
# Medfly.R -  R file specifying the elementary life-history functions of
#             the Medfly example model in:
#             A.M. de Roos, 2008. Demographic analysis of continuous-time
#             life-history models. Ecol. Lett. 11(1): 1-15
#             The model includes a single age-structured population.
#   Model i-state variables:
#     1 : Age
#   Last modification: AMdR - Nov 22, 2017

# Model dimension variables: PSPMdimensions (required)
# Define a numerical (integer) vector called 'PSPMdimensions' that specifies the
# dimensions of the model. The vector should include the following named vector
# elements:
# PopulationNr:       The number of populations in the model that are structured,
#                     that is, of which the life history of individuals is explicitly
#                     modelled
# IStateDimension:    The number of individual state variables that characterise the
#                     individuals in the structured populations. This number should be
#                     the same for all structured populations in the model
# LifeHistoryStages:  The number of distinct and discrete stages in the life history
#                     of the individuals. A part of the individual life history is
#                     considered a stage, when at the boundary of this part one of the
#                     life history processes (development, fecundity, mortality or
#                     impact) changes discontinuously
# An error will occur when one of the above named elements is missing.
PSPMdimensions <- c(PopulationNr = 1, IStateDimension = 1, LifeHistoryStages = 2)

# Variable name: NumericalOptions (optional)
# Define a numerical vector called 'NumericalOptions' the elements of which specify
# the optional numerical settings to tweak the computations. The elements of the
# vector should have names corresponding to one of the possible numerical settings
# (see the vignette). Examples of such numerical settings are 'MIN_SURVIVAL = 1.0E-9'
# and 'RHSTOL = 1.0E-6', which set the survivial at which the individual is considered
# dead and the tolerance value determining when a solution has been found, respectively.

NumericalOptions <- c(MIN_SURVIVAL  = 1.0E-9,                                       # Survival at which individual is considered dead
                      MAX_AGE       = 100000,                                       # Give some absolute maximum for individual age
                      DYTOL         = 1.0E-7,                                       # Variable tolerance
                      RHSTOL        = 1.0E-8)                                       # Function tolerance

# Variable name: DefaultParameters  (required)
# Define a vector called 'DefaultParameters' with a length equal to the number of
# parameters in the model. Each element of this vector should be given the default
# for the particular parameter. If the members of the vector 'DefaultParameters' are
# given names, these names can be used conveniently in the functions below that define
# the life history processes.

DefaultParameters <- c(Beta0 = 47.0, Beta1 = 0.04, Aj = 11.0, Mu0 = 0.00095, Mu1 = 0.0581)

# Function name: StateAtBirth  (required)
# Specify for all structured populations in the problem all possible values of the individual state
# at birth.
# Function arguments:
#  E:     Vector with the current values of the environmental state variables.
#  pars:  Vector with the model parameters
# Required return:
# A vector of a length equal to the number of i-state variables. The biological interpretation of
# each of the i-state variables is completely up to the user. Each element should specify the
# numeric value of the particular i-state variable with which the individual is born. If the
# members of the vector are given meaningful names, these names can be used conveniently in the
# functions below that define the life history processes.
# If individuals can differ in their individual state at birth this function should return a
# matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of possible states at birth and the number
# of columns equal to the number of i-state variables. Each row then specifies the value of the
# individual state variable of the particular state at birth.
# In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this function should return a
# a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations in the problem
# and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
# In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations and individuals can differ in
# their individual state at birth this function should return a 3-dimensional array with the
# first dimension having a length equal to the number of structured populations in the problem,
# the second dimension equal to the number of possible states at birth and the third dimension
# equal to the number of i-state variables.

StateAtBirth <- function(E, pars)
        # We model a single structured population with a single i-state variable (age)
        c(Age = 0.0)

# Function name: LifeStageEndings  (required)
# Specify for all structured populations in the problem the threshold value at which the current life
# stage of the individual ends and the individual matures to the next life history stage. The threshold
# value may depend on the current i-state variables of the individual, its state at birth and the life
# stage that it currently is in.
# Function arguments:
#  lifestage:     Integer value specifying the life stage that the individual is currently in.
#                 These stages are numbered 1 (youngest) and up.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a vector of integer values.
#  istate:        Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. The biological interpretation of the i-state
#                 variables is up to the user. Each element specifies the current value of the
#                 particular i-state variable of the individual.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  birthstate:    Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. Each element specifies the value of the particular
#                 i-state variables at which the individual was born.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  BirthStateNr:  The integer index of the state of birth to be specified, ranging from 1 and up.
#  E:             Vector with the current values of the environmental state variables.
#  pars:          Vector with the model parameters
# Required return:
# maturation:   A single value specifying when the current life stage of the individual ends and
#               the individual matures to the next life history stage. The end of the current life
#               history stage occurs when this threshold value becomes 0 and switches sign from
#               negative to  positive. For the final life stage (which never ends) return a constant
#               negative value (for example, -1)
#               In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#               is a vector with the number of elements equal to the number of structured populations
#               in the problem.

