odm: Outlier Dectection for Multi-replicated data

Description Usage Arguments Value References See Also Examples


This function provides some routines for detecting outlying observations (peptides) for multi-replicated high-throughput data, especially in LC/MS experiments.


odm(x, k = 3, 
  quantreg = c("linear", "nonlin", "constant", "nonpar"), 
  method = c("proj", "diff", "pair", "grubbs", "dixon", 
  "iqr",  "siqr", "Zscore"), ...)



data vectors or matrices. These can be given as named arguments. If the number of predictors is 2, x1 describes one n-by-1 vector for data and x2 describes the other n-by-1 vector for data (n= number of peptides, proteins, or genes)


non-negative tuning parameter for the outlier detection algorithm. For IQR-based algorithms such as 'iqr', 'siqr', 'proj', 'diff', and 'pair', it works in the formula of Q1-k*IQR and Q3+k*IQR, where IQR=Q3-Q1. For 'Zscore', it works for the 'k' in |Z| > k. A default value is 3.


type of quantile regression models used for the outlier detection method. You can use one of the 'constant', 'linear', 'nonlin', and 'nonpar' which mean the constant, linear, non-linear, and non-parametric quantile regression in order. For more details, see the quantreg package.


type of outlier detection methods. You can select one of the 'Zscore', 'iqr', 'dixon', 'grubbs', 'pair', 'diff', and 'proj' algorithms as follows.
Zscore: Z-score based criterion (Cho and Eo, 2015)
iqr: Interquartile range (IQR) criterion (Cho and Eo, 2015)
siqr: Semi-interquartile range (IQR) criterion (Cho and Eo, 2015)
dixon: Dixon's test (Dixon, 1950; 1951)
grubbs: Grubbs test (Grubbs, 1950; 1969)
pair: Pariwise OutlierD algorithm (Cho et al., 2008; Eo et al., 2012)
proj: Projection-based OutlierD algortihm (Eo et al., 2012)
diff: Difference-based OutlierD algorithm (Eo and Cho, 2015)


minor tuning parameters used in odm.control(). See odm.control.



evaluated function call


raw dataset used in the model fitting


result matrix of the model fitting. It consists of used data set with some transformation and outlying statistic.


Object of class "list"


threshold parameter for constructing outlier detection methods


matrix including the status of each outlying peptide and sample


the number of outlying parameters (peptides) to be detected by the model fitting.


type of quantile regression used for the model fitting


type of outlier detection method used for the model fitting


a list of minor parameters


Eo, S-H and Cho, H (2015) OutlierDM: More robust outlier detection algorithms for multi-replicated high-throughput data.

Cho, H and Eo, S-H. (2015) Outlier detection for mass-spectrometry data.

Eo, S-H, Pak D, Choi J, Cho H (2012) Outlier detection using projection quantile regression for mass spectrometry data with low replication. BMC Res Notes.

Cho H, Lee JW, Kim Y-J, et al. (2008) OutlierD: an R package for outlier detection using quantile regression on mass spectrometry data. Bioinformatics 24:882–884.

Grubbs FE (1969) Procedures for detecting outlying observations in samples. Technometrics 11:1–21.

Dixon WJ (1951) Ratios involving extreme values. Ann Math Statistics 22:68–78.

Dixon WJ (1950) Analysis of extreme values. Ann Math Statistics 21:488–506.

Grubbs FE (1950) Sample criteria for testing outlying observations. Ann Math Statistics 21:27–58.

See Also

OutlierDM-package to provide the general information about the OutlierDC package
OutlierDM-class to provide the information about the "OutlierDM" class
odm.control to control tuning parameters


  ## Not run: 
    #   Outlier Detection for Mass Spectrometry Data
    #   Section 3. Illustration
    #   by HyungJun Cho and Soo-Heang Eo,
    #   Dept of Statistics, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

    # Load a package OutlierDM

    # If an OutlierDM package is not installed on your system, type
    #install.package('OutlierDM', dependency = TRUE)

    # Sec 3.1 When the number of replicates is large enough
    ## Load toy dataset
    pairs(log2(toy), pch = 20, cex = .7)

    # Fit 1. Z-score based criterion
    fit1 = odm(x = toy, method = "Zscore", k = 3)
    print(outliers(fit1), digits = 3)
    rect(1, -4, 10, 4, col = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.3), border = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.5))
    oneplot(object = fit1, i = 4)
    title("Outlier Detection by the Z-score criterion")

    # Add a peptide name on a dot-plot
    #oneplot(fit1, 191,1)
    #title("Outlier Detection by the Z-score criterion")

    # Fit 2. Grubbs test criteria
    fit2 = odm(x = toy, method ="grubbs", alpha = 0.01)
    print(outliers(fit2), digits = 3)
    oneplot(object = fit2, i = 1)
    title("Outlier Detection by the Grubbs criterion")

    # Add text
    #oneplot(fit2, 191,1)
    #title("Outlier Detection by the Grubbs criterion")

    # Fit 3. IQR criteria
    fit3 = odm(x = toy, method = "iqr", k = 3)
    print(outliers(fit3), digits = 3)
    rect(1, -4, 10, 40, col = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.3), border = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.5))
    oneplot(fit3, 1)
    title("Outlier Detection by the IQR criterion")

    # Add a peptide name on a dot-plot
    #oneplot(fit3, 1, 1)
    #title("Outlier Detection by the IQR criterion")

    # Fit 4. SIQR criteria
    fit4 = odm(x = toy, method = "siqr", k = 3)
    print(outliers(fit4), digits = 3)
    rect(1, -4, 10, 4, col = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.3), border = heat.colors(20,alpha = 0.5))
    oneplot(fit4, 1)
    title("Outlier Detection by the SIQR criterion")

    ## Real data example
    pairs(log2(lcms3), pch = 20, cex = .7)

    # Fit 5. OutlierD
    fit5 = odm(lcms3[,1:2], method = "pair", k = 3)
    print(outliers(fit5), digits = 3)
    title("Outlier Detection by the OutlierD algorithm")

    # Fit 6. OutlierDM 
    fit6 = odm(lcms3, method = "proj", k = 3, center = TRUE)
    print(outliers(fit6), digits = 3)
    title("Outlier Detection by the OutlierDM algorithm")
    oneplot(fit6, 18)
    #oneplot(fit6, 18, 1)
    title("The dotplot for the 18th samples of the lcms3 data")
    ### End of the illustration

    # Other OutlierDM algorithms
    ## Load 
    ## Fit projection approaches
    fit.proj.const <- odm(lcms3, quantreg="constant")
    fit.proj.linear <- odm(lcms3, quantreg="linear")
    fit.proj.nonlin <- odm(lcms3, quantreg="nonlin")
    fit.proj.nonpara <- odm(lcms3, quantreg="nonpar", lbda = 1)
    par(mfrow = c(2,2))
    plot(fit.proj.const, main = "Constant")
    plot(fit.proj.linear, main = "Linear")
    plot(fit.proj.nonlin, main = "NonLinear")
    plot(fit.proj.nonpara, main = "Nonparametric")

