Man pages for PRECAST
Embedding and Clustering with Alignment for Spatial Datasets

AddAdjListAdd adjacency matrix list for a PRECASTObj object
Add_embedAdd embeddings for a Seurat object
AddParSettingAdd model settings for a PRECASTObj object
AddTSNEAdd tSNE embeddings for a Seurat object
AddUMAPAdd UMAP embeddings for a Seurat object
boxPlotBoxplot for a matrix
chooseColorsChoose color schema from a palette
coordinate_rotateCoordinates rotation for visualization
CreateiDRSCObjectCreate the PRECAST object with preprocessing step.
dimPlotLow-dimensional embeddings' plot
doHeatmapHeatmap for spots-by-feature matrix
drawFigsDraw a figure using a group of ggplot objects
featurePlotSpatial expression heatmap
firstupSet the first letter of a string vector to captial
getAdj_fixedNumberCalculate adjacency matrix by user-specified number of...
getAdj_regCalculate adjacency matrix for regular spatial coordinates.
Human_HK_genesHuman housekeeping genes database
ICM.EM_structureICM-EM algorithm implementation with organized paramters
idrscICM-EM algorithm implementation
IntegrateSpaDataIntegrate multiple SRT data
model_setPRECAST model setting
Mouse_HK_genesMouse housekeeping genes database
plot_RGBSpatial RGB heatmap
plot_scatterScatter plot for two-dimensional embeddings
PObjA simple PRECASTObj for example
PRECASTObjEach PRECASTObj object has a number of slots which store...
selectIntFeaturesSelect common genes for multiple data batches
selectModelSelect best PRECAST model from candidated models
SpaPlotSpatial heatmap
volinPlot_realVolin/boxplot plot
PRECAST documentation built on May 29, 2024, 3 a.m.