanh"]). The length of this vector is the number of hidden layers plus one (the output layer). By default, the relu activation function is used in hidden layers, and the sigmoid in the last layer.

#' @return fit (df, iterations, batch_size):  fit/update the weights of the model from  the dataframe.
#' @return forecast (df):   makes forecasts of an given dataframe. The forecasts include the forecasted row based on each previous "lag" rows, where the last one is the next forecasted row of  df.
#' @return save (filename): save the model in a text file.
#' @return load (filename): load the model from a text file.
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries) # to extract time series
#' library (NlinTS)
#' #load data
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' # Predict the last row of the data
#' train_data = data[1:(nrow (data) - 1), ]
#' model = varmlp (train_data, 1, c(10), 50, 0.01, "sgd", 30, TRUE, 0);
#' predictions = model$forecast (train_data)
#' print (predictions[nrow (predictions),])

varmlp <- function(df, lag, sizeOfHLayers, iters=50, learningRate=0.01, algo = "sgd", batch_size = 10, bias = TRUE, seed = 5, activations=vector()){
    #neuralNet =  Module ('varmlp', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
    varp = .neuralNet$VARNN_Export
    v = new (varp, lag, sizeOfHLayers, activations, learningRate, algo, bias, seed)
    v$fit (df,iters, batch_size)
    return (v)

#' The Granger causality test
#' @details This is the classical Granger test of causality. The null hypothesis is that the second time series does not cause the first one
#' @param ts1 Numerical dataframe containing one variable.
#' @param ts2 Numerical dataframe containing one variable.
#' @param lag The lag parameter.
#' @param diff Logical argument for the option of making data stationary before making the test.
#' @return gci: the Granger causality index.
#' @return Ftest:  the statistic of the test.
#' @return pvalue: the p-value of the test.
#' @return summary ():  shows the test results.
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{granger1980}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries) # to extract time series
#' library (NlinTS)
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' model = causality.test (data[,1], data[,2], 2)
#' model$summary ()

causality.test <- function(ts1,ts2, lag, diff = FALSE){
    #Caus.test =  Module ('CausalityTest', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
    test0 = .Caus.test $ causalityTest ;
    v = new (test0, ts1,ts2, lag, diff) ;
    return (v) ;

#' A non linear Granger causality test
#' @details A non-linear test of causality using artificial neural networks. Two MLP artificial neural networks are evaluated to perform the test, one using just the target time series (ts1), and the second using both time series. The null hypothesis of this test is that the second time series does not cause the first one.
#' @param ts1 Numerical series.
#' @param ts2 Numerical series.
#' @param lag The lag parameter
#' @param LayersUniv Integer vector that contains the size of hidden layers of the univariate model. The length of this vector is the number of hidden layers, and the i-th element is the number of neurons in the i-th hidden layer.
#' @param LayersBiv Integer vector that contains the size of hidden layers of the bivariate model. The length of this vector is the number of hidden layers, and the i-th element is the number of neurons in the i-th hidden layer.
#' @param iters The number of iterations.
#' @param learningRate The learning rate to use, O.1 by default, and if Adam algorithm is used, then it is the initial learning rate.
#' @param algo String argument, for the optimisation algorithm to use, in choice ["sgd", "adam"]. By default "sgd" (stochastic gradient descent) is used. The algorithm 'adam' is to adapt the learning rate while using "sgd".
#' @param batch_size Integer argument for the batch size used in the back-propagation algorithm.
#' @param bias Logical argument  for the option of using the bias in the networks.
#' @param seed Integer value for the random seed used in the random generation of the weights of the network (a value = 0 will use the clock as random generator seed).
#' @param activationsUniv String vector for the activations functions to use (in choice ["sigmoid", "relu", "tanh"]) for the univariate model. The length of this vector is the number of hidden layers plus one (the output layer). By default, the relu activation function is used in hidden layers, and the sigmoid in the last layer.
#' @param activationsBiv String vector for the activations functions to use (in choice ["sigmoid", "relu", "tanh"]) for the bivariate model. The length of this vector is the number of hidden layers plus one (the output layer). By default, the relu activation function is used in hidden layers, and the sigmoid in the last layer.

