
Defines functions safe.band

safe.band <-
function(x, k) 
  ### k = number of subdiagonals to keep
  ### x should be centered
  n = dim(x)[1]
  p = dim(x)[2]
  ## protect k to avoid singularities
  k=min(c(k, p-1));
  cholesky = diag(p)
  resid = x[,1,drop=FALSE]
  sigma2 = mean(resid^2)
  for (j in 2:p) 
    if( k >= 1)
      keep = (max(j-k, 1):(j-1))
      newy <- x[, j]
      newx <- resid[,keep]
      if( length(keep) < (n-1))
        xtx <- crossprod(newx)
        xty <- crossprod(newx,newy)			
        phi.new = qr.solve(xtx, xty, tol=1e-200)
        o=svd(newx, nv=(n-1), nu=(n-1))
        phi.new=o$v%*%(w*crossprod(o$u, newy))
	  thisresid=newy - newx %*% phi.new
	  if( length(keep) < (n-1) )
        sigma.new <- mean((thisresid)^2)
      cholesky[j, keep] <- phi.new
      resid = cbind(resid, thisresid)
      sigma2 <- c(sigma2, sigma.new)
      sigma2 <- c(sigma2, mean(x[,j]^2) )
  sigma <- tcrossprod(cholesky %*% diag(sigma2),cholesky)

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PDSCE documentation built on June 23, 2022, 9:12 a.m.