LifeStageEndings <- function(lifestage, istate, birthstate, BirthStateNr, E, pars) {
  with(as.list(c(E, pars, istate)),{
        maturation  = switch(lifestage, Age - Aj, -1)

# Function name: LifeHistoryRates  (required)
# Specify for all structured populations in the problem the rates of the various life history
# processes (development, fecundity and mortality) of an individual as a function of its
# i-state variables, the individual's state at birth and the life stage that the individual
# is currently in.
# Function arguments:
#  lifestage:     Integer value specifying the life stage that the individual is currently in.
#                 These stages are numbered 1 (youngest) and up.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a vector of integer values.
#  istate:        Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. The biological interpretation of the i-state
#                 variables is up to the user. Each element specifies the current value of the
#                 particular i-state variable of the individual.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  birthstate:    Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. Each element specifies the value of the particular
#                 i-state variables at which the individual was born.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  BirthStateNr:  The integer index of the state of birth to be specified, ranging from 1 and up.
#  E:             Vector with the current values of the environmental state variables.
#  pars:          Vector with the model parameters
# Required return:
# A list with 3 components, named "development", "fecundity" and "mortality".
# The components should have the following structure:
# development:  A vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables. Each element
#               specifies the rate of development for the particular i-state variable.
#               In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this component
#               should be a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured
#               populations in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of
#               i-state variables.
# fecundity:    The value of the current fecundity of the individual.
#               In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#               is a matrix of fecundities with the number of rows equal to the number
#               of structured populations in the problem and a single column.
#               In case individuals can be born with different states at birth the component
#               should have a number of columns equal to the number of states at birth. Each
#               column should specify the number of offspring produced with the particular
#               state at birth.
# mortality:    A single value specifying the current mortality rate that the individual experiences.
#               In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#               is a vector of mortality rates with the number of elements equal to the number
#               of structured populations in the problem.

LifeHistoryRates <- function(lifestage, istate, birthstate, BirthStateNr, E, pars) {
        with(as.list(c(pars, istate)),{
                        # We model a single structured population (nrow=1) with a single i-state variable (age)
                        development = 1.0,

                        fecundity   = switch(lifestage, 0, Beta0*exp(-Beta1*(Age - Aj))),

                        mortality   = Mu0*exp(Mu1*Age)

# Function name: DiscreteChanges  (optional)
# If discrete changes in the individual state occur at the moment individuals mature to the next
# life history stage, specify for all structured populations in the problem these discrete changes
# (jumps) in the individual state variables on ENTERING a particular life stage. The life stage that is
# entered is specified by the vector 'lifestage'.
# Function arguments:
#  lifestage:     Integer value specifying the life stage that the individual is currently in.
#                 These stages are numbered 1 (youngest) and up.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a vector of integer values.
#  istate:        Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. The biological interpretation of the i-state
#                 variables is up to the user. Each element specifies the current value of the
#                 particular i-state variable of the individual.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  birthstate:    Vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables that charaterize
#                 the state of an individual. Each element specifies the value of the particular
#                 i-state variables at which the individual was born.
#                 In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this argument
#                 is a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations
#                 in the problem and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.
#  BirthStateNr:  The integer index of the state of birth to be specified, ranging from 1 and up.
#  E:             Vector with the current values of the environmental state variables.
#  pars:          Vector with the model parameters
# Required return:
# A vector of length equal to the number of i-state variables. Each element should specify the value
# of the particular i-state variable after the transition to the current state, as given in
# the vector 'lifestage'
# In case the model accounts for multiple, structured populations this function should return
# a matrix with the number of rows equal to the number of structured populations in the problem
# and the number of columns equal to the number of i-state variables.

# DiscreteChanges <- function(lifestage, istate, birthstate, BirthStateNr, E, pars) {
#   with(as.list(c(E, pars)),{
#        # No discrete changes in this problem, function is commented out, which
#        # would be equivalent to returning a copy of the input argument 'istate'
#        istate
#      })
# }

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