Datalcoholic: Datalcoholic: a dataset of paired datasets

Description Usage Format Examples


This dataset presents for teaching purposes 50 paired datasets available in different R packages.




A dataframe with 4 columns.

[,1] Dataset name of the dataset
[,2] Package name of the package
[,3] Topic corresponding discipline (marketing, medicine...)
[,4] NumberPairs size of the (paired) sample



Example output

Loading required package: MASS
Loading required package: gld
Loading required package: mvtnorm
Loading required package: lattice
Loading required package: ggplot2

Attaching package: 'PairedData'

The following object is masked from 'package:base':


         Dataset      Package       Topic NumberPairs
1       Asthmati         BSDA    Medicine           9
2          Blood         BSDA    Medicine          15
3       Cabinets         BSDA   Marketing          20
4         Coffee         BSDA  Management           9
5           Corn         BSDA Agriculture          12
6         Fabric         BSDA Engineering          10
7        Fitness         BSDA       Sport           9
8         German         BSDA Linguistics          10
9         Habits         BSDA   Education          11
10        Kinder         BSDA   Education          10
11       Lowabil         BSDA   Education          12
12         Movie         BSDA  Psychology          12
13      Oxytocin         BSDA    Medicine          11
14         Rehab         BSDA  Psychology          20
15      Sefldefe         BSDA  Psychology           9
16          Skin         BSDA    Medicine          11
17         Speed         BSDA   Education          15
18      Spelling         BSDA   Education           9
19        Stress         BSDA  Psychology          12
20          Twin         BSDA    Medicine           9
21         Vocab         BSDA   Education          14
22     endurance        fastR       Sport          15
23 CushnyPeebles     HistData    Medicine          11
24         gehan         MASS    Medicine          42
25        forbes         alr3     Physics          17
26       sc.twin        asbio    Medicine          15
27        pair65         DAAG Engineering           9
28        S.typh          Epi    Medicine         136
29     Schooling        Ecdat   Economics        3010
30     Treatment        Ecdat   Economics        2675
31       calcium       EngExp    Medicine          11
32       caliper       EngExp Engineering          14
33    diagnostic       EngExp Engineering          16
34       vitamin       EngExp    Medicine          49
35          wash       EngExp Engineering          36
36        yellow       EngExp Engineering          23
37      backpain       HSAUR2    Medicine         434
38         waves       HSAUR2 Engineering          18
39       soybean       isdals Agriculture          26
40        intake         ISwR    Medicine          11
41    CardOutput     MethComp    Medicine          15
42          Milk     MethComp     Biology          45
43          PEFR     MethComp Engineering          34
44         plvol     MethComp Engineering          99
45         scint     MethComp    Medicine         111
46   SPECint2006     nutshell    Computer        1233
47         crime       UsingR     Society          50
48     textbooks    openintro   Economics          73
49          shoe SMPracticals Engineering          10
50          burt SMPracticals     Society          27

PairedData documentation built on May 1, 2019, 6:49 p.m.