#' @keywords WRCC
#' @export
#' @importFrom MazamaCoreUtils logger.trace logger.debug logger.warn logger.error
#' @title Parse WRCC data string
#' @param fileString character string containing WRCC data
#' @description Raw character data from WRCC are parsed into a tibble.
#' The incoming \code{fileString}
#' can be read in directly from WRCC using \code{wrcc_downloadData()} or from a local
#' file using \code{readr::read_file()}.
#' The type of monitor represented by this fileString is inferred from the column names
#' using \code{wrcc_identifyMonitorType()} and appropriate column types are assigned.
#' The character data are then processed, read into a tibble and augmented in the following ways:
#' \enumerate{
#' \item{Spaces at the beginning and end of each line are moved.}
#' \item{All header lines beginning with ':' are removed.}
#' }
#' @return Dataframe of WRCC raw monitor data.
#' @references \href{}{Fire Cache Smoke Monitoring Archive}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Fail gracefully if any resources are not available
#' try({
#' fileString <- wrcc_downloadData(20150701, 20150930, unitID = 'SM16')
#' tbl <- wrcc_parseData(fileString)
#' }, silent = FALSE)
#' }
wrcc_parseData <- function(fileString) {
logger.debug(" ----- wrcc_parseData() ----- ")
# Identify monitor type
monitorTypeList <- wrcc_identifyMonitorType(fileString)
monitorType <- monitorTypeList$monitorType
rawNames <- monitorTypeList$rawNames
columnNames <- monitorTypeList$columnNames
columnTypes <- monitorTypeList$columnTypes
# Convert the fileString into individual lines
lines <- readr::read_lines(fileString)
if ( length(lines) <= 4 ) {
logger.warn("No valid PM2.5 data")
stop(paste0("No valid PM2.5 data"))
# NOTE: Here is an example header from WRCC ASCII output:
# NOTE: [1] " Smoke #11 "
# NOTE: [2] ": GMT\t Deg \t Deg \t \tser #\tug/m3\t Unk \t l/m \tDeg C\t % \t Unk \tdeg C\t % \t m/s \t Deg \tvolts\t "
# NOTE: [3] ": Date/Time\t GPS \t GPS \tType \tSerial \tConc \t Misc \t Ave. \t Av Air\t Rel \t Misc \tSensor \tSensor \t Wind \t Wind \tBattery\tAlarm "
# NOTE: [4] ":YYMMDDhhmm\t Lat. \t Lon. \t \tNumber \t RT \t #1 \tAir Flw\t Temp \tHumidty\t #2 \tInt AT \tInt RH \t Speed\t Direc \tVoltage\t "
# NOTE: It appears that, after 1024 lines, the 3 header lines are repeated.
# NOTE: Sometimes (always?) an empty string appears in the last line.
# Strip spaces from the beginning and end but retain "\t" (This is why we can't use stringr::str_trim)
lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines,'^ *','')
lines <- stringr::str_replace(lines,' *$','')
# Get monitorName from first line and then remove that line
monitorName <- lines[1]
lines <- lines[-1]
# Remove header lines beginning with ":", leaving only data
goodLines <- ! & !stringr::str_detect(lines,'^:')
# Read the data into a tibble
fakeFile <- paste0(lines[goodLines], collapse='\n')
tbl <- readr::read_tsv(fakeFile, col_names=columnNames, col_types=columnTypes)
# Add monitor name
tbl$monitorName <- monitorName
# Add monitor type (determined from the 'Type' column after reading in the data)
monitorTypeCode <- unique(tbl$Type)
# NOTE: Drop all negative values to get rid of -9999 or other missing value flags.
# NOTE: Conversion of -9999 to NA happens in the ~QualityControl scripts so that
# NOTE: all raw data modifications can be found in one place.
monitorTypeCode <- monitorTypeCode[monitorTypeCode >= 0]
# Sanity check
if ( length(monitorTypeCode) > 1 ) {
logger.warn("More than one monitor type detected: %s", paste(monitorTypeCode,collapse=", "))
# Pick the most common Type
typeTable <- table(tbl$Type)
monitorTypeCode <- names(typeTable)[which(typeTable == max(typeTable))]
# 0=E-BAM PM2.5, 1=E-BAM PM10, 9=E-Sampler. We only want PM2.5 measurements
if ( monitorTypeCode == 0 ) {
tbl$monitorType <- 'EBAM'
} else if ( monitorTypeCode == 9 ) {
tbl$monitorType <- 'ESAM'
} else if ( monitorTypeCode == 1 ) {
logger.error("EBAM PM10 data parsing is not supported")
stop(paste0("EBAM PM10 data parsing is not supported"))
} else {
logger.error("Unsupported monitor type code: %d",monitorTypeCode)
stop(paste0("Unsupported monitor type code: %d",monitorTypeCode))
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