#' @keywords raw
#' @export
#' @title Process Raw Monitoring Data to Create raw_enhance Object
#' @param df raw monitor data, as created by airsis_createRawDataframe or wrcc_createRawDataframe
#' @description Processes raw monitor data to add a uniform time axis and consistent data columns that can be handled by various
#' \code{raw~} functions. All original raw data is retained, and the following additional columns are added:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{dataSource}
#' \item{longitude}
#' \item{latitude}
#' \item{temperature}
#' \item{humidity}
#' \item{windSpeed}
#' \item{windDir}
#' \item{pressure}
#' \item{pm25}
#' }
#' The \code{datetime} column in the incoming dataframe may have missing hours. This time axis is expanded to a
#' uniform, hourly axes with missing data fields added for data columns.
#' @return Dataframe with original raw data, plus new columns with raw naming scheme for downstream use.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' library(PWFSLSmoke)
#' df <- airsis_createRawDataframe(startdate=20160901, enddate=20161015, provider='USFS', unitID=1012)
#' df <- raw_enhance(df)
#' rawPlot_timeseries(df, tlim=c(20160908,20160917))
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }
# TODO: Add check to ensure that column names match expected for the type passed in (e.g. EBAM_AIRSIS).
raw_enhance <- function(df) {
# Identify monitor type and source and save to variable
monType <- paste0(df$monitorType[1],"_",df$rawSource[1],sep="")
# Create uniform attributes
if ( monType=="EBAM_AIRSIS" ) {
df$temperature <- df$AT
df$humidity <- df$RHx
df$windSpeed <- df$W.S
df$windDir <- df$W.D
df$pm25 <- df$ConcHr*1000
df$longitude <- df$medoidLon
df$latitude <- df$medoidLat
df$pressure <- as.numeric(NA)
} else if ( monType=="ESAM_AIRSIS" ) {
df$temperature <- df$AT.C.
df$humidity <- df$RHx...
df$windSpeed <- df$WS.M.S.
df$windDir <- df$WD.Deg.
df$pm25 <- df$*1000
df$longitude <- df$medoidLon
df$latitude <- df$medoidLat
df$pressure <- (df$BP.PA.)/100 #Adjust to hPa for consistency w/ ESAM_WRCC
} else if ( monType=="BAM1020_AIRSIS" ) {
df$temperature <- df$Ambient.Temp..C.
df$humidity <- df$RH....
df$windSpeed <- df$WS..KTS.*0.514444
df$windDir <- as.numeric(NA)
df$pm25 <- df$'Conc..\u00B5g.m3.'
df$longitude <- df$medoidLon
df$latitude <- df$medoidLat
df$pressure <- as.numeric(NA)
} else if ( monType=="ESAM_WRCC" ) {
df$temperature <- df$AvAirTemp
df$humidity <- df$RelHumidity
df$windSpeed <- df$WindSpeed
df$windDir <- df$WindDir
df$pm25 <- df$ConcRT
df$longitude <- df$medoidLon
df$latitude <- df$medoidLat
df$pressure <- df$BaromPress
} else if ( monType=="EBAM_WRCC" ) {
df$temperature <- df$AvAirTemp
df$humidity <- df$RelHumidity
df$windSpeed <- df$WindSpeed
df$windDir <- df$WindDir
df$pm25 <- df$ConcRT
df$longitude <- df$medoidLon
df$latitude <- df$medoidLat
df$pressure <- NA
} else {
stop(paste0("Monitor type (",monType,") not currently supported.",sep=""))
# Fill missing hours
datetime <- data.frame(datetime = seq(df$datetime[1],df$datetime[nrow(df)],by=3600))
df <- dplyr::left_join(datetime,df,by="datetime")
# Apply timezone to hours with location information
df$timezone <- ""
for ( deploymentID in unique(df$deploymentID) ) {
if ( ) {
} else {
index <- which(df$deploymentID==deploymentID)
df$timezone[index] <- MazamaSpatialUtils::getTimezone(df$longitude[index[1]], df$latitude[index[1]],
countryCodes=NULL, useBuffering=TRUE) #modified from addMazamaMetadata.R
# NOTE: In order to minimize error messages in functions light rawPlot_timeseries() we
# NOTE: add timezones to all rows, even those missing location information. Typically,
# NOTE: monitors will be moved within the same timezone. Adding timezones to rows with
# NOTE: no location information is harmless in any case.
# Apply timezone to missing hours based on timezone of prior good hour
df <- df %>%
mutate(timezone = dplyr::na_if(.data$timezone, "")) %>%
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