
Defines functions CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered

Documented in CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered

#' @name CreatePairLinks
#' @aliases
#' CreatePairLinksSingleEntered
#' CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered
#' CreatePairLinksDoubleEnteredWithNoOutcomes
#' @export CreatePairLinksSingleEntered  CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered CreatePairLinksDoubleEnteredWithNoOutcomes
#' @title Creates a pairs linking file.
#' @description Creates a linking file for BG designs using this file structure (e.g., DF analysis, other ACE modeling).
#' DF analysis requires a double-entered file that contains the `R`
#' value for the pair, and their two outcome variable values.
#' [CreatePairLinksDoubleEnteredWithNoOutcomes()] is intended to be a
#' primarily a helper function for [CreateSpatialNeighbours()].
#' @usage
#' CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered(
#'   outcomeDataset,
#'   linksPairDataset,
#'   outcomeNames,
#'   linksNames             = c("ExtendedID", "R", "RelationshipPath"),
#'   validateOutcomeDataset = TRUE,
#'   subject1Qualifier      = "_S1",
#'   subject2Qualifier      = "_S2"
#' )
#' CreatePairLinksSingleEntered(
#'   outcomeDataset,
#'   linksPairDataset,
#'   outcomeNames,
#'   linksNames             = c("ExtendedID", "R", "RelationshipPath"),
#'   validateOutcomeDataset = TRUE,
#'   subject1Qualifier      = "_S1",
#'   subject2Qualifier      = "_S2"
#' )
#' CreatePairLinksDoubleEnteredWithNoOutcomes(
#'   linksPairDataset,
#'   linksNames = c("ExtendedID", "R", "RelationshipPath")
#' )
#' @param outcomeDataset A data frame containing the outcome variable(s)
#' @param linksPairDataset A data frame containing the `SubjectTag`s of
#' each subject in the pair and their `R` coefficient.
#' @param outcomeNames The column names of the outcome variable(s)
#' @param linksNames The column names desired to be present in the newly
#' created data frame.  `SubjectTag_S1` and `SubjectTag_S2` are included
#' automatically.
#' @param validateOutcomeDataset Indicates if characteristics of the outcomeDataset should be validated.
#' @param subject1Qualifier Indicates how the outcome variable for the pair's first subject is distinguished from the other subject.  The default is `_S1`.
#' @param subject2Qualifier Indicates how the outcome variable for the pair's second subject is distinguished from the other subject.  The default is `_S2`.
#' @author Will Beasley
#' @references For more information about a DF analysis, see Rodgers, Joseph Lee, & Kohler, Hans-Peter (2005).
#' [Reformulating and simplifying the DF analysis model.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15685433/)
#' *Behavior Genetics, 35* (2), 211-217.
#' @examples
#' dsSingleLinks <- data.frame(
#'   ExtendedID = c(1, 1, 1, 2),
#'   SubjectTag_S1 = c(101, 101, 102, 201),
#'   SubjectTag_S2 = c(102, 103, 103, 202),
#'   R = c(.5, .25, .25, .5),
#'   RelationshipPath = rep("Gen2Siblings", 4)
#' )
#' dsSingleOutcomes <- data.frame(
#'   SubjectTag = c(101, 102, 103, 201, 202),
#'   DV1        = c(11, 12, 13, 41, 42),
#'   DV2        = c(21, 22, 23, 51, 52)
#' )
#' dsDouble <- CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered(
#'   outcomeDataset         = dsSingleOutcomes,
#'   linksPairDataset       = dsSingleLinks,
#'   outcomeNames           = c("DV1", "DV2"),
#'   validateOutcomeDataset = TRUE
#' )
#' dsDouble # Show the 8 rows in the double-entered pair links
#' summary(dsDouble) # Summarize the variables
#' ValidatePairLinksAreSymmetric(dsDouble) # Should return TRUE.
CreatePairLinksDoubleEntered <- function(
    outcomeDataset, linksPairDataset, outcomeNames,
    linksNames = c("ExtendedID", "R", "RelationshipPath"), validateOutcomeDataset = TRUE,
    subject1Qualifier = "_S1", subject2Qualifier = "_S2") {
  if (validateOutcomeDataset) ValidateOutcomeDataset(dsOutcome = outcomeDataset, outcomeNames = outcomeNames)

  dsLinksLeftHand <- base::subset(linksPairDataset, select = c("SubjectTag_S1", "SubjectTag_S2", linksNames)) #' Lefthand' is my slang for Subjec1Tag is less than the SubjectTag_S2
  dsLinksRightHand <- base::subset(linksPairDataset, select = c("SubjectTag_S1", "SubjectTag_S2", linksNames))

  base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand)[base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand) == "SubjectTag_S1"] <- "SubjectTempTag"
  base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand)[base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand) == "SubjectTag_S2"] <- "SubjectTag_S1"
  base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand)[base::colnames(dsLinksRightHand) == "SubjectTempTag"] <- "SubjectTag_S2"

  dsOutcomeSubject1 <- base::subset(outcomeDataset, select = c("SubjectTag", outcomeNames))
  dsOutcomeSubject2 <- base::subset(outcomeDataset, select = c("SubjectTag", outcomeNames))

  for (j in seq_along(dsOutcomeSubject1)) {
    columnName <- base::colnames(dsOutcomeSubject1)[j]
    if (columnName %in% outcomeNames) {
      base::colnames(dsOutcomeSubject1)[colnames(dsOutcomeSubject1) == columnName] <- base::paste0(columnName, subject1Qualifier)
      base::colnames(dsOutcomeSubject2)[colnames(dsOutcomeSubject2) == columnName] <- base::paste0(columnName, subject2Qualifier)

  dsLeftHand <- base::merge(x = dsLinksLeftHand, y = dsOutcomeSubject1, by.x = "SubjectTag_S1", by.y = "SubjectTag", all.x = TRUE)
  dsLeftHand <- base::merge(x = dsLeftHand, y = dsOutcomeSubject2, by.x = "SubjectTag_S2", by.y = "SubjectTag", all.x = TRUE)

  dsRightHand <- base::merge(x = dsLinksRightHand, y = dsOutcomeSubject2, by.x = "SubjectTag_S2", by.y = "SubjectTag", all.x = TRUE)
  dsRightHand <- base::merge(x = dsRightHand, y = dsOutcomeSubject1, by.x = "SubjectTag_S1", by.y = "SubjectTag", all.x = TRUE)

  base::rm(dsLinksLeftHand, dsLinksRightHand, dsOutcomeSubject1, dsOutcomeSubject2)

  ds <- base::rbind(dsLeftHand, dsRightHand) #' RowBind' the two datasets

  firstTwoNames <- c("SubjectTag_S1", "SubjectTag_S2")
  remaining <- base::setdiff(colnames(ds), firstTwoNames)
  ds <- ds[, c(firstTwoNames, remaining)]


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NlsyLinks documentation built on Sept. 22, 2023, 9:06 a.m.