#' @title plotPresBar
#' @description Creates a bar plot of the presence or density of detections across time
#' @param x a data.frame of detections, must have a column \code{UTC} that contains the
#' time of detection as a POSIXct object in UTC timezone
#' @param start the beginning datetime of the plot, if \code{NULL} will be set to the minimum
#' time in \code{x}
#' @param end the ending datetime of the plot, if \code{NULL} will be set to the maximum
#' time in \code{x}
#' @param bin string identifying how to bin detections. Acceptable time units are
#' \code{c('minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month')}. For presence, \code{bin}
#' should be of the form \code{'unit1/unit2'}, e.g. \code{'hour/day'} will show
#' the hours per day with detections. For call density, \code{bin} is a single
#' time unit, e.g. \code{'hour'} will show the number of calls per hour. Call
#' density can also be specified as \code{'call/hour'}. Note that plural forms
#' of all units are accepted.
#' @param by (optional) if not \code{NULL}, specifies the name of a column in \code{x} to split and
#' color the bars by
#' @param title if \code{TRUE}, a title will automatically created. If any other value, that will be
#' used for the title of the plot.
#' @param fill the fill color for the bars, only used if \code{by} is \code{NULL}, otherwise bars are
#' colored by species using the default \link{ggplot2} palette
#' @param format date format if \code{UTC} column of \code{x} is a character
#' @param plotTz the timezone to use for plotting the data. Note that inputs must still be in UTC,
#' this option allows you to create plots scaled to local time. Valid values come from
#' \link{OlsonNames}
#' @returns a ggplot2 object
#' @author Taiki Sakai \email{}
#' @examples
#' df <- data.frame(UTC = as.POSIXct(runif(1e2, min=0, max=7*24*3600),
#' origin='1970-01-01 00:00:00', tz='UTC'),
#' label = sample(letters[1:3], 1e2, replace=TRUE))
#' # hours per day with detections
#' plotPresBar(df, bin='hour/day')
#' # calls per day - these options are identical
#' plotPresBar(df, bin='day')
#' plotPresBar(df, bin='call/day')
#' plotPresBar(df, bin='calls/day')
#' # calls per day, colored by 'label'
#' plotPresBar(df, bin='day', by='label')
#' @export
#' @importFrom lubridate floor_date hour period minute
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import dplyr
plotPresBar <- function(x, start=NULL, end=NULL,
bin = 'hour/day',
by=NULL, title=TRUE, fill='grey35',
format = c('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%M:%S',
'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
plotTz = 'UTC') {
binChoice <- c('call', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'week', 'month')
binSplit <- strsplit(bin, '/')[[1]]
binSplit <- gsub('s$', '', binSplit)
'1' = {
type <- 'density'
timeBin <- match.arg(binSplit, binChoice)
'2' = {
if(binSplit[1] == 'call') {
type <- 'density'
timeBin <- match.arg(binSplit[2], binChoice)
} else {
type <- 'presence'
timeBin <- match.arg(binSplit[2], binChoice)
presBin <- match.arg(binSplit[1], binChoice)
# type <- match.arg(type)
# timeBin <- match.arg(timeBin)
if(!'UTC' %in% colnames(x)) {
stop('"x" must have column UTC')
if(is.character(x$UTC) ||
is.factor(x$UTC)) {
x$UTC <- parseToUTC(as.character(x$UTC), format=format, tz='UTC')
if(!plotTz %in% OlsonNames()) {
stop('Specified timezone is invalid, check "OlsonNames()" for accepted names.')
x$UTC <- with_tz(x$UTC, tzone=plotTz)
x$timeBin <- floor_date(x$UTC, unit=timeBin)
if(is.null(start)) {
start <- min(x$UTC)
start <- start - period(1, units=timeBin)
if(is.null(end)) {
end <- max(x$UTC)
end <- end + period(1, units=timeBin)
start <- floor_date(start, unit=timeBin)
end <- floor_date(end, unit=timeBin) + period(1, timeBin)
if(type=='presence') {
# presBin <- match.arg(presBin)
if(period(1, presBin) / period(1, timeBin) >= 1) {
stop('Cannot create count of ', presBin, ' per ', timeBin)
x$presBin <- floor_date(x$UTC, unit=presBin)
x <- select(x, any_of(c('presBin', 'timeBin', by)))
x <- distinct(x)
ylab <- paste0(oneUp(presBin), 's')
if(type == 'density') {
ylab <- 'Calls'
tlab <- paste0(ylab, '/', oneUp(timeBin))
g <- ggplot() +
labs(x='Date', y=paste0('Count (', ylab, ')')) +
scale_y_continuous(expand=expansion(mult=c(0,.05))) +
scale_x_datetime(limits=c(start, end), expand=c(0,0))
if(is.null(by)) {
g <- g +
geom_bar(data=x, aes_string(x='timeBin'), fill=fill)
} else {
g <- g +
geom_bar(data=x, aes_string(x='timeBin', fill=by))
if(isTRUE(title)) {
title <- paste0('Call ', oneUp(type), ' (', tlab, ')')
if(!is.null(by)) {
title <- paste0(title, ' by "', by, '"')
g + ggtitle(title)
oneUp <- function(s) {
paste0(toupper(substring(s, 1, 1)), substring(s, 2))
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