Man pages for Pasha
Preprocessing of Aligned Sequences from HTS Analyses

AlignedData-classClass 'AlignedData'
binVectorDivide a numeric vector in equal bins of signal
elongationEstimationShifting the positive strand vector and compute an overlap...
estimateElongationSizeInsert size estimation in-silico
generatePiledPileup reads in a numeric vector with several piling and...
getArtefactsIndexesIdentify reads implied in piles potentially considered as PCR...
mergeWigsMerge several different wig files in a unique result file
multiread_CSEMDispatchMultiread scoring CSEM dispatch
multiread_RemoveArtifactArtifact Remover
multiread_UniformDispatchMultiread scoring uniform dispatch
normAndSubtractNormalization and subtraction of WIG files
PASHA-packagePasha package (Preprocessing of Aligned Sequences from HTS...
pileupDoublePiling vector of double
plotReadsRepartitionAnnotationsGraphical information about reads and annotations repartition
processPipelineA pipeline to accurately transform aligned reads to genomic...
testFunctionalFunctions dedicated to the functional validation of Pasha...
testMultireadFunctionalFunctions dedicated to the functional validation of multiread...
wigIORead and Write genomic WIG (fixed step) files
WigRepeatAnalyzerWIG Repeat Analyzer
Pasha documentation built on Jan. 15, 2017, 6:21 p.m.