## End(Not run)

Example output

Package OutlierDM (1.1.1) loaded.
              Y1          Y2          Y3          Y4         Y5          Y6
[1,]    26783800    25999425    12261435    15899444 2917266265    41721220
[2,] 23590082416 26217449538 24966545767 25356948796  563871754 27198324106
[3,]   104073761   145261911   160333545   190778246  122346655   157835864
[4,]  1264867022  1136510555   949419238  1908955569  995395157  1944121226
[5,]   854562021   836104879  1494102552   757282589  551074573 31969323311
[6,]   463327911   573439414   463991305   563645631  630575491   596544140
              Y7          Y8          Y9         Y10         Y11         Y12
[1,]    28995062    19159370    23991286    14909836    22517745    28098385
[2,] 25123907000 30762477540 21573786718 32314611785 27542098540 18686856711
[3,]   141236692   161154539   110055848   119390039   183411946    88799743
[4,]  1374127749  1609172868  1240469934  1551775778   959126814  1441518203
[5,]   711510830   889235783  1114078381   807480809   730038584  1103440211
[6,]   685898577   488392855   898960080   647209727   625225322   492196078
             Y13         Y14         Y15
[1,]    18769087    31522265    13833118
[2,] 24379205665 23654728747 28706961292
[3,]   129488807   303499529     1564839
[4,]  1406965363 29832199806  1648536466
[5,]  1057219333   977140013   702802584
[6,]   651534620   578519247     4264738
Please wait... 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "Zscore")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Z-score criterion ( Zscore ) 
 k:  3 for |Z| > k 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  10 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier    Z_Y1   Z_Y2    Z_Y3   Z_Y4   Z_Y5  Z_Y6    Z_Y7    Z_Y8     Z_Y9
1    TRUE -0.0954 -0.118 -0.6928 -0.494  3.491 0.244 -0.0347 -0.3515 -0.17956
2    TRUE  0.1778  0.284  0.2349  0.251 -3.581 0.321  0.2412  0.4451  0.08786
3    TRUE -0.0213  0.255  0.3374  0.482  0.113 0.324  0.2322  0.3417  0.02509
4    TRUE -0.3293 -0.458 -0.6748  0.166 -0.618 0.188 -0.2296 -0.0394 -0.35280
5    TRUE -0.2716 -0.294  0.3100 -0.397 -0.728 3.499 -0.4624 -0.2302  0.00445
6    TRUE  0.0702  0.236  0.0713  0.223  0.310 0.267  0.3758  0.1112  0.58657
    Z_Y10  Z_Y11    Z_Y12   Z_Y13   Z_Y14   Z_Y15   SD LB UB
1 -0.5433 -0.228 -0.05872 -0.3673  0.0292 -0.6006 1.89 -3  3
2  0.4946  0.334 -0.05677  0.2109  0.1806  0.3755 1.43 -3  3
3  0.0927  0.449 -0.15305  0.1601  0.8671 -3.5054 1.74 -3  3
4 -0.0832 -0.663 -0.17193 -0.2011  3.4766 -0.0103 1.20 -3  3
5 -0.3306 -0.436 -0.00554 -0.0501 -0.1321 -0.4752 1.39 -3  3
6  0.3306  0.304  0.11728  0.3358  0.2432 -3.5822 1.85 -3  3
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "Zscore")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Z-score criterion ( Zscore ) 
 k:  3 for |Z| > k 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  10 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8
1 2.68e+07 2.60e+07 1.23e+07 1.59e+07 2.92e+09 4.17e+07 2.90e+07 1.92e+07
2 2.36e+10 2.62e+10 2.50e+10 2.54e+10 5.64e+08 2.72e+10 2.51e+10 3.08e+10
3 1.04e+08 1.45e+08 1.60e+08 1.91e+08 1.22e+08 1.58e+08 1.41e+08 1.61e+08
4 1.26e+09 1.14e+09 9.49e+08 1.91e+09 9.95e+08 1.94e+09 1.37e+09 1.61e+09
5 8.55e+08 8.36e+08 1.49e+09 7.57e+08 5.51e+08 3.20e+10 7.12e+08 8.89e+08
6 4.63e+08 5.73e+08 4.64e+08 5.64e+08 6.31e+08 5.97e+08 6.86e+08 4.88e+08
        Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15
1 2.40e+07 1.49e+07 2.25e+07 2.81e+07 1.88e+07 3.15e+07 1.38e+07
2 2.16e+10 3.23e+10 2.75e+10 1.87e+10 2.44e+10 2.37e+10 2.87e+10
3 1.10e+08 1.19e+08 1.83e+08 8.88e+07 1.29e+08 3.03e+08 1.56e+06
4 1.24e+09 1.55e+09 9.59e+08 1.44e+09 1.41e+09 2.98e+10 1.65e+09
5 1.11e+09 8.07e+08 7.30e+08 1.10e+09 1.06e+09 9.77e+08 7.03e+08
6 8.99e+08 6.47e+08 6.25e+08 4.92e+08 6.52e+08 5.79e+08 4.26e+06
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier    Z_Y1   Z_Y2    Z_Y3   Z_Y4   Z_Y5  Z_Y6    Z_Y7    Z_Y8     Z_Y9
1    TRUE -0.0954 -0.118 -0.6928 -0.494  3.491 0.244 -0.0347 -0.3515 -0.17956
2    TRUE  0.1778  0.284  0.2349  0.251 -3.581 0.321  0.2412  0.4451  0.08786
3    TRUE -0.0213  0.255  0.3374  0.482  0.113 0.324  0.2322  0.3417  0.02509
4    TRUE -0.3293 -0.458 -0.6748  0.166 -0.618 0.188 -0.2296 -0.0394 -0.35280
5    TRUE -0.2716 -0.294  0.3100 -0.397 -0.728 3.499 -0.4624 -0.2302  0.00445
6    TRUE  0.0702  0.236  0.0713  0.223  0.310 0.267  0.3758  0.1112  0.58657
    Z_Y10  Z_Y11    Z_Y12   Z_Y13   Z_Y14   Z_Y15   SD LB UB
1 -0.5433 -0.228 -0.05872 -0.3673  0.0292 -0.6006 1.89 -3  3
2  0.4946  0.334 -0.05677  0.2109  0.1806  0.3755 1.43 -3  3
3  0.0927  0.449 -0.15305  0.1601  0.8671 -3.5054 1.74 -3  3
4 -0.0832 -0.663 -0.17193 -0.2011  3.4766 -0.0103 1.20 -3  3
5 -0.3306 -0.436 -0.00554 -0.0501 -0.1321 -0.4752 1.39 -3  3
6  0.3306  0.304  0.11728  0.3358  0.2432 -3.5822 1.85 -3  3
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
           Y1          Y2          Y3          Y4         Y5          Y6
1    26783800    25999425    12261435    15899444 2917266265    41721220
2 23590082416 26217449538 24966545767 25356948796  563871754 27198324106
3   104073761   145261911   160333545   190778246  122346655   157835864
4  1264867022  1136510555   949419238  1908955569  995395157  1944121226
5   854562021   836104879  1494102552   757282589  551074573 31969323311
6   463327911   573439414   463991305   563645631  630575491   596544140
           Y7          Y8          Y9         Y10         Y11         Y12
1    28995062    19159370    23991286    14909836    22517745    28098385
2 25123907000 30762477540 21573786718 32314611785 27542098540 18686856711
3   141236692   161154539   110055848   119390039   183411946    88799743
4  1374127749  1609172868  1240469934  1551775778   959126814  1441518203
5   711510830   889235783  1114078381   807480809   730038584  1103440211
