Defines functions dvMF logCpvMF rvMF

Documented in dvMF logCpvMF rvMF

#' @title Simulation from the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' @description Random generation for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' of dimension \code{p} with location parameter \code{mu} and intensity parameter \code{eta} 
#' (see Wood, 1994; Mardia, 2014).
#' @param size is the number of simulations.
#' @param theta is the parameter as \code{eta*mu}.
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @return A matrix whose each row is a random draw from the distribution.
#' @examples
#' # Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0)
#' rvMF(10,c(1,0))
#' # Draw 10 vectors from vMF with parameters eta = sqrt(14) and mu proportional to (2,1,3)
#' rvMF(10,c(2,1,3))
#' # Draw from the vMF distribution with mean direction proportional to c(1, -1)
#' # and concentration parameter 3
#' rvMF(10, 3 * c(1, -1) / sqrt(2))
#' @export
rvMF  <- function(size, theta) {
  rvMFcpp(size, theta)

#' @title Normalization constant of the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' @description log of the Normalization Constant for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' of dimension \code{p} with intensity parameter \code{eta}.
#' @param p is the dimension of the hypersphere.
#' @param eta is the intensity parameter.
#' @examples 
#' logCpvMF(2, 3.1)
#' @return the log of normalization constant of the von Mises-Fisher distribution.
#' @export
logCpvMF <- function(p, eta) {
  logCpvMFcpp(p, eta)

#' @title Density function of the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' @description Density function for the von Mises-Fisher distribution
#' of dimension \code{p} with location parameter equal to \code{mu} and intensity parameter \code{eta}.
#' @param z is a matrix where each row is a spherical coordinate at which the density will be evaluated.
#' @param theta is a vector of dimension `p` equal to \eqn{\eta\mu}, where \eqn{\eta} is the concentration parameter, and
#' \eqn{\mu} the location parameter.
#' @param log.p is logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).
#' @return the densities computed at each point.
#' @examples
#' # Draw 1000 vectors from vMF with parameter eta = 1 and mu = c(1,0)
#' z <- rvMF(1000, c(1,0))
#' # Compute the density at z
#' dvMF(z, c(1,0))
#' # Density of c(0, 1, 0, 0) with the parameter eta = 3 and mu = c(0, 1, 0, 0)
#' dvMF(matrix(c(0, 1, 0, 0), nrow = 1), c(0, 3, 0, 0))
#' @export
dvMF <- function(z, theta, log.p = FALSE) {
  if (is.vector(z)) z <- matrix(z, ncol = length(theta), byrow = TRUE)
  dvMFcpp(z, theta, log.p)

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