
Defines functions replaceModelsHelper replaceSubmodels imxReplaceModels imxIndependentModels imxDependentModels collectFitFunctionsHelper collectExpectationsHelper collectExpectations collectFitFunctions collectMatricesHelper collectMatrices collectDatasetsHelper collectDatasets collectComponentsHelper collectComponents imxFlattenModel findDataForSubmodel imxFreezeModel freezeFitfunction freezeAlgebra freezeMatrix getAllIndependents shareDataHelper shareData

Documented in imxDependentModels imxFlattenModel imxFreezeModel imxIndependentModels imxReplaceModels

#   Copyright 2007-2021 by the individuals mentioned in the source code history
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

shareData <- function(model) {
	return(shareDataHelper(model, model@data))

# If we reach an independent model and this model
# does not have any data, then give the current "default"
# data to this model. As we move down the tree, update
# the current "defult" data.
shareDataHelper <- function(model, default) {
	if((is.null(model@data)) && (model@independent == TRUE)) {
		model@data <- default
	} else if (!is.null(model@data)) {
		default <- model@data
	submodels <- lapply(model@submodels,
		shareDataHelper, default)
	model@submodels <- submodels

getAllIndependents <- function(model) {
    submodels <- model@submodels
    if(length(submodels) == 0) return(submodels)
    select <- sapply(submodels, function(x) { x@independent })
	retval <- submodels[select]
	recursive <- lapply(submodels[!select], getAllIndependents)
	recursive <- unlist(recursive, recursive = TRUE)
	retval <- c(retval, recursive)

freezeMatrix <- function(mxMatrix) {
  mxMatrix@free[mxMatrix@free] <- FALSE

freezeAlgebra <- function(mxAlgebra) {
	if(is.null(mxAlgebra@result)) return(NULL)
	res <- mxMatrix(values = mxAlgebra@result,
		name = mxAlgebra@name)

freezeFitfunction <- function(model) {
	fitfunction <- model@fitfunction
	if (!is.null(fitfunction)) {
		model[[fitfunction@name]] <- NULL
		if (length(fitfunction@result) > 0) {
			newMatrix <- mxMatrix(values = fitfunction@result)
			newMatrix@name <- fitfunction@name
			model[[fitfunction@name]] <- newMatrix

##' Freeze model
##' Remove free parameters and fit function from model.
##' @param model model
imxFreezeModel <- function(model) {
	model <- freezeFitfunction(model)
	model@matrices <- lapply(model@matrices, freezeMatrix)
	algebras <- lapply(model@algebras, freezeAlgebra)
	algebras <- algebras[!sapply(algebras, is.null)]
	model@matrices <- append(model@matrices, algebras)
	model@algebras <- list()
	model@constraints <- list()
	model@intervals <- list()
	model@submodels <- lapply(model@submodels, imxFreezeModel)

findDataForSubmodel <- function(model, subname, defaultData=NULL) {
	if (!is.null(model$data)) defaultData <- model$data
	if (model$name == subname) {
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) for (mx in 1:length(model@submodels)) {
		got <- findDataForSubmodel(model@submodels[[mx]], subname, defaultData)
		if (!is.null(got)) return(got)

##' Remove hierarchical structure from model
##' @param model model
##' @param namespace namespace
##' @param unsafe whether to skip sanity checks
imxFlattenModel <- function(model, namespace, unsafe=FALSE) {
	flatModel <- new("MxFlatModel", model)
	name <- model@name
	flatModel@unsafe <- unsafe
	flatModel@fitfunction <- safeQualifyNames(model@fitfunction, name, namespace)
	flatModel@expectation <- safeQualifyNames(model@expectation, name, namespace)
	defaultData <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, name, namespace)
	flatModel@data <- defaultData
	flatModel@matrices <- collectMatrices(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@algebras <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "algebras", qualifyNamesAlgebra)
	flatModel@constraints <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "constraints", qualifyNamesConstraint)
	flatModel@intervals <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "intervals", qualifyNamesInterval)
	flatModel@penalties <- collectComponents(model, namespace, "penalties", qualifyNames)
	flatModel@datasets <- collectDatasets(model, namespace)
	flatModel@fitfunctions <- collectFitFunctions(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@expectations <- collectExpectations(model, namespace, defaultData)
	flatModel@submodels <- list()

collectComponents <- function(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction) {
	components <- collectComponentsHelper(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction)
	if (slotName != "intervals") {
		names(components) <- imxExtractNames(components)