6   685898577   488392855   898960080   647209727   625225322   492196078
          Y13         Y14         Y15
1    18769087    31522265    13833118
2 24379205665 23654728747 28706961292
3   129488807   303499529     1564839
4  1406965363 29832199806  1648536466
5  1057219333   977140013   702802584
6   651534620   578519247     4264738
  Outlier       Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7
1    TRUE 24.67486 24.63198 23.54762 23.92247 31.44197 25.31428 24.78930
2    TRUE 34.45746 34.60981 34.53928 34.56166 29.07079 34.66280 34.54834
3    TRUE 26.63303 27.11408 27.25650 27.50732 26.86640 27.23385 27.07354
4    TRUE 30.23634 30.08196 29.82247 30.83014 29.89069 30.85647 30.35587
5    TRUE 29.67061 29.63911 30.47663 29.49626 29.03767 34.89597 29.40631
6    TRUE 28.78746 29.09507 28.78952 29.07021 29.23209 29.15205 29.35342
        Y8       Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15
1 24.19155 24.51601 23.82976 24.42456 24.74398 24.16186 24.90987 23.72162
2 34.84045 34.32856 34.91147 34.68092 34.12130 34.50493 34.46141 34.74068
3 27.26387 26.71366 26.83111 27.45051 26.40405 26.94825 28.17712 20.57758
4 30.58367 30.20824 30.53127 29.83715 30.42494 30.38994 34.79615 30.61854
5 29.72799 30.05320 29.58885 29.44340 30.03936 29.97763 29.86399 29.38854
6 28.86347 29.74368 29.26966 29.21980 28.87466 29.27927 29.10779 22.02403
         Z_Y1       Z_Y2        Z_Y3       Z_Y4       Z_Y5      Z_Y6       Z_Y7
1 -0.09536193 -0.1180897 -0.69281657 -0.4941398  3.4913351 0.2435431 -0.0347031
2  0.17781271  0.2841269  0.23490724  0.2505284 -3.5812350 0.3211058  0.2412329
3 -0.02130445  0.2554765  0.33742035  0.4817344  0.1129682 0.3243875  0.2321502
4 -0.32934778 -0.4581996 -0.67479138  0.1662774 -0.6178468 0.1882581 -0.2295793
5 -0.27163296 -0.2943647  0.31000233 -0.3974485 -0.7283684 3.4990495 -0.4623547
6  0.07019154  0.2363051  0.07130623  0.2228842  0.3103027 0.2670795  0.3758210
         Z_Y8         Z_Y9       Z_Y10      Z_Y11        Z_Y12       Z_Y13
1 -0.35152563 -0.179555502 -0.54327887 -0.2280248 -0.058723561 -0.36726276
2  0.44508032  0.087860070  0.49463759  0.3337512 -0.056771661  0.21093976
3  0.34165996  0.025087160  0.09266224  0.4490483 -0.153051687  0.16006371
4 -0.03943888 -0.352801128 -0.08317492 -0.6625415 -0.171926255 -0.20114157
5 -0.23022628  0.004451239 -0.33062996 -0.4355922 -0.005537515 -0.05008534
6  0.11123749  0.586569339  0.33058802  0.3036643  0.117280868  0.33577680
        Z_Y14       Z_Y15       SD LB UB
1  0.02919807 -0.60059406 1.886725 -3  3
2  0.18056790  0.37545581 1.432988 -3  3
3  0.86711471 -3.50541721 1.738017 -3  3
4  3.47659061 -0.01033688 1.198078 -3  3
5 -0.13208754 -0.47517499 1.385786 -3  3
6  0.24317622 -3.58218329 1.851790 -3  3
   Outlier    Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4    Y5   Y6    Y7   Y8   Y9   Y10  Y11   Y12
1     TRUE 24.67 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.44 25.3 24.79 24.2 24.5 23.83 24.4 24.74
2     TRUE 34.46 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.07 34.7 34.55 34.8 34.3 34.91 34.7 34.12
3     TRUE 26.63 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.87 27.2 27.07 27.3 26.7 26.83 27.5 26.40
4     TRUE 30.24 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.89 30.9 30.36 30.6 30.2 30.53 29.8 30.42
5     TRUE 29.67 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.04 34.9 29.41 29.7 30.1 29.59 29.4 30.04
6     TRUE 28.79 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.23 29.2 29.35 28.9 29.7 29.27 29.2 28.87
7     TRUE 30.95 31.0 25.6 31.3 31.46 30.9 31.60 31.6 31.6 31.97 31.7 31.27
8     TRUE  9.25 11.1 10.6 30.5  6.32 13.2  6.16  5.3 15.7  7.14 12.8  1.27
9     TRUE 34.78 35.3 29.8 35.3 35.13 34.8 35.08 34.9 35.0 34.86 35.0 34.45
10    TRUE 23.85 23.3 24.2 24.7 24.27 24.4 24.54 22.9 23.7 24.56 14.6 22.84
     Y13  Y14   Y15    Z_Y1    Z_Y2    Z_Y3   Z_Y4   Z_Y5    Z_Y6    Z_Y7
1  24.16 24.9 23.72 -0.0954 -0.1181 -0.6928 -0.494  3.491  0.2435 -0.0347
2  34.50 34.5 34.74  0.1778  0.2841  0.2349  0.251 -3.581  0.3211  0.2412
3  26.95 28.2 20.58 -0.0213  0.2555  0.3374  0.482  0.113  0.3244  0.2322
4  30.39 34.8 30.62 -0.3293 -0.4582 -0.6748  0.166 -0.618  0.1883 -0.2296
5  29.98 29.9 29.39 -0.2716 -0.2944  0.3100 -0.397 -0.728  3.4990 -0.4624
6  29.28 29.1 22.02  0.0702  0.2363  0.0713  0.223  0.310  0.2671  0.3758
7  31.25 31.7 31.58 -0.0557 -0.0454 -3.5420  0.191  0.277 -0.0617  0.3666
8   8.64  8.5  9.47 -0.1724  0.1042  0.0302  3.048 -0.617  0.4194 -0.6416
9  34.97 34.8 34.76  0.1331  0.5088 -3.5666  0.544  0.395  0.1560  0.3552
10 24.75 24.9 23.60  0.1766 -0.0354  0.2982  0.519  0.343  0.3792  0.4463
      Z_Y8     Z_Y9   Z_Y10  Z_Y11    Z_Y12   Z_Y13   Z_Y14   Z_Y15   SD LB UB
1  -0.3515 -0.17956 -0.5433 -0.228 -0.05872 -0.3673  0.0292 -0.6006 1.89 -3  3
2   0.4451  0.08786  0.4946  0.334 -0.05677  0.2109  0.1806  0.3755 1.43 -3  3
3   0.3417  0.02509  0.0927  0.449 -0.15305  0.1601  0.8671 -3.5054 1.74 -3  3
4  -0.0394 -0.35280 -0.0832 -0.663 -0.17193 -0.2011  3.4766 -0.0103 1.20 -3  3
5  -0.2302  0.00445 -0.3306 -0.436 -0.00554 -0.0501 -0.1321 -0.4752 1.39 -3  3
6   0.1112  0.58657  0.3306  0.304  0.11728  0.3358  0.2432 -3.5822 1.85 -3  3
7   0.3382  0.39092  0.6139  0.440  0.15551  0.1410  0.4337  0.3573 1.53 -3  3
8  -0.7720  0.80280 -0.4930  0.365 -1.38238 -0.2656 -0.2863 -0.1388 6.59 -3  3
9   0.2449  0.31062  0.1934  0.273 -0.11471  0.2725  0.1750  0.1199 1.34 -3  3
10 -0.2023  0.12034  0.4547 -3.490 -0.22569  0.5324  0.6063  0.0777 2.53 -3  3
       Z_Y1        Z_Y2        Z_Y3        Z_Y4        Z_Y5        Z_Y6 
-0.32934778 -0.45819964 -0.67479138  0.16627737 -0.61784679  0.18825811 
       Z_Y7        Z_Y8        Z_Y9       Z_Y10       Z_Y11       Z_Y12 
-0.22957934 -0.03943888 -0.35280113 -0.08317492 -0.66254152 -0.17192626 
      Z_Y13       Z_Y14       Z_Y15 
-0.20114157  3.47659061 -0.01033688 
Please wait... 