#' @return gci: the Granger causality index.
#' @return Ftest:  the statistic of the test.
#' @return pvalue: the p-value of the test.
#' @return summary ():  shows the test results.
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries) # to extract time series
#' library (NlinTS)
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' model = nlin_causality.test (data[,1], data[,2], 2, c(2), c(4), 50, 0.01, "sgd", 30, TRUE, 5)
#' model$summary ()

nlin_causality.test <- function (ts1,ts2,lag,LayersUniv,LayersBiv, iters=50, learningRate = 0.01, algo = "sgd",  batch_size=10, bias=TRUE, seed = 0, activationsUniv = vector(), activationsBiv = vector())
    model = .dynCaus.test $ nlinCausalityTest ;
    v = new (model, lag) ;
    v$buildModels (LayersUniv, LayersBiv, activationsUniv, activationsBiv, learningRate, algo, bias, seed) ;
    v$fit (ts1, ts2, iters, batch_size) ;
    return (v) ;

#' Augmented Dickey_Fuller test
#' @details Computes the stationarity test for a given univariate time series.
#' @param ts Numerical dataframe.
#' @param lag The lag parameter.
#' @return df: returns the value of the test.
#' @return summary ():  shows the test results.
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{elliott1992efficient}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries)
#' library (NlinTS)
#' #load data
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' model = df.test (data[,1], 1)
#' model$summary ()

df.test <- function(ts, lag){
    test = .df.test $ DickeyFuller ;
    v = new(test, ts, lag) ;
    return (v) ;

#' Discrete Entropy
#' @details Computes the Shanon entropy of an integer vector.
#' @param V Integer vector.
#' @param log String argument in the set ("log2", "loge","log10"), which indicates the log function to use. The log2 is used by default.
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (NlinTS)
#' print (entropy_disc (c(3,2,4,4,3)))

entropy_disc <- function (V, log = "log2")
    v = .Info $ entropy_disc (V, log);
    return (v)

#' Discrete bivariate Mutual Information
#' @details Computes the Mutual Information between two integer vectors.
#' @param X Integer vector.
#' @param Y Integer vector.
#' @param log String argument in the set ("log2", "loge","log10"), which indicates the log function to use. The log2 is used by default.
#' @param normalize Logical argument (FALSE by default)  for the option of normalizing the mutual information by dividing it by the joint entropy.
#' @examples
#' library (NlinTS)
#' mi = mi_disc_bi (c(3,2,4,4,3), c(1,4,4,3,3))
#' print (mi)
mi_disc_bi <- function (X, Y, log = "log2", normalize = FALSE)
    #Info =  Module ('InfoEntropy', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
    v = .Info $ mutualInformation_disc_u (X, Y, log, normalize);
    return (v);

#' Discrete multivariate Mutual Information
#' @details Computes the Mutual Information between columns of a dataframe.
#' @param df  Datafame of type Integer.
#' @param log String argument in the set ("log2", "loge","log10"), which indicates the log function to use. The log2 is used by default.
#' @param normalize Logical argument (FALSE by default)  for the option of normalizing the mutual information by dividing it by the joint entropy.
#' @examples
#' library (NlinTS)
#' df = data.frame (c(3,2,4,4,3), c(1,4,4,3,3))
#' mi = mi_disc (df)
#' print (mi)
mi_disc <- function (df, log = "log2", normalize = FALSE)
    #Info =  Module ('InfoEntropy', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
    M = t(df)
    v = .Info $ mutualInformation_disc (M, log, normalize);
    return (v);

