Man pages for PairedData
Paired Data Analysis

AnorexiaAnorexia data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
anscombe2Teaching the paired t test
BarleyBarley data from Preece (1982, Table 1)
BlinkBlink data from Preece (1982, Table 2)
Blink2Blink data (2nd example) from Preece (1982, Table 3)
BloodLeadBlood lead levels data from Pruzek & Helmreich (2009)
bonettseier.Var.testBonett-Seier test of scale for paired samples
ChickWeightChick weight data from Preece (1982, Table 11)
CornCorn data (Darwin)
DatalcoholicDatalcoholic: a dataset of paired datasets
effect.sizeEffect size computations for paired data
GDOAgreement study
GrainGrain data from Preece (1982, Table 5)
Grain2Wheat grain data from Preece (1982, Table 12)
grambsch.Var.testGrambsch test of scale for paired samples
GrapeFruitGrape Fruit data from Preece (1982, Table 6)
HorseBeginnersActual and imaginary performances in equitation
IceSkatingIce skating speed study
imam.Var.testImam test of scale for paired samples
IronIron data from Preece (1982, Table 10)
lambda.tableParameters for Generalised Lambda Distributions
levene.Var.testLevene test of scale for paired samples
mcculloch.Var.testMcCulloch test of scale for paired samples
MeatMeat data from Preece (1982, Table 4)
paired-classClass '"paired"'
PairedData-internalInternal PairedData objects
PairedData-packagePaired Data Analysis
paired.plotBABland-Altman plot
paired.plotCorPaired correlation plot
paired.plotMcNeilParallel lines plot
paired.plotProfilesProfile plot
plot~~ Methods for Function 'plot' ~~
PrisonStressStress in prison
rpaired.contaminatedSimulate paired samples
rpaired.gldSimulate paired samples
RugbyAgreement study in rugby expert ratings
sandvikolsson.Var.testSandvik-Olsson test of scale for paired samples
SewageChlorinating sewage data from Preece (1982, Table 9)
ShoulderShoulder flexibility in swimmers
SkiExpertsActual and imaginary performances in ski
SleepSleep hours data from Preece (1982, Table 16)
slidingchartSliding square plot
summarySummary statistics for paired samples
TobaccoTobacco data from Snedecor and Cochran (1967)
t.testStudent's test test for paired data
Var.testTests of variance(s) for normal distribution(s)
wilcox.testWilcoxon's signed rank test for paired data
winsor.cor.testWinsorized correlation test (for paired data)
yuen.t.testYuen's trimmed mean test
PairedData documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:49 p.m.