Man pages for PLNmodels
Poisson Lognormal Models

barentsBarents fish data set
coefficient_pathExtract the regularization path of a PLNnetwork fit
coef.PLNfitExtract model coefficients
coef.PLNLDAfitExtracts model coefficients from objects returned by...
coef.PLNmixturefitExtract model coefficients
compute_offsetCompute offsets from a count data using one of several...
extract_probsExtract edge selection frequency in bootstrap subsamples
fitted.PLNfitExtracts model fitted values from objects returned by 'PLN()'...
fitted.PLNmixturefitExtracts model fitted values from objects returned by...
getBestModelBest model extraction from a collection of models
getModelModel extraction from a collection of models
molluskMollusk data set
oaksOaks amplicon data set
pipePipe operator
PLNPoisson lognormal model
PLNfamilyAn R6 Class to represent a collection of PLNfit
PLNfitAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general...
PLNfit_diagonalAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general...
PLNfit_fixedcovAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general...
PLNfit_sphericalAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a standard, general...
PLNLDAPoisson lognormal model towards Linear Discriminant Analysis
PLNLDAfitAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a LDA framework
PLNLDAfit_diagonalAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a LDA framework with...
PLNLDA_paramControl of a PLNLDA fit
PLNmixturePoisson lognormal mixture model
PLNmixturefamilyAn R6 Class to represent a collection of PLNmixturefit
PLNmixturefitAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a mixture framework
PLNmixture_paramControl of a PLNmixture fit
PLNmodels-packagePLNmodels: Poisson Lognormal Models
PLNnetworkPoisson lognormal model towards sparse network inference
PLNnetworkfamilyAn R6 Class to represent a collection of PLNnetworkfit
PLNnetworkfitAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a sparse inverse...
PLNnetwork_paramControl of PLNnetwork fit
PLN_paramControl of a PLN fit
PLNPCAPoisson lognormal model towards Principal Component Analysis
PLNPCAfamilyAn R6 Class to represent a collection of PLNPCAfit
PLNPCAfitAn R6 Class to represent a PLNfit in a PCA framework
PLNPCA_paramControl of PLNPCA fit
plot.PLNfamilyDisplay the criteria associated with a collection of PLN fits...
plot.PLNLDAfitLDA visualization (individual and/or variable factor map(s))...
plot.PLNmixturefamilyDisplay the criteria associated with a collection of...
plot.PLNmixturefitMixture visualization of a 'PLNmixturefit' object
plot.PLNnetworkfamilyDisplay various outputs (goodness-of-fit criteria,...
plot.PLNnetworkfitExtract and plot the network (partial correlation, support or...
plot.PLNPCAfamilyDisplay the criteria associated with a collection of PLNPCA...
plot.PLNPCAfitPCA visualization (individual and/or variable factor map(s))...
predict_condPredict counts conditionally
predict.PLNfitPredict counts of a new sample
predict.PLNLDAfitPredict group of new samples
predict.PLNmixturefitPrediction for a 'PLNmixturefit' object
prepare_dataPrepare data for use in PLN models
sigma.PLNfitExtract variance-covariance of residuals 'Sigma'
sigma.PLNmixturefitExtract variance-covariance of residuals 'Sigma'
stability_selectionCompute the stability path by stability selection
standard_errorComponent-wise standard errors of B
trichopteraTrichoptera data set
vcov.PLNfitCalculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a fitted 'PLN()'...
PLNmodels documentation built on Aug. 24, 2023, 5:11 p.m.