
Defines functions .cal_var_f_new .cal_var_f .coeff_var .coeff_theta .var_alpha .update_alpha_fast .update_f_alpha_new .update_f_new .update_f_alpha .update_offset .update_f .get_stats .normalized_constant_alpha .normalized_constant .generate_net_C_with_count_multi_corrected

# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393

.generate_net_C_with_count_multi_corrected <- function(appear_matrix, final_matrix, a_4, a_5, a_6, a_7, a_8, a_9, bin_vector, a_11, a_12, a_pa_final, a_is_directed, a_M, degree_exist) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_generate_net_C_with_count_multi_corrected`, appear_matrix, final_matrix, a_4, a_5, a_6, a_7, a_8, a_9, bin_vector, a_11, a_12, a_pa_final, a_is_directed, a_M, degree_exist)

.normalized_constant <- function(norm, degree, theta, f, offset_tk, offset) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_normalized_constant`, norm, degree, theta, f, offset_tk, offset)

.normalized_constant_alpha <- function(norm, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, f, offset_tk, offset) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_normalized_constant_alpha`, norm, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, f, offset_tk, offset)

.get_stats <- function(time_stamp, unique_stamp, in_node, out_node, all_node, ok_node, bin_vector, max_node_id, undirected, only_PA, time_vector, Sum_m_k, n_tk, m_tk, m_t, offset_tk, z_j, node_degree, offset_m_tk, only_true_deg, deg_max, center_bin, appear_time) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_get_stats`, time_stamp, unique_stamp, in_node, out_node, all_node, ok_node, bin_vector, max_node_id, undirected, only_PA, time_vector, Sum_m_k, n_tk, m_tk, m_t, offset_tk, z_j, node_degree, offset_m_tk, only_true_deg, deg_max, center_bin, appear_time)

.update_f <- function(f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, offset) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_f`, f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, offset)

.update_offset <- function(offset_n_tk, offset_m_tk, theta, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_offset`, offset_n_tk, offset_m_tk, theta, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate)

.update_f_alpha <- function(f, non_zero_f, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_f_alpha`, f, non_zero_f, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate)

.update_f_new <- function(f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, offset, weight_f) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_f_new`, f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, offset, weight_f)

.update_f_alpha_new <- function(f, non_zero_f, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, weight_f) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_f_alpha_new`, f, non_zero_f, alpha, PA_offset, degree, theta, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, rate, weight_f)

.update_alpha_fast <- function(non_zero_theta, norm, f, PA_offset, theta, degree, m_t, Sum_m_k, offset_tk, offset, alpha_old) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_update_alpha_fast`, non_zero_theta, norm, f, PA_offset, theta, degree, m_t, Sum_m_k, offset_tk, offset, alpha_old)

.var_alpha <- function(alpha, non_zero_theta, norm, f, PA_offset, theta, degree, m_t, Sum_m_k, offset_tk, offset) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_var_alpha`, alpha, non_zero_theta, norm, f, PA_offset, theta, degree, m_t, Sum_m_k, offset_tk, offset)

.coeff_theta <- function(degree, f, normalized_const, m_t, length_theta) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_coeff_theta`, degree, f, normalized_const, m_t, length_theta)

.coeff_var <- function(degree, f, normalized_const, m_t, offset, length_theta) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_coeff_var`, degree, f, normalized_const, m_t, offset, length_theta)

.cal_var_f <- function(cov_f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, f, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_cal_var_f`, cov_f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, f, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape)

.cal_var_f_new <- function(cov_f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, f, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, weight_f) {
    .Call(`_PAFit_cal_var_f_new`, cov_f, non_zero_f, degree, theta, f, z_j, normalized_const, m_t, shape, weight_f)

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PAFit documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:06 a.m.