#' Discrete  Transfer Entropy
#' @details Computes the Transfer Entropy from the second time series to the first one.
#' @param X Integer vector, first time series.
#' @param Y Integer vector, the second time series.
#' @param p Integer, the lag parameter to use for the first vector (p = 1 by default).
#' @param q Integer, the lag parameter to use for the first vector (q = 1 by default)..
#' @param log String argument in the set ("log2", "loge","log10"), which indicates the log function to use. The log2 is used by default.
#' @param normalize Logical argument  for the option of normalizing the value of TE (transfer entropy) (FALSE by default).
#' This normalization is done by deviding TE by H (X(t)| X(t-1), ..., X(t-p)), where H is the Shanon entropy.
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{schreiber2000}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (NlinTS)
#' te = te_disc (c(3,2,4,4,3), c(1,4,4,3,3), 1, 1)
#' print (te)
te_disc <- function (X, Y, p = 1, q = 1, log = "log2", normalize = FALSE)
    #Info =  Module ('InfoEntropy', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
    v = .Info $ transferEntropy_disc (X, Y, p, q, log, normalize);
    return (v);

#' Continuous  entropy
#' @details Computes the continuous entropy of a numerical vector using the Kozachenko approximation.
#' @param V  Interger vector.
#' @param k  Integer argument, the number of neighbors.
#' @param log String argument in the set ("log2", "loge","log10"), which indicates the log function to use. The loge is used by default.
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{kraskov2004estimating}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries)
#' library (NlinTS)
#' #load data
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' print (entropy_cont (data[,1], 3))
 entropy_cont <- function (V, k = 3, log = "loge")
    #Info =  Module ('InfoEntropy', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
     v = .Info $ entropy_cont (V, k, log);
     return (v)

# #*****************************************#
#' Continuous  Mutual Information
#' @details Computes the   Mutual Information between two vectors using the Kraskov estimator.
#' @param X Integer vector, first time series.
#' @param Y Integer vector, the second time series.
#' @param k  Integer argument, the number of neighbors.
#' @param algo String argument specifies the algorithm use ("ksg1", "ksg2"), as tow propositions of Kraskov estimation are provided. The first one ("ksg1") is used by default.
#' @param normalize Logical argument (FALSE by default)  for the option of normalizing the mutual information by dividing it by the joint entropy.
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{kraskov2004estimating}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries)
#' library (NlinTS)
#' #load data
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' print (mi_cont (data[,1], data[,2], 3, 'ksg1'))
#' print (mi_cont (data[,1], data[,2], 3, 'ksg2'))

 mi_cont <- function (X, Y, k = 3, algo = 'ksg1', normalize = FALSE)
    df = data.frame (X, Y)
    M = t(df)
    v = .Info $ mutualInformation_cont (M, k, algo, normalize);
    return (v);

#' Continuous  Transfer Entropy
#' @details Computes the continuous Transfer Entropy from the second time series to the first one using the Kraskov estimation
#' @param X Integer vector, first time series.
#' @param Y Integer vector, the second time series.
#' @param p Integer, the lag parameter to use for the first vector, (p = 1 by default).
#' @param q Integer the lag parameter to use for the first vector, (q = 1 by default).
#' @param k  Integer argument, the number of neighbors.
#' @param normalize Logical argument  for the option of normalizing value of TE (transfer entropy) (FALSE by default).
#' This normalization is different from the discrete case, because, here the term H (X(t)| X(t-1), ..., X(t-p)) may be negative.
#' Consequently, we use another technique, we divide TE by H0 - H (X(t)| X(t-1), ..., X(t-p), Yt-1), ..., Y(t-q)), where H0 is the max entropy (of uniform distribution).
#' @references{
#'   \insertRef{kraskov2004estimating}{NlinTS}
#' }
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' library (timeSeries)
#' library (NlinTS)
#' #load data
#' data = LPP2005REC
#' te = te_cont (data[,1], data[,2], 1, 1, 3)
#' print (te)
 te_cont <- function (X, Y, p = 1, q = 1, k = 3, normalize = FALSE)
     #Info =  Module ('InfoEntropy', PACKAGE = "NlinTS")
     v = .Info $ transferEntropy_cont (X, Y, p, q, k, normalize);
     return (v);

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