#' @title Get the length of the optimization path.
#' @description
#' Dependent parameters whose requirements are not satisfied are represented by a scalar
#' NA in the output.
#' @template arg_op
#' @return `integer(1)`
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathLength = function(op) {
#' @title Get an element from the optimization path.
#' @description
#' Dependent parameters whose requirements are not satisfied are represented by a scalar NA
#' in the elements of `x` of the return value.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param index (`integer(1)`)\cr
#' Index of element.
#' @return List with elements `x` (named `list`), `y` (named `numeric`),
#' `dob` `integer(1)`, `eol` `integer(1)`.
#' The elements `error.message` (`character(1)`),
#' `exec.time` (`numeric(1)`) and `extra` (named `list`) are
#' there if the respective options in [OptPath()] are enabled.
#' @rdname getOptPathEl
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathEl = function(op, index) {
#' Get data.frame of input points (X-space) referring to the param set from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return [data.frame].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathX = function(op, dob, eol) {
#' Get y-vector or y-matrix from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param names [character]\cr
#' Names of performance measure.
#' Default is all performance measures in path.
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @param drop (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Return vector instead of matrix when only one y-column was selected?
#' Default is `TRUE`.
#' @return (`numeric` | `matrix`). The columns of the matrix are always named.
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathY = function(op, names, dob, eol, drop = TRUE) {
#' Get date-of-birth vector from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return [integer].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathDOB = function(op, dob, eol) {
#' Get end-of-life vector from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return [integer].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathEOL = function(op, dob, eol) {
#' Get error-message vector from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return [character].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathErrorMessages = function(op, dob, eol) {
#' Get exec-time vector from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return [numeric].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathExecTimes = function(op, dob, eol) {
#' Get column from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param name (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Name of the column.
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @return Single column as a vector.
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathCol = function(op, name, dob, eol) {
#' Get columns from the optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param names [character]\cr
#' Names of the columns.
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @inheritParams
#' @return [data.frame].
#' @export
#' @family optpath
getOptPathCols = function(op, names, dob, eol, row.names = NULL) {
#' Get index of the best element from optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param (`character(1)`)\cr
#' Name of target value to decide which element is best.
#' Default is `y.names[1]`.
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @param ties (`character(1)`)\cr
#' How should ties be broken when more than one optimal element is found?
#' \dQuote{all}: return all indices,
#' \dQuote{first}: return first optimal element in path,
#' \dQuote{last}: return last optimal element in path,
#' \dQuote{random}: return random optimal element in path.
#' Default is \dQuote{last}.
#' @return [`integer`]
#' Index or indices into path. See `ties`.
#' @export
#' @family optpath
#' @examples
#' ps = makeParamSet(makeNumericParam("x"))
#' op = makeOptPathDF(par.set = ps, y.names = "y", minimize = TRUE)
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 1), y = 5)
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 2), y = 3)
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 3), y = 9)
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 4), y = 3)
#' getOptPathBestIndex(op)
#' getOptPathBestIndex(op, ties = "first")
getOptPathBestIndex = function(op, = op$y.names[1], dob = op$env$dob, eol = op$env$eol, ties = "last") {
assertClass(op, "OptPath")
assertChoice(, choices = op$y.names)
dob = asInteger(dob, any.missing = TRUE)
eol = asInteger(eol, any.missing = TRUE)
assertChoice(ties, c("all", "first", "last", "random"))
life.inds = which(op$env$dob %in% dob & op$env$eol %in% eol)
if (length(life.inds) == 0) {
stop("No element found which matches dob and eol restrictions!")
y = getOptPathY(op,[life.inds]
if (all( {
best.inds = life.inds
} else {
if (op$minimize[]) {
best.inds = which(min(y, na.rm = TRUE) == y)
} else {
best.inds = which(max(y, na.rm = TRUE) == y)
best.inds = life.inds[best.inds]
if (length(best.inds) > 1L) {
if (ties == "all") {
} else if (ties == "first") {
} else if (ties == "last") {
} else if (ties == "random") {
return(best.inds[sample(length(best.inds), 1L)])
} else {
#' Get indices of pareto front of optimization path.
#' @template arg_op
#' @param y.names [character]\cr
#' Names of performance measures to construct pareto front for.
#' Default is all performance measures.
#' @template arg_opgetter_dob
#' @template arg_opgetter_eol
#' @param index (`logical(1)`)\cr
#' Return indices into path of front or y-matrix of nondominated points?
#' Default is `FALSE`.
#' @return `matrix` | `integer`. Either matrix (with named columns) of points of
#' front in objective space or indices into path for front.
#' @export
#' @family optpath
#' @examples
#' ps = makeParamSet(makeNumericParam("x"))
#' op = makeOptPathDF(par.set = ps, y.names = c("y1", "y2"), minimize = c(TRUE, TRUE))
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 1), y = c(5, 3))
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 2), y = c(2, 4))
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 3), y = c(9, 4))
#' addOptPathEl(op, x = list(x = 4), y = c(4, 9))
#' getOptPathParetoFront(op)
#' getOptPathParetoFront(op, index = TRUE)
getOptPathParetoFront = function(op, y.names = op$y.names, dob = op$env$dob, eol = op$env$eol, index = FALSE) {
assertClass(op, "OptPath")
assertCharacter(y.names, min.len = 2L)
assertSubset(y.names, op$y.names, empty.ok = FALSE)
dob = asInteger(dob, any.missing = TRUE)
eol = asInteger(eol, any.missing = TRUE)
assertFlag(index, na.ok = TRUE)
requirePackages("emoa", default.method = "load")
life.inds = which(op$env$dob %in% dob & op$env$eol %in% eol)
if (length(life.inds) == 0L) {
stop("No element found which matches dob and eol restrictions!")
y = getOptPathY(op, y.names, drop = FALSE)[life.inds, , drop = FALSE]
# multiply columns with -1 if maximize
k = ifelse(op$minimize, 1, -1)
y2 = t(y) * k
# is_dominated has kind of buggy behavoiur if y2 is a row
# (it hinks, we have a 1-dimensional optimization prob und returns the min index)
# so we have to treat this case manually
if (nrow(y2) == 1L) {
nondom = 1L
} else {
nondom = which(!emoa::is_dominated(y2))
if (index) {
} else {
return(y[nondom, , drop = FALSE])
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