odm(x = toy, method = "grubbs", alpha = 0.01)

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Grubbs test ( grubbs ) 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  12 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier G1 G2 G3 G4     G5    G6 G7 G8    G9 G10 G11 G12 G13   G14    G15
1    TRUE  .  .  .  .  3.491     .  .  .     .   .   .   .   .     .      .
2    TRUE  .  .  .  . -3.581     .  .  .     .   .   .   .   .     .      .
3    TRUE  .  .  .  .      .     .  .  .     .   .   .   .   . 2.434 -3.505
4    TRUE  .  .  .  .      .     .  .  .     .   .   .   .   . 3.477      .
5    TRUE  .  .  .  .      . 3.499  .  .     .   .   .   .   .     .      .
6    TRUE  .  .  .  .      .     .  .  . 2.378   .   .   .   .     . -3.582
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = toy, method = "grubbs", alpha = 0.01)

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Grubbs test ( grubbs ) 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  12 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8
1 2.68e+07 2.60e+07 1.23e+07 1.59e+07 2.92e+09 4.17e+07 2.90e+07 1.92e+07
2 2.36e+10 2.62e+10 2.50e+10 2.54e+10 5.64e+08 2.72e+10 2.51e+10 3.08e+10
3 1.04e+08 1.45e+08 1.60e+08 1.91e+08 1.22e+08 1.58e+08 1.41e+08 1.61e+08
4 1.26e+09 1.14e+09 9.49e+08 1.91e+09 9.95e+08 1.94e+09 1.37e+09 1.61e+09
5 8.55e+08 8.36e+08 1.49e+09 7.57e+08 5.51e+08 3.20e+10 7.12e+08 8.89e+08
6 4.63e+08 5.73e+08 4.64e+08 5.64e+08 6.31e+08 5.97e+08 6.86e+08 4.88e+08
        Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15
1 2.40e+07 1.49e+07 2.25e+07 2.81e+07 1.88e+07 3.15e+07 1.38e+07
2 2.16e+10 3.23e+10 2.75e+10 1.87e+10 2.44e+10 2.37e+10 2.87e+10
3 1.10e+08 1.19e+08 1.83e+08 8.88e+07 1.29e+08 3.03e+08 1.56e+06
4 1.24e+09 1.55e+09 9.59e+08 1.44e+09 1.41e+09 2.98e+10 1.65e+09
5 1.11e+09 8.07e+08 7.30e+08 1.10e+09 1.06e+09 9.77e+08 7.03e+08
6 8.99e+08 6.47e+08 6.25e+08 4.92e+08 6.52e+08 5.79e+08 4.26e+06
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier G1 G2 G3 G4                G5               G6 G7 G8               G9
1    TRUE  .  .  .  .  3.49133507967136                .  .  .                .
2    TRUE  .  .  .  . -3.58123496282741                .  .  .                .
3    TRUE  .  .  .  .                 .                .  .  .                .
4    TRUE  .  .  .  .                 .                .  .  .                .
5    TRUE  .  .  .  .                 . 3.49904951444859  .  .                .
6    TRUE  .  .  .  .                 .                .  .  . 2.37810886505246
  G10 G11 G12 G13              G14               G15
1   .   .   .   .                .                 .
2   .   .   .   .                .                 .
3   .   .   .   .  2.4344103286513 -3.50541721005009
4   .   .   .   . 3.47659061386896                 .
5   .   .   .   .                .                 .
6   .   .   .   .                . -3.58218328957321
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
  Outlier       Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7
1    TRUE 24.67486 24.63198 23.54762 23.92247 31.44197 25.31428 24.78930
2    TRUE 34.45746 34.60981 34.53928 34.56166 29.07079 34.66280 34.54834
3    TRUE 26.63303 27.11408 27.25650 27.50732 26.86640 27.23385 27.07354
4    TRUE 30.23634 30.08196 29.82247 30.83014 29.89069 30.85647 30.35587
5    TRUE 29.67061 29.63911 30.47663 29.49626 29.03767 34.89597 29.40631
6    TRUE 28.78746 29.09507 28.78952 29.07021 29.23209 29.15205 29.35342
        Y8       Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15 G1 G2
1 24.19155 24.51601 23.82976 24.42456 24.74398 24.16186 24.90987 23.72162 NA NA
2 34.84045 34.32856 34.91147 34.68092 34.12130 34.50493 34.46141 34.74068 NA NA
3 27.26387 26.71366 26.83111 27.45051 26.40405 26.94825 28.17712 20.57758 NA NA
4 30.58367 30.20824 30.53127 29.83715 30.42494 30.38994 34.79615 30.61854 NA NA
5 29.72799 30.05320 29.58885 29.44340 30.03936 29.97763 29.86399 29.38854 NA NA
6 28.86347 29.74368 29.26966 29.21980 28.87466 29.27927 29.10779 22.02403 NA NA
  G3 G4        G5      G6 G7 G8       G9 G10 G11 G12 G13      G14       G15
1 NA NA  3.491335      NA NA NA       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA       NA        NA
2 NA NA -3.581235      NA NA NA       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA       NA        NA
3 NA NA        NA      NA NA NA       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 2.434410 -3.505417
4 NA NA        NA      NA NA NA       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 3.476591        NA
5 NA NA        NA 3.49905 NA NA       NA  NA  NA  NA  NA       NA        NA
6 NA NA        NA      NA NA NA 2.378109  NA  NA  NA  NA       NA -3.582183
    Outlier    Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4    Y5   Y6    Y7   Y8   Y9   Y10  Y11   Y12
1      TRUE 24.67 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.44 25.3 24.79 24.2 24.5 23.83 24.4 24.74
2      TRUE 34.46 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.07 34.7 34.55 34.8 34.3 34.91 34.7 34.12
3      TRUE 26.63 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.87 27.2 27.07 27.3 26.7 26.83 27.5 26.40
4      TRUE 30.24 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.89 30.9 30.36 30.6 30.2 30.53 29.8 30.42
5      TRUE 29.67 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.04 34.9 29.41 29.7 30.1 29.59 29.4 30.04
6      TRUE 28.79 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.23 29.2 29.35 28.9 29.7 29.27 29.2 28.87
7      TRUE 30.95 31.0 25.6 31.3 31.46 30.9 31.60 31.6 31.6 31.97 31.7 31.27
8      TRUE  9.25 11.1 10.6 30.5  6.32 13.2  6.16  5.3 15.7  7.14 12.8  1.27
9      TRUE 34.78 35.3 29.8 35.3 35.13 34.8 35.08 34.9 35.0 34.86 35.0 34.45
10     TRUE 23.85 23.3 24.2 24.7 24.27 24.4 24.54 22.9 23.7 24.56 14.6 22.84
41     TRUE 22.00 23.2 22.1 22.0 20.96 21.8 22.56 19.0 22.0 20.95 22.3 21.40
186    TRUE 13.81 12.9 13.1 13.1 12.38 13.9 13.78 14.2 12.7 14.01 14.0 16.56
      Y13  Y14   Y15 G1 G2    G3   G4    G5  G6 G7    G8   G9 G10   G11  G12
1   24.16 24.9 23.72 NA NA    NA   NA  3.49  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
2   34.50 34.5 34.74 NA NA    NA   NA -3.58  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
3   26.95 28.2 20.58 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
4   30.39 34.8 30.62 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
5   29.98 29.9 29.39 NA NA    NA   NA    NA 3.5 NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
6   29.28 29.1 22.02 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA    NA 2.38  NA    NA   NA
7   31.25 31.7 31.58 NA NA -3.54   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
8    8.64  8.5  9.47 NA NA    NA 3.05    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
9   34.97 34.8 34.76 NA NA -3.57   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA   NA
10  24.75 24.9 23.60 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA -3.49   NA
41  21.56 22.3 22.03 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA -2.88   NA  NA    NA   NA
186 12.65 12.9 13.45 NA NA    NA   NA    NA  NA NA    NA   NA  NA    NA 2.96
    G13  G14   G15
1    NA   NA    NA
