# function to summarize estimation results
summary.PAFit_result <- function(object,...){
if (length(object$oneshot) > 0) {
if (object$oneshot == TRUE)
cat("Containing the result of the PAFit_oneshot method. \n")
} else {
cat("Estimation results by the PAFit method. \n");
if (object$only_PA == TRUE) {
cat("Mode: Only the attachment function was estimated. \n")
} else if (object$only_f == TRUE) {
cat("Mode: Only node fitnesses were estimated. \n")
else {
cat("Mode: Both the attachment function and node fitness were estimated. \n")
#cat("Form of the PA function:",object$mode_f,"\n");
if (object$only_f == FALSE) {
if (length(object$auto_lambda) > 0) {
if (object$auto_lambda == TRUE) {
cat("Selected r parameter:", object$ratio,"\n");
} else cat("Lambda used:", object$lambda,"\n");
if (object$only_PA == FALSE)
cat("Selected s parameter: ",object$shape,"\n", sep = "")
cat("Estimated attachment exponent:",object$alpha,"\n");
if (object$ci[1] == "N") {
cat("No possible confidence interval for the estimated attachment exponent.\n");
} else if (length(object$mode_f > 0)) {
if (object$mode_f != "Log_linear") {
cat("Attachment exponent ","\u00B1", " 2 s.d.", ": (", object$ci[1], ",",
object$ci[2],")\n",sep = "");
else {
cat("Attachment exponent ","\u00B1", " 2 s.d.", ": (", object$ci[1], ",",
object$ci[2],")\n",sep = "");
if (length(object$oneshot) == 0) {
cat("Additional information: \n");
cat("Number of bins:", object$g,"\n");
cat("Number of iterations:",length(object$objective_value) - 1,"\n");
cat("Stopping condition:", object$stop_cond,"\n");
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