Man pages for PK
Basic Non-Compartmental Pharmacokinetics

all.classDifferent generic functions for class PK.
aucEstimation of confidence intervals for the area under the...
auc.completeConfidence intervals for the area under the concentration...
biexpTwo-phase half-life estimation by biexponential model
ciFunction to extract confidence interval(s)
CPI975Plasma levels of CPI975 in rats following a single oral dose
eqvBioequivalence between AUCs
estimatorFunction to extract point estimate(s)
GlucoseBaseline adjusted glucose levels following alcohol ingestion
leeTwo-phase half-life estimation by linear fitting
ncaEstimation of various PK parameters
PKNewsShows changes and news
plot.halflifePlot regression lines used for half-life estimation
RatsPlasma levels in female rats following a single oral dose
Rep.toxPlasma levels in rats following daily intravenous...
testFunction for hypothesis testing for objects of class PK
PK documentation built on Sept. 12, 2023, 9:06 a.m.