
Defines functions CirClust

Documented in CirClust

# CirClust.R
#' Circular Data Clustering
#' Perform clustering on circular data to minimize the
#'   within-cluster sum of squared distances.
#' @useDynLib OptCirClust, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @param O a vector of circular data points. They can be coordinates
#'   along the circle based on distance, or angles around the circle.
#' @param K the number of clusters
#' @param Circumference the circumference of the circle where
#'   data are located
#' @param method the circular clustering method.
#' \code{"FOCC"}: fast and optimal, the default method;
#'   \code{"HEUC"}: based on heuristic k-means, fast but not necessarily optimal;
#'   \code{"BOCC"}: brute-force based on Ckmeans.1d.dp, slow but optimal,
#'   included to provide a baseline.
#' @details By circular data, we broadly refer to data points on any non-self-intersecting loop.
#' In clustering \eqn{N} circular points into \eqn{K} clusters, the "FOCC" algorithm
#' is reproducible with runtime \eqn{O(K N \log^2 N)}{O(K N log^2 N)}
#' \insertCite{Debnath21}{OptCirClust};
#' The "HEUC" algorithm, not always reproducible, calls the \code{kmeans} function repeatedly;
#' The "BOCC" algorithm with runtime \eqn{O(KN^2)}, reproducible but slow, is done via
#' repeatedly calling the \code{Ckmeans.1d.dp} function.
#' @return An object of class \code{"CirClust"} which has a \code{plot}
#'  method. It is a list with the following components:
#' \item{cluster}{a vector of clusters assigned to each element in \code{O}.
#' Each cluster is indexed by an integer from 1 to \code{K}.}
#' \item{centers}{a numeric vector of the means for each cluster in the circular data.}
#' \item{withinss}{a numeric vector of the within-cluster sum of squares for each cluster.}
#' \item{size}{a vector of the number of elements in each cluster.}
#' \item{totss}{the total sum of squared distances between each element and the sample mean.
#' This statistic is not dependent on the clustering result.}
#' \item{tot.withinss}{the total sum of within-cluster squared distances between
#'  each element and its cluster mean. This statistic is minimized given the number of clusters.}
#' \item{betweenss}{the	sum of squared distances between each cluster mean and sample mean.
#' This statistic is maximized given the number of clusters.}
#' \item{ID}{the starting index of the frame with minimum SSQ}
#' \item{Border}{the borders of \code{K} clusters}
#' \item{Border.mid}{the middle point of the last and first points of two consequitive clusters.   }
#' \item{O_name}{a character string. The actual name of the \code{O} argument.}
#' \item{Circumference}{ the circumfarence of the circular or periodic data.}
#' @examples
#' O <- c(1,2, 10,11,12,13,14,15, 27,28,29,30,31,32, 40,41)
#' K <- 3
#' Circumference <- 42
#' # Perform circular clustering:
#' output <- CirClust(O, K, Circumference)
#' # Visualize the circular clusters:
#' opar <- par(mar=c(1,1,2,1))
#' plot(output)
#' par(opar)
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export
CirClust <- function(O,
                     method = c("FOCC", "HEUC", "BOCC"))
  O_name <- deparse(substitute(O))

  method <- match.arg(method)

  O <- O %% Circumference

  if (FALSE)
    if (!identical(which(O < 0), integer(0)))
      O[which(O < 0)] <- O[which(O < 0)] + Circumference

    if (!identical(which(O > Circumference), integer(0)))
      O[which(O > Circumference)] <-
        O[which(O > Circumference)] - Circumference

  frame.width <- length(O)

  I <- order(O)

  # O_sort <- sort(O, decreasing = FALSE)

  O_sort <- O[I]

  X <- c(O_sort, (O_sort + Circumference))

  first.frame <- 0

  prev_k_f <- -1

  next_k_f <- -1

  last.frame <- length(X) - frame.width - 1

  if (method == "FOCC")
    result <-
        as.double(X), as.integer(K), as.integer(frame.width),
        as.integer(first.frame), as.integer(last.frame),
        as.integer(prev_k_f), as.integer(next_k_f))

    cluster <-  rep(1, (result$Border[1] - result$ID + 1))

    if(K > 1)
      for (i in 2:K)
        cluster <-
          c(cluster, rep(i, (result$Border[i] - result$Border[i - 1])))

  else if (method == "BOCC")
    result <- quad.framed.clust(X, K, frame.width, first.frame, last.frame )

    cluster <- result$cluster

    size <- result$size[unique(result$cluster)]

    result$Border <- cumsum(size) + result$ID - 1

  else if (method == "HEUC")
    result <- kmeans.framed.clust(X, K, frame.width, first.frame, last.frame)

    cluster <- result$cluster

    size <- result$size[unique(result$cluster)]

    result$Border <- cumsum(size) + result$ID - 1

  if (result$ID > 0)
    cluster_new <-
      c(cluster[(frame.width - result$ID + 1):frame.width], cluster[1:(frame.width - result$ID)])    # The result$ID count starts from zero

    cluster_new <- cluster

  cluster[I] <- cluster_new

  if (FALSE)
    count = 1

    while (count <= length(O_sort))
      cor <- which(O %in% O_sort[count])

      cluster[cor] <- cluster_new[count]
      count = count + length(cor)


  result$centers <- result$centers %% Circumference

  if (FALSE)
    if (!identical(which(result$centers > Circumference), integer(0)))
      result$centers[which(result$centers > Circumference)] <-
        result$centers[which(result$centers > Circumference)] - Circumference

    if (!identical(which(result$centers < 0), integer(0)))
      result$centers[which(result$centers < 0)] <-
        result$centers[which(result$centers < 0)] + Circumference

  # result$centers <- sort(result$centers, decreasing = FALSE)

  Border.mid <- (X[result$Border + 1] + X[result$Border + 2]) / 2

  result_new <-
      "cluster" = cluster,
      "centers" = result$centers,
      "withinss" = result$withinss,
      "size" = result$size,
      "totss" = result$totss,
      "tot.withinss"  = result$tot.withinss,
      "betweenss" = result$betweenss,
      "ID" = result$ID,
      "Border" = result$Border,
      "Border.mid" = Border.mid,
      "O_name" = O_name,
      "Circumference" = Circumference

  class(result_new) <- "CirClust"


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OptCirClust documentation built on July 28, 2021, 9:06 a.m.