collectComponentsHelper <- function(model, namespace, slotName, convertFunction) {
	components <- lapply(slot(model, slotName), convertFunction, model@name, namespace)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_components <- lapply(model@submodels, collectComponentsHelper, namespace, slotName, convertFunction)
		submodel_components <- unlist(submodel_components, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		components <- append(components, submodel_components)

collectDatasets <- function(model, namespace) {
	datasets <- collectDatasetsHelper(model, namespace)
	names(datasets) <- imxExtractNames(datasets)

collectDatasetsHelper <- function(model, namespace) {
	modeldata <- model@data
	if (!is.null(modeldata)) {
		modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(modeldata, model@name, namespace)
		retval <- list(modeldata)
	} else {
		retval <- list()
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_datasets <- lapply(model@submodels, collectDatasetsHelper, namespace)
		submodel_datasets <- unlist(submodel_datasets, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_datasets)

collectMatrices <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	matrices <- collectMatricesHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	names(matrices) <- imxExtractNames(matrices)

collectMatricesHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultDataName <- NULL
	} else {
		defaultDataName <- defaultData@name
	if (is.null(modeldata)) {
		retval <- lapply(model@matrices, qualifyNamesMatrix,
			model@name, defaultDataName, namespace)
	} else {
		retval <- lapply(model@matrices, qualifyNamesMatrix,
			model@name, modeldata@name, namespace)
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_matrices <- lapply(model@submodels, collectMatricesHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_matrices <- unlist(submodel_matrices, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_matrices)

collectFitFunctions <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	fitfunctions <- collectFitFunctionsHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	names(fitfunctions) <- imxExtractNames(fitfunctions)

collectExpectations <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	expectations <- collectExpectationsHelper(model, namespace, defaultData)
	if (length(expectations) == 0) return(list())
	names(expectations) <- imxExtractNames(expectations)

collectExpectationsHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	expectation <- safeQualifyNames(model@expectation, model@name, namespace)
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata
	container <- character(0)
	if (!is.null(expectation)) {
		if(is.na(expectation@data) && is.null(modeldata) && !is.null(defaultData)) {
			expectation@data <- defaultData@name
		} else if (is.na(expectation@data) && !is.null(modeldata)) {
			expectation@data <- modeldata@name
		container <- expectation@name
	submodel_expectations <- c()
	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_expectations <- lapply(model@submodels, collectExpectationsHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_expectations <- unlist(submodel_expectations, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
	return(c(expectation, submodel_expectations))

collectFitFunctionsHelper <- function(model, namespace, defaultData) {
	fitfunction <- safeQualifyNames(model@fitfunction, model@name, namespace)
	modeldata <- safeQualifyNames(model@data, model@name, namespace)
	if (is.null(defaultData)) {
		defaultData <- modeldata

	if (!is.null(fitfunction)) {
		if ("data" %in% slotNames(fitfunction)) {
			if(is.na(fitfunction@data) && is.null(modeldata) && !is.null(defaultData)) {
				fitfunction@data <- defaultData@name
			} else if (is.na(fitfunction@data) && !is.null(modeldata)) {
				fitfunction@data <- modeldata@name
		retval <- list(fitfunction)
	} else {
		retval <- list()

	if (length(model@submodels) > 0) {
		submodel_fitfunctions <- lapply(model@submodels, collectFitFunctionsHelper, namespace, defaultData)
		submodel_fitfunctions <- unlist(submodel_fitfunctions, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
		retval <- append(retval, submodel_fitfunctions)

##' Are submodels dependence?
##' @param model model
imxDependentModels <- function(model) {
        retval <- model@submodels
        if(length(retval) == 0) return(retval)
        retval <- retval[sapply(retval, function(x) { !x@independent })]

##' Are submodels independent?
##' @param model model
imxIndependentModels <- function(model) {
        retval <- model@submodels
        if(length(retval) == 0) return(retval)
        retval <- retval[sapply(retval, function(x) { x@independent })]

##' Replace parts of a model
##' @param model model
##' @param replacements replacements
imxReplaceModels <- function(model, replacements) {
	if (length(replacements) == 0) return(model)
	names(replacements) <- imxExtractNames(replacements)
	return(replaceModelsHelper(model, replacements))

replaceSubmodels <- function(target, replacements) {
	retval <- replacements[[target@name]]
	if (is.null(retval)) {
	} else {

replaceModelsHelper <- function(model, replacements) {
	submodels <- model@submodels
	if (length(submodels) == 0) return(model)
	submodels <- lapply(submodels, replaceSubmodels, replacements)
	submodels <- lapply(submodels, replaceModelsHelper, replacements)
	model@submodels <- submodels

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