2    NA   NA    NA
3    NA 2.43 -3.51
4    NA 3.48    NA
5    NA   NA    NA
6    NA   NA -3.58
7    NA   NA    NA
8    NA   NA    NA
9    NA   NA    NA
10   NA   NA    NA
41   NA   NA    NA
186  NA   NA    NA
      Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8 
24.67486 24.63198 23.54762 23.92247 31.44197 25.31428 24.78930 24.19155 
      Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15 
24.51601 23.82976 24.42456 24.74398 24.16186 24.90987 23.72162 
Please wait... 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "iqr")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Interquartile range (IQR) criterion ( iqr ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  15 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   Y5   Y6   Y7   Y8   Y9  Y10  Y11  Y12  Y13  Y14
1    TRUE 24.7 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.4 25.3 24.8 24.2 24.5 23.8 24.4 24.7 24.2 24.9
2    TRUE 34.5 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.1 34.7 34.5 34.8 34.3 34.9 34.7 34.1 34.5 34.5
3    TRUE 26.6 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.9 27.2 27.1 27.3 26.7 26.8 27.5 26.4 26.9 28.2
4    TRUE 30.2 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.9 30.9 30.4 30.6 30.2 30.5 29.8 30.4 30.4 34.8
5    TRUE 29.7 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.0 34.9 29.4 29.7 30.1 29.6 29.4 30.0 30.0 29.9
6    TRUE 28.8 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.4 28.9 29.7 29.3 29.2 28.9 29.3 29.1
   Y15   Q1   Q2   Q3   LB   UB
1 23.7 24.0 24.5 24.8 21.9 26.9
2 34.7 34.5 34.5 34.7 33.8 35.3
3 20.6 26.8 27.1 27.3 25.3 28.7
4 30.6 30.1 30.4 30.6 28.8 32.0
5 29.4 29.5 29.7 30.0 27.9 31.6
6 22.0 28.9 29.1 29.3 27.7 30.4
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "iqr")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Interquartile range (IQR) criterion ( iqr ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  15 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8
1 2.68e+07 2.60e+07 1.23e+07 1.59e+07 2.92e+09 4.17e+07 2.90e+07 1.92e+07
2 2.36e+10 2.62e+10 2.50e+10 2.54e+10 5.64e+08 2.72e+10 2.51e+10 3.08e+10
3 1.04e+08 1.45e+08 1.60e+08 1.91e+08 1.22e+08 1.58e+08 1.41e+08 1.61e+08
4 1.26e+09 1.14e+09 9.49e+08 1.91e+09 9.95e+08 1.94e+09 1.37e+09 1.61e+09
5 8.55e+08 8.36e+08 1.49e+09 7.57e+08 5.51e+08 3.20e+10 7.12e+08 8.89e+08
6 4.63e+08 5.73e+08 4.64e+08 5.64e+08 6.31e+08 5.97e+08 6.86e+08 4.88e+08
        Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15
1 2.40e+07 1.49e+07 2.25e+07 2.81e+07 1.88e+07 3.15e+07 1.38e+07
2 2.16e+10 3.23e+10 2.75e+10 1.87e+10 2.44e+10 2.37e+10 2.87e+10
3 1.10e+08 1.19e+08 1.83e+08 8.88e+07 1.29e+08 3.03e+08 1.56e+06
4 1.24e+09 1.55e+09 9.59e+08 1.44e+09 1.41e+09 2.98e+10 1.65e+09
5 1.11e+09 8.07e+08 7.30e+08 1.10e+09 1.06e+09 9.77e+08 7.03e+08
6 8.99e+08 6.47e+08 6.25e+08 4.92e+08 6.52e+08 5.79e+08 4.26e+06
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   Y5   Y6   Y7   Y8   Y9  Y10  Y11  Y12  Y13  Y14
1    TRUE 24.7 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.4 25.3 24.8 24.2 24.5 23.8 24.4 24.7 24.2 24.9
2    TRUE 34.5 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.1 34.7 34.5 34.8 34.3 34.9 34.7 34.1 34.5 34.5
3    TRUE 26.6 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.9 27.2 27.1 27.3 26.7 26.8 27.5 26.4 26.9 28.2
4    TRUE 30.2 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.9 30.9 30.4 30.6 30.2 30.5 29.8 30.4 30.4 34.8
5    TRUE 29.7 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.0 34.9 29.4 29.7 30.1 29.6 29.4 30.0 30.0 29.9
6    TRUE 28.8 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.4 28.9 29.7 29.3 29.2 28.9 29.3 29.1
   Y15   Q1   Q2   Q3   LB   UB
1 23.7 24.0 24.5 24.8 21.9 26.9
2 34.7 34.5 34.5 34.7 33.8 35.3
3 20.6 26.8 27.1 27.3 25.3 28.7
4 30.6 30.1 30.4 30.6 28.8 32.0
5 29.4 29.5 29.7 30.0 27.9 31.6
6 22.0 28.9 29.1 29.3 27.7 30.4
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
    Outlier    Y1    Y2    Y3    Y4    Y5     Y6    Y7    Y8    Y9   Y10  Y11
1      TRUE 24.67 24.63 23.55 23.92 31.44 25.314 24.79 24.19 24.52 23.83 24.4
2      TRUE 34.46 34.61 34.54 34.56 29.07 34.663 34.55 34.84 34.33 34.91 34.7
3      TRUE 26.63 27.11 27.26 27.51 26.87 27.234 27.07 27.26 26.71 26.83 27.5
4      TRUE 30.24 30.08 29.82 30.83 29.89 30.856 30.36 30.58 30.21 30.53 29.8
5      TRUE 29.67 29.64 30.48 29.50 29.04 34.896 29.41 29.73 30.05 29.59 29.4
6      TRUE 28.79 29.10 28.79 29.07 29.23 29.152 29.35 28.86 29.74 29.27 29.2
7      TRUE 30.95 30.97 25.62 31.33 31.46 30.941 31.60 31.55 31.63 31.97 31.7
8      TRUE  9.25 11.07 10.59 30.48  6.32 13.151  6.16  5.30 15.68  7.14 12.8
9      TRUE 34.78 35.28 29.83 35.33 35.13 34.812 35.08 34.93 35.02 34.86 35.0
10     TRUE 23.85 23.32 24.16 24.72 24.27 24.367 24.54 22.90 23.71 24.56 14.6
12     TRUE 11.56 15.49 14.75 16.13 12.22 16.280 14.70 14.86 13.10 15.10 14.7
41     TRUE 22.00 23.18 22.09 22.00 20.96 21.847 22.56 19.01 22.04 20.95 22.3
68     TRUE  5.97  6.35  3.75  6.98  5.21  0.839 10.62  5.75  5.86  6.46 10.9
86     TRUE 10.63 10.93  8.20 17.06 11.93 11.930 11.20 10.57 18.94  8.64 12.0
111    TRUE 31.83 31.95 31.77 31.84 31.84 32.083 31.85 31.26 32.05 32.30 31.8
      Y12   Y13   Y14   Y15    Q1    Q2    Q3    LB   UB
1   24.74 24.16 24.91 23.72 24.04 24.52 24.77 21.87 26.9
2   34.12 34.50 34.46 34.74 34.46 34.55 34.67 33.82 35.3
3   26.40 26.95 28.18 20.58 26.77 27.07 27.26 25.31 28.7
4   30.42 30.39 34.80 30.62 30.15 30.39 30.60 28.78 32.0
5   30.04 29.98 29.86 29.39 29.47 29.67 30.01 27.85 31.6
6   28.87 29.28 29.11 22.02 28.87 29.11 29.25 27.72 30.4
7   31.27 31.25 31.70 31.58 31.11 31.46 31.61 29.59 33.1
8    1.27  8.64  8.50  9.47  6.73  9.25 11.93 -8.89 27.5
9   34.45 34.97 34.84 34.76 34.80 34.93 35.05 34.04 35.8
10  22.84 24.75 24.94 23.60 23.46 24.16 24.55 20.20 27.8
12  15.25 15.32 14.93 16.77 14.69 14.93 15.41 12.55 17.6
41  21.40 21.56 22.32 22.03 21.48 22.00 22.20 19.32 24.4
68   5.85  7.10  7.79  7.29  5.80  6.35  7.19  1.63 11.4
86  12.90 12.21 15.05 10.37 10.60 11.93 12.55  4.73 18.4
111 31.62 31.85 31.36 31.94 31.79 31.84 31.94 31.31 32.4
      Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8 
24.67486 24.63198 23.54762 23.92247 31.44197 25.31428 24.78930 24.19155 
      Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15 
24.51601 23.82976 24.42456 24.74398 24.16186 24.90987 23.72162 
Please wait... 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "siqr")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Semiinterquartile range (SIQR) criterion ( siqr ) 
 k:  3 for 2k * SIQR 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  28 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   Y5   Y6   Y7   Y8   Y9  Y10  Y11  Y12  Y13  Y14
1    TRUE 24.7 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.4 25.3 24.8 24.2 24.5 23.8 24.4 24.7 24.2 24.9
2    TRUE 34.5 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.1 34.7 34.5 34.8 34.3 34.9 34.7 34.1 34.5 34.5
3    TRUE 26.6 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.9 27.2 27.1 27.3 26.7 26.8 27.5 26.4 26.9 28.2
4    TRUE 30.2 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.9 30.9 30.4 30.6 30.2 30.5 29.8 30.4 30.4 34.8
