
Defines functions interp2grid

Documented in interp2grid

interp2grid <-
  function(mat,xout,yout,xin=NULL,yin=NULL,type=2) {

    attrib = NULL
######check to ensure matrix
    mat = try(as.matrix(mat))
    if (!is.matrix(mat)) stop('objects must be a matrix')
    if (length(which(is.na(mat)))>0) warning('missing values in matrix can cause interpolation to stop if value used in interpolation')
#######ensure type is 1, 2 or 3
    if (!(type %in% 1:3)) stop('type must be a single numeric value of 1, 2 or 3. See help file')

   ###### mat.x = 1:dim(mat)[2]-1;
   ###### mat.y = 1:dim(mat)[1]-1

    mat.x = xin;
    mat.y = yin


#######check to ensure all point fall within the boundaries of the matrix
    extents.x = range(mat.x);
    extents.y = range(mat.y)

    if (!(min(xout,na.rm=TRUE)>=extents.x[1] & max(xout,na.rm=TRUE)<=extents.x[2]))
      stop('x interpolation data falls outside the input data boundaries')
    if (!(min(yout,na.rm=TRUE)>=extents.y[1] & max(yout,na.rm=TRUE)<=extents.y[2]))
      stop('y interpolation data falls outside the input data boundaries')

#######do the interpolation
#####  out = .C( CALL_jinterp2grid, mat,mat.x,mat.y,xout,yout,as.integer(type))
input.obj = list(x=as.vector(mat.x), y=as.vector(mat.y), z=mat )

    Fout     = fields::interp.surface.grid(input.obj, list(x=xout, y=yout)  )

    ###out = matrix(out,nrow=length(yout),byrow=FALSE)
    out = Fout$z

#######return the value

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PEIP documentation built on Aug. 21, 2023, 9:10 a.m.