
#' Internal function used for the parallel computation on the permutation sample
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
permutation.wrapper.cat.inter.Y.within.X <- function(x,mat,data,model,var.inter,Outcome.model){
  indix<- 1:(dim(data)[1])
  for (i in levels(var.inter))
    indix[which(var.inter==i)] <- sample(which(var.inter==i))
  nameY.X <- all.vars(model)
  data.perm <- data[indix,nameY.X]
  var.inter <- var.inter[indix]
  # print(data.perm)
  # print(model)
    p.test <- apply(mat,MARGIN=2,FUN=LR.inter.cat,formula=model,data=data.perm,Z1=var.inter)#,class.Z=class.inter)
    p.test <- apply(mat,MARGIN=2,FUN=LR.inter.cat.surv,formula=model,data=data.perm,Z1=var.inter)#,class.Z=class.inter) 

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PIGE documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:30 p.m.