#' @export
#' @import graphics
#' @title Add Icons to a Map or RgoogleMap Plot
#' @param icon object to be plotted
#' @param longitude vector of longitudes
#' @param latitude vector of latitudes
#' @param map optional RgoogleMaps map object
#' @param expansion icon expansion factor
#' @param pos position of icon relative to location (0=center, 1=bottom, 2=left, 3=top,4=right)
#' @description Adds an icon to \code{map} -- an RgoogleMaps map object.
#' The following icons are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{orangeFlame}}{ -- yellow-orange flame}
#' \item{\code{redFlame}}{ -- orange-red flame}
#' }
#' You can use other .png files as icons by passing an absolute path as the \code{icon} argument.
#' @note For RgoogleMaps, the \code{expansion} will be ~ 0.1 while for basic plots it may need
#' to be much smaller, perhaps ~ 0.001.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(PWFSLSmoke)
#' monitor_map(Camp_Fire)
#' addIcon(
#' "orangeFlame",
#' longitude = -121.437222,
#' latitude = 39.810278,
#' expansion = 0.003
#' )
#' }
addIcon <- function(
map = NULL,
expansion = 0.1,
pos = 0
) {
# Test for absolute path
if ( dirname(icon) == "." ) {
# package icon
# let users specify either "orangeFlame" or "orangeFlame.png"
icon <- stringr::str_replace(icon,".png","")
icon <- paste0(icon,".png")
pngFile <- base::system.file("icons", icon, package="PWFSLSmoke")
} else {
# non-package icon, must be valid absolute path
pngFile <- icon
if ( pngFile == "" ) {
stop("Cannot find package file 'inst/icons/",icon,"'")
# Read in the png file
icon <- png::readPNG(pngFile)
if ( !is.null(map) ) {
# RgoogleMap
if ( !"staticMap" %in% class(map) ) {
stop("'map' argument is not of class 'staticMap'")
# limit longitude, latitude to those within bounding box
lon_lo <- map$BBOX$ll[,'lon']
lon_hi <- map$BBOX$ur[,'lon']
lat_lo <- map$BBOX$ll[,'lat']
lat_hi <- map$BBOX$ur[,'lat']
lonMask <- longitude >= lon_lo & longitude <= lon_hi
latMask <- latitude >= lat_lo & latitude <= lat_hi
goodMask <- lonMask & latMask
longitude <- longitude[goodMask]
latitude <- latitude[goodMask]
# Get plot coordinates
newXY <- RgoogleMaps::LatLon2XY.centered(map, latitude, longitude)
x <- newXY$newX
y <- newXY$newY
} else {
# basic plot from maps::map()
x <- longitude
y <- latitude
# Calculate final icon size
icon_height <- dim(icon)[1] * expansion
icon_width <- dim(icon)[2] * expansion
# Calcualte "nudge" based on pos
nudge_x <- 0
nudge_y <- 0
if ( pos == 1 ) { # below
nudge_x <- 0
nudge_y <- -icon_height/2
} else if ( pos == 2 ) { # left of
nudge_x <- -icon_width/2
nudge_y <- 0
} else if ( pos == 3 ) { # above
nudge_x <- 0
nudge_y <- icon_height/2
} else if ( pos == 4 ) { # right of
nudge_x <- icon_width/2
nudge_y <- 0
x - icon_width/2 + nudge_x,
y - icon_height/2 + nudge_y,
x + icon_width/2 + nudge_x,
y + icon_height/2 + nudge_y)
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.