5    TRUE 29.7 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.0 34.9 29.4 29.7 30.1 29.6 29.4 30.0 30.0 29.9
6    TRUE 28.8 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.4 28.9 29.7 29.3 29.2 28.9 29.3 29.1
   Y15   Q1   Q2   Q3   LB   UB
1 23.7 24.0 24.5 24.8 21.2 26.3
2 34.7 34.5 34.5 34.7 33.9 35.4
3 20.6 26.8 27.1 27.3 25.0 28.4
4 30.6 30.1 30.4 30.6 28.7 31.9
5 29.4 29.5 29.7 30.0 28.3 32.0
6 22.0 28.9 29.1 29.3 27.4 30.1
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = toy, k = 3, method = "siqr")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Semiinterquartile range (SIQR) criterion ( siqr ) 
 k:  3 for 2k * SIQR 
 Number of Observations:  200 
 Number of Outliers:  28 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8
1 2.68e+07 2.60e+07 1.23e+07 1.59e+07 2.92e+09 4.17e+07 2.90e+07 1.92e+07
2 2.36e+10 2.62e+10 2.50e+10 2.54e+10 5.64e+08 2.72e+10 2.51e+10 3.08e+10
3 1.04e+08 1.45e+08 1.60e+08 1.91e+08 1.22e+08 1.58e+08 1.41e+08 1.61e+08
4 1.26e+09 1.14e+09 9.49e+08 1.91e+09 9.95e+08 1.94e+09 1.37e+09 1.61e+09
5 8.55e+08 8.36e+08 1.49e+09 7.57e+08 5.51e+08 3.20e+10 7.12e+08 8.89e+08
6 4.63e+08 5.73e+08 4.64e+08 5.64e+08 6.31e+08 5.97e+08 6.86e+08 4.88e+08
        Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15
1 2.40e+07 1.49e+07 2.25e+07 2.81e+07 1.88e+07 3.15e+07 1.38e+07
2 2.16e+10 3.23e+10 2.75e+10 1.87e+10 2.44e+10 2.37e+10 2.87e+10
3 1.10e+08 1.19e+08 1.83e+08 8.88e+07 1.29e+08 3.03e+08 1.56e+06
4 1.24e+09 1.55e+09 9.59e+08 1.44e+09 1.41e+09 2.98e+10 1.65e+09
5 1.11e+09 8.07e+08 7.30e+08 1.10e+09 1.06e+09 9.77e+08 7.03e+08
6 8.99e+08 6.47e+08 6.25e+08 4.92e+08 6.52e+08 5.79e+08 4.26e+06
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   Y1   Y2   Y3   Y4   Y5   Y6   Y7   Y8   Y9  Y10  Y11  Y12  Y13  Y14
1    TRUE 24.7 24.6 23.5 23.9 31.4 25.3 24.8 24.2 24.5 23.8 24.4 24.7 24.2 24.9
2    TRUE 34.5 34.6 34.5 34.6 29.1 34.7 34.5 34.8 34.3 34.9 34.7 34.1 34.5 34.5
3    TRUE 26.6 27.1 27.3 27.5 26.9 27.2 27.1 27.3 26.7 26.8 27.5 26.4 26.9 28.2
4    TRUE 30.2 30.1 29.8 30.8 29.9 30.9 30.4 30.6 30.2 30.5 29.8 30.4 30.4 34.8
5    TRUE 29.7 29.6 30.5 29.5 29.0 34.9 29.4 29.7 30.1 29.6 29.4 30.0 30.0 29.9
6    TRUE 28.8 29.1 28.8 29.1 29.2 29.2 29.4 28.9 29.7 29.3 29.2 28.9 29.3 29.1
   Y15   Q1   Q2   Q3   LB   UB
1 23.7 24.0 24.5 24.8 21.2 26.3
2 34.7 34.5 34.5 34.7 33.9 35.4
3 20.6 26.8 27.1 27.3 25.0 28.4
4 30.6 30.1 30.4 30.6 28.7 31.9
5 29.4 29.5 29.7 30.0 28.3 32.0
6 22.0 28.9 29.1 29.3 27.4 30.1
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "1"  "2"  "3"  "4"  "5"  "6"  "7"  "8"  "9"  "10"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
    Outlier    Y1    Y2    Y3    Y4    Y5     Y6    Y7    Y8    Y9   Y10   Y11
1      TRUE 24.67 24.63 23.55 23.92 31.44 25.314 24.79 24.19 24.52 23.83 24.42
2      TRUE 34.46 34.61 34.54 34.56 29.07 34.663 34.55 34.84 34.33 34.91 34.68
3      TRUE 26.63 27.11 27.26 27.51 26.87 27.234 27.07 27.26 26.71 26.83 27.45
4      TRUE 30.24 30.08 29.82 30.83 29.89 30.856 30.36 30.58 30.21 30.53 29.84
5      TRUE 29.67 29.64 30.48 29.50 29.04 34.896 29.41 29.73 30.05 29.59 29.44
6      TRUE 28.79 29.10 28.79 29.07 29.23 29.152 29.35 28.86 29.74 29.27 29.22
7      TRUE 30.95 30.97 25.62 31.33 31.46 30.941 31.60 31.55 31.63 31.97 31.71
8      TRUE  9.25 11.07 10.59 30.48  6.32 13.151  6.16  5.30 15.68  7.14 12.79
9      TRUE 34.78 35.28 29.83 35.33 35.13 34.812 35.08 34.93 35.02 34.86 34.97
10     TRUE 23.85 23.32 24.16 24.72 24.27 24.367 24.54 22.90 23.71 24.56 14.57
12     TRUE 11.56 15.49 14.75 16.13 12.22 16.280 14.70 14.86 13.10 15.10 14.69
24     TRUE 18.74 17.09 17.28 18.03 17.83 20.621 17.82 16.30 17.85 16.21 17.36
45     TRUE 34.56 34.49 34.69 34.53 34.73 34.467 34.68 34.70 34.55 34.54 35.06
48     TRUE  9.05 12.25  6.75  2.14  7.67  7.889  6.39  7.28 11.16  7.58  5.73
63     TRUE 22.74 23.47 22.97 23.08 22.85 23.069 23.27 23.16 23.02 23.74 22.44
68     TRUE  5.97  6.35  3.75  6.98  5.21  0.839 10.62  5.75  5.86  6.46 10.91
86     TRUE 10.63 10.93  8.20 17.06 11.93 11.930 11.20 10.57 18.94  8.64 11.97
98     TRUE 13.77 12.59 10.14 13.31 10.43 15.095 17.20 13.27 11.18 13.19 12.03
111    TRUE 31.83 31.95 31.77 31.84 31.84 32.083 31.85 31.26 32.05 32.30 31.80
113    TRUE 13.43 14.88 16.36  9.20 14.60 12.970 17.41 11.97 16.13 12.54 13.66
121    TRUE 25.03 24.85 24.44 25.01 24.65 24.560 24.50 25.00 25.27 24.31 24.93
145    TRUE 21.46 20.66 20.71 20.51 20.71 21.889 20.56 21.91 20.65 19.91 18.62
162    TRUE 34.97 34.72 34.67 34.79 35.11 34.797 34.73 34.83 34.50 34.66 34.81
164    TRUE 10.26 10.38 10.36 14.40  8.03 10.042 10.43 10.89  5.70 12.30 10.54
190    TRUE 25.70 26.63 25.22 26.79 25.92 25.649 25.67 25.60 25.37 26.53 24.08
191    TRUE 20.38 21.16 20.41 19.31 20.08 20.243 20.47 19.89 21.67 20.25 20.38
196    TRUE 30.55 30.84 31.43 30.71 30.68 30.456 30.66 30.72 31.35 30.75 30.38
198    TRUE 23.33 23.15 23.79 23.13 22.21 23.336 24.70 22.77 23.17 23.41 22.66
      Y12   Y13   Y14   Y15    Q1    Q2    Q3      LB   UB
1   24.74 24.16 24.91 23.72 24.04 24.52 24.77 21.1991 26.3
2   34.12 34.50 34.46 34.74 34.46 34.55 34.67 33.9260 35.4
3   26.40 26.95 28.18 20.58 26.77 27.07 27.26 24.9654 28.4
4   30.42 30.39 34.80 30.62 30.15 30.39 30.60 28.6761 31.9
5   30.04 29.98 29.86 29.39 29.47 29.67 30.01 28.2651 32.0
6   28.87 29.28 29.11 22.02 28.87 29.11 29.25 27.4367 30.1
7   31.27 31.25 31.70 31.58 31.11 31.46 31.61 29.0027 32.5
8    1.27  8.64  8.50  9.47  6.73  9.25 11.93 -8.4133 28.0
9   34.45 34.97 34.84 34.76 34.80 34.93 35.05 33.9912 35.8
10  22.84 24.75 24.94 23.60 23.46 24.16 24.55 19.2536 26.9
12  15.25 15.32 14.93 16.77 14.69 14.93 15.41 13.3113 18.3
24  16.25 17.61 16.45 18.71 16.77 17.61 17.94 11.7393 20.0
45  34.50 34.83 35.02 34.73 34.53 34.68 34.73 33.6432 35.0
48  12.97 10.55  9.05 -2.68  6.57  7.67  9.80 -0.0349 22.6
63  23.49 23.57 21.76 23.39 22.91 23.08 23.43 21.9175 25.6
68   5.85  7.10  7.79  7.29  5.80  6.35  7.19  2.5320 12.3
86  12.90 12.21 15.05 10.37 10.60 11.93 12.55  2.6157 16.3
98  13.06 12.57 12.75 14.00 12.30 13.06 13.54  7.7271 16.4
111 31.62 31.85 31.36 31.94 31.79 31.84 31.94 31.4638 32.6
113 13.08 17.39 17.32 13.57 13.02 13.66 16.24  9.2084 31.8
121 26.17 25.00 24.57 25.61 24.57 24.93 25.02 22.3813 25.6
145 20.61 20.03 18.91 19.15 19.97 20.61 20.71 16.1097 21.3
162 34.81 34.84 34.81 34.78 34.72 34.80 34.82 34.2801 35.0
164 10.81 13.19 15.10 14.18 10.31 10.54 12.75  8.9661 26.0
190 25.15 26.06 26.35 26.34 25.48 25.70 26.34 24.1835 30.2
191 19.90 21.32 18.94 19.91 19.90 20.25 20.44 17.8440 21.6
196 30.42 30.11 30.52 30.60 30.49 30.66 30.74 29.4349 31.2
198 23.86 22.33 23.27 22.77 22.77 23.17 23.37 20.3838 24.6
      Y1       Y2       Y3       Y4       Y5       Y6       Y7       Y8 
24.67486 24.63198 23.54762 23.92247 31.44197 25.31428 24.78930 24.19155 
      Y9      Y10      Y11      Y12      Y13      Y14      Y15 
24.51601 23.82976 24.42456 24.74398 24.16186 24.90987 23.72162 
        N1       N2       N3
1  3148600  3351500  2025000
4   162200    19480   293430
5  6170400  6917700  8854800
6 54839000 95569000 50611000
7  5056100   355700  5169900
8 35878900 52117200 61609400
Please wait... 

