
Defines functions logcondfun pbd_loglik

Documented in pbd_loglik

logcondfun = function(nn,socsoc,yy)
  if(socsoc == 1)
    nfac = 0
  } else
    nfac = log(nn - 1)
  pnc = nfac + (nn - socsoc) * log(1 - yy)

#' @export

pbd_loglik = function(
  pars1,pars1f = c(function(t,pars) {pars[1]},function(t,pars) {pars[2]},function(t,pars) {pars[3]},function(t,pars) {pars[4]}),
  pars2 = c(1,1,2,1,"lsoda",0,0),
  missnumspec = 0
# pbd_loglik computes the loglikelihood of the protracted speciation model given a set of branching times and data

# pars1 contains model parameters
# In the simplest case where rates do not depend on time, we have
# - pars1[1] = b (= la_1 in ER2012) = speciation initiation rate
# - pars1[2] = mu_1 (= mu_g in ER2012) = extinction rate of good species
# - pars1[3] = la_1 (= la_2 in ER2012) = speciation completion rate
# - pars1[4] = mu_2 (= mu_i in ER2012) = extinction rate of incipient species
# When rates depend on time this time dependence should be specified in pars1f and pars1 then become the parameters used in pars1f
# pars1f contains the functions how the rates depend on time, default functions are constant functions of the parameters in pars1
# pars2 contains settings
# - pars2[1] = cond = conditioning on age (0), age and non-extinction of the clade (1) or age and number of extant taxa (2)
# - pars2[2] = btorph = likelihood for branching times (0) or phylogeny (1)
# - pars2[3] = soc = stem (1) or crown (2) age
# - pars2[4] = printing of parameters and likelihood (1) or not (0)
# - pars2[5] = method of the numerical integration; see package deSolve for details
# brts = set of branching times
# missnumspec = the number of species that belong to the same clade but are not in the phylogeny

# Example: pbd_loglik(pars1 = c(0.1,0.05,1,0.05), brts = 1:10, missnumspec = 4)

  pars1 = c(pars1f,pars1)

  brts = sort(abs(brts))
  abstol = 1e-16
  reltol = 1e-10
  b = pars1[[1]](brts,as.numeric(pars1[5:length(pars1)]))
  methode = pars2[5]
  cond = as.numeric(pars2[1])
  btorph = as.numeric(pars2[2])
  soc = as.numeric(pars2[3])
  S = length(brts) + (soc - 1)
  m = missnumspec

  probs = c(1,1,0,0)
  y = deSolve::ode(probs,c(0,brts),pbd_loglik_rhs,c(pars1),rtol = reltol,atol = abstol,method = methode)
  if(dim(y)[1] < length(brts) + 1) { return(-Inf) }

  loglik = (btorph == 0) * lgamma(S) +
    (cond == 0) * soc * (log(y[length(brts) + 1,2]) + log(1 - y[length(brts) + 1,3])) +
    (cond == 1) * soc * log(y[length(brts) + 1,2])
  if(length(brts) > 1)
    loglik = loglik + sum(log(b) + log(y[2:length(brts),2]) + log(1 - y[2:length(brts),3]))
  if(cond == 2)
    n_l = as.numeric(pars2[6])
    n_u = as.numeric(pars2[7])
    if(n_l == 0 & n_u == 0)
      n_l = S + m
      n_u = S + m
    } else if(n_l > (S + m) | n_u < (S + m) | n_u < n_l)
      cat('Lower or upper boundary not possible.\n')
    if(n_l == soc & n_u == Inf)
      logcond = -soc * log(y[length(brts) + 1,2])
    } else if(n_u == Inf)
      n_u = n_l - 1
      n_l = soc
      logcond = log(y[length(brts) + 1,2]^(-2) - sum(exp(logcondfun(n_l:n_u,soc,y[(length(brts) + 1),2]))))
    } else
      logcond = log(sum(exp(logcondfun(n_l:n_u,soc,y[(length(brts) + 1),2]))))
    loglik = loglik - logcond
  if(m > 0)
    if(soc == 1)
      y2 = as.numeric(c(1 - y[2:(length(brts) + 1),2]))
    if(soc == 2)
      y2 = as.numeric(c(1 - y[2:(length(brts) + 1),2],1 - y[length(brts) + 1,2]))
    x = rep(0,m + 1)
    x[1] = 1
    for(j in 1:S)
      #x = convolve(x,rev((1:(m + 1)) * (y2[j]^(0:m))),type = 'open')[1:(m + 1)]
      x = DDD::conv(x,(1:(m + 1)) * (y2[j]^(0:m)))[1:(m+1)]
    loglik = loglik + lgamma(S + 1) + lgamma(m + 1) - lgamma(S + m + 1) + log(x[m + 1])

  if(as.numeric(pars2[4]) == 1)
    pastetxt = paste('Parameters:',pars1[[5]][1],sep = ' ')
    for(i in 6:length(pars1))
      pastetxt = paste(pastetxt,pars1[[i]][1],sep = ', ')
    s2 = sprintf(', Loglikelihood: %f',loglik)
    cat(pastetxt,s2,"\n",sep = "")


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PBD documentation built on May 2, 2019, 9:13 a.m.