odm(x = lcms3[, 1:2], k = 3, method = "pair")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Pairwise OutlierD algoirthm ( pair ) 
 Reg: linear quantile regression ( linear ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Upper Quantile:  0.75 
 Lower Quantile:  0.25 
 Number of Observations:  922 
 Number of Outliers:  16 
 Centering:  TRUE 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   N1   N2    A      M     Q1    Q3    LB   UB
1   FALSE 21.6 21.7 21.6 -0.328 -0.589 0.589 -4.12 4.12
2   FALSE 17.3 14.2 15.8  2.740 -0.886 0.886 -6.20 6.20
3   FALSE 22.6 22.7 22.6 -0.390 -0.537 0.537 -3.76 3.76
4   FALSE 25.7 26.5 26.1 -0.979 -0.361 0.361 -2.53 2.53
5   FALSE 22.3 18.4 20.4  3.574 -0.654 0.654 -4.58 4.58
6   FALSE 25.1 25.6 25.4 -0.726 -0.399 0.399 -2.79 2.79
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = lcms3[, 1:2], k = 3, method = "pair")

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Pairwise OutlierD algoirthm ( pair ) 
 Regression: linear quantile regression ( linear ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Upper Quantile:  0.75 
 Lower Quantile:  0.25 
 Number of Observations:  922 
 Number of Outliers:  16 
 Centering:  TRUE 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        N1       N2
1  3148600  3351500
2   162200    19480
3  6170400  6917700
4 54839000 95569000
5  5056100   355700
6 35878900 52117200
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier   N1   N2    A      M     Q1    Q3    LB   UB
1   FALSE 21.6 21.7 21.6 -0.328 -0.589 0.589 -4.12 4.12
2   FALSE 17.3 14.2 15.8  2.740 -0.886 0.886 -6.20 6.20
3   FALSE 22.6 22.7 22.6 -0.390 -0.537 0.537 -3.76 3.76
4   FALSE 25.7 26.5 26.1 -0.979 -0.361 0.361 -2.53 2.53
5   FALSE 22.3 18.4 20.4  3.574 -0.654 0.654 -4.58 4.58
6   FALSE 25.1 25.6 25.4 -0.726 -0.399 0.399 -2.79 2.79
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "66"  "94"  "145" "236" "319" "324" "413" "448" "458" "460"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
  Outlier       N1       N2        A          M         Q1        Q3        LB
1   FALSE 21.58628 21.67638 21.63133 -0.3284366 -0.5887466 0.5887466 -4.121226
2   FALSE 17.30741 14.24971 15.77856  2.7402724 -0.8863551 0.8863551 -6.204486
3   FALSE 22.55693 22.72186 22.63940 -0.3896453 -0.5374871 0.5374871 -3.762409
4   FALSE 25.70870 26.51004 26.10937 -0.9791633 -0.3610417 0.3610417 -2.527292
5   FALSE 22.26959 18.44030 20.35495  3.5737027 -0.6536495 0.6536495 -4.575546
6   FALSE 25.09663 25.63526 25.36594 -0.7264936 -0.3988443 0.3988443 -2.791910
1 4.121226
2 6.204486
3 3.762409
4 2.527292
5 4.575546
6 2.791910
    Outlier   N1   N2    A      M      Q1     Q3     LB    UB
66     TRUE 32.3 32.8 32.6 -0.600 -0.0317 0.0317 -0.222 0.222
94     TRUE 23.7 18.2 21.0  5.220 -0.6227 0.6227 -4.359 4.359
145    TRUE 23.9 19.1 21.5  4.635 -0.5960 0.5960 -4.172 4.172
236    TRUE 24.9 19.8 22.4  4.878 -0.5505 0.5505 -3.854 3.854
319    TRUE 15.0 22.2 18.6 -7.473 -0.7407 0.7407 -5.185 5.185
324    TRUE 26.9 21.7 24.3  4.946 -0.4531 0.4531 -3.172 3.172
413    TRUE 19.7 24.2 21.9 -4.742 -0.5740 0.5740 -4.018 4.018
448    TRUE 31.7 32.1 31.9 -0.542 -0.0679 0.0679 -0.475 0.475
458    TRUE 25.3 28.6 26.9 -3.522 -0.3186 0.3186 -2.230 2.230
460    TRUE 28.7 17.5 23.1 10.955 -0.5122 0.5122 -3.586 3.586
541    TRUE 25.9 20.4 23.2  5.319 -0.5111 0.5111 -3.578 3.578
661    TRUE 15.5 22.7 19.1 -7.436 -0.7188 0.7188 -5.032 5.032
751    TRUE 18.0 23.5 20.7 -5.773 -0.6343 0.6343 -4.440 4.440
782    TRUE 28.1 24.9 26.5  3.029 -0.3419 0.3419 -2.393 2.393
796    TRUE 25.3 17.0 21.1  8.116 -0.6134 0.6134 -4.294 4.294
906    TRUE 30.6 20.2 25.4 10.297 -0.3975 0.3975 -2.783 2.783
Please wait... 

odm(x = lcms3, k = 3, method = "proj", center = TRUE)

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Projection-based OutlierD algorithm ( proj ) 
 Reg: linear quantile regression ( linear ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Upper Quantile:  0.75 
 Lower Quantile:  0.25 
 Number of Observations:  922 
 Number of Outliers:  26 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier     N1      N2      N3     A     M    Q1    Q3    LB   UB
1   FALSE -0.453 -0.0893 -1.3298 -1.08 0.900 0.364 1.113 -1.88 3.36
2   FALSE -4.732 -7.5160 -4.1167 -9.44 2.586 0.512 1.579 -2.69 4.78
3   FALSE  0.517  0.9562  0.7987  1.31 0.318 0.322 0.980 -1.65 2.95
4   FALSE  3.669  4.7443  3.3136  6.77 1.070 0.226 0.675 -1.12 2.02
5   FALSE  0.230 -3.3254  0.0224 -1.77 2.827 0.376 1.151 -1.95 3.48
6   FALSE  3.057  3.8696  3.5973  6.07 0.602 0.238 0.714 -1.19 2.14
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

odm(x = lcms3, k = 3, method = "proj", center = TRUE)

Outlier Detection for Multi-replicative High-throughput Data

 Method: Projection-based OutlierD algorithm ( proj ) 
 Regression: linear quantile regression ( linear ) 
 k:  3 for k * IQR
 Upper Quantile:  0.75 
 Lower Quantile:  0.25 
 Number of Observations:  922 
 Number of Outliers:  26 
 Transformation:  log2 

 Head of the Input Data 
        N1       N2       N3
1  3148600  3351500  2025000
2   162200    19480   293430
3  6170400  6917700  8854800
4 54839000 95569000 50611000
5  5056100   355700  5169900
6 35878900 52117200 61609400
To see the full information of the input dataset, use a command, 'input(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Output Results 
  Outlier     N1      N2      N3     A     M    Q1    Q3    LB   UB
1   FALSE -0.453 -0.0893 -1.3298 -1.08 0.900 0.364 1.113 -1.88 3.36
2   FALSE -4.732 -7.5160 -4.1167 -9.44 2.586 0.512 1.579 -2.69 4.78
3   FALSE  0.517  0.9562  0.7987  1.31 0.318 0.322 0.980 -1.65 2.95
4   FALSE  3.669  4.7443  3.3136  6.77 1.070 0.226 0.675 -1.12 2.02
5   FALSE  0.230 -3.3254  0.0224 -1.77 2.827 0.376 1.151 -1.95 3.48
6   FALSE  3.057  3.8696  3.5973  6.07 0.602 0.238 0.714 -1.19 2.14
To see the full information for the result, use a command, 'output(your_object_name)'. 

 Head of the Peptide Numbers detected to be an Outlier
 [1] "18"  "50"  "66"  "94"  "120" "145" "211" "236" "319" "324"
To see the full information for the candidate outliers, use a command, 'outliers(your_object_name)'. 
    Outlier     N1      N2     N3       A     M     Q1     Q3       LB     UB
18     TRUE -3.111 -1.6157  8.619  2.2484 9.029 0.3055 0.9273 -1.56008 2.7928
50     TRUE  8.614  8.6603  1.027 10.5631 6.219 0.1588 0.4635 -0.75551 1.3778
66     TRUE 10.293 11.0763 10.426 18.3552 0.647 0.0213 0.0289 -0.00151 0.0518
94     TRUE  1.658 -3.5350  1.733 -0.0713 4.271 0.3464 1.0567 -1.78455 3.1876
120    TRUE -2.042  1.4419  2.160  0.8942 3.180 0.3293 1.0028 -1.69113 3.0233
145    TRUE  1.887 -2.7151  1.595  0.4533 3.643 0.3371 1.0274 -1.73379 3.0983
211    TRUE  7.261  7.1830  5.221 11.3525 1.639 0.1449 0.4195 -0.67913 1.2435
236    TRUE  2.896 -1.9359  2.815  2.1906 3.906 0.3065 0.9305 -1.56568 2.8027
319    TRUE -6.994  0.4746 -2.498 -5.2217 5.302 0.4372 1.3439 -2.28293 4.0641
324    TRUE  4.833 -0.0407  4.944  5.6329 4.010 0.2458 0.7385 -1.23259 2.2169
380    TRUE  3.174 -0.0174  3.841  4.0475 2.906 0.2737 0.8270 -1.38600 2.4867
413    TRUE -2.371  2.4102 -0.352 -0.1910 3.394 0.3485 1.0634 -1.79614 3.2080
440    TRUE  1.556 -2.3869  1.491  0.3905 3.192 0.3382 1.0309 -1.73986 3.1090
448    TRUE  9.614 10.3301  9.703 17.1155 0.602 0.0432 0.0981 -0.12147 0.2627
458    TRUE  3.227  6.8557  3.069  7.5848 3.050 0.2113 0.6297 -1.04371 1.8847
460    TRUE  6.683 -4.2165  5.870  4.8380 8.573 0.2598 0.7829 -1.30951 2.3522
470    TRUE -1.971 -5.5501  0.641 -3.9630 4.404 0.4150 1.2737 -2.16114 3.8499
477    TRUE -4.025  0.3565  0.231 -1.9931 3.523 0.3803 1.1639 -1.97051 3.5147
541    TRUE  3.887 -1.3753  0.346  1.6610 3.790 0.3158 0.9601 -1.61693 2.8928
661    TRUE -6.547  0.8896  1.591 -2.3615 6.373 0.3868 1.1844 -2.00617 3.5774
747    TRUE -0.665 -5.1162 -0.190 -3.4368 3.853 0.4057 1.2444 -2.11022 3.7604
751    TRUE -4.066  1.7310 -2.152 -2.6033 4.169 0.3910 1.1979 -2.02956 3.6185
782    TRUE  6.047  3.1195  5.993  8.7592 2.344 0.1906 0.5642 -0.93007 1.6848
796    TRUE  3.288 -4.7988  3.450  1.1383 6.667 0.3250 0.9892 -1.66750 2.9818
844    TRUE  4.788  5.3965 -4.599  3.2194 7.927 0.2883 0.8731 -1.46613 2.6276
906    TRUE  8.595 -1.6157 -3.343  2.1187 9.120 0.3077 0.9345 -1.57263 2.8149
       N1        N2        N3 
-3.110796 -1.615662  8.619094 
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Please wait... 
Please wait... 

OutlierDM documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:58 p.m.

Related to odm in OutlierDM...