Man pages for Patterns
Deciphering Biological Networks with Patterned Heterogeneous Measurements

analyze_network-omics_network-methodAnalysing the network
as.omics_arrayCoerce a matrix into a omics_array object.
CascadeFinitCreate initial F matrices for cascade networks inference.
CascadeFshapeCreate F matrices shaped for cascade networks inference.
CLLExpression data from healthy and malignant (chronic...
clustExploration-omics_array-methodA function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
clustInference-omics_array-numeric-methodA function to explore a dataset and cluster its rows.
compare-methodsSome basic criteria of comparison between actual and inferred...
cutoff-omics_network-methodChoose the best cutoff
dimDimension of the data
docHuman transcription factors from HumanTFDB
evolution-omics_network-methodSee the evolution of the network with change of cutoff
gene_expr_simulation-omics_network-methodSimulates omicsarray data based on a given network.
geneNeighborhood-omics_network-methodFind the neighborhood of a set of nodes.
geneSelectionMethods for selecting genes
head-omics_array-methodOverview of a omics_array object
IndicFinitCreate initial F matrices using specific intergroup actions...
IndicFshapeCreate F matrices using specific intergroup actions for...
inferenceReverse-engineer the network
infosDetails on some probesets of the affy_hg_u133_plus_2...
MSimulated microarray.
NetSimulated network for examples.
Net_inf_PLReverse-engineered network of the M and Net simulated data.
networkA example of an inferred network (4 groups case).
network2gpA example of an inferred cascade network (2 groups case).
networkCascadeA example of an inferred cascade network (4 groups case).
network_randomGenerates a network.
omics_array-classClass '"omics_array"'
omics_network-classClass '"omics_network"'
omics_predict-classClass '"omics_predict"'
Patterns-packagePatterns: Deciphering Biological Networks with Patterned...
plotFPlot functions for the F matrices.
position-methodsReturns the position of edges in the network
predict-omics_array-methodMethods for Function 'predict'
probeMerge-omics_array-methodFunction to merge probesets
replaceBandReplace matrix values by band.
replaceDownReplace matrix values triangular lower part and by band for...
replaceUpReplace matrix values triangular upper part and by band for...
SelectionSelection of genes.
show-methods'Show' methods
summary-methods'Summary' methods
unionOmics-methodsMakes the union between two omics_array objects.
unsupervised_clustering_auto_m_c-omics_array-methodCluster a omics_array object: determine optimal fuzzification...
unsupervised_clustering-omics_array-numeric-numeric-methodCluster a omics_array object: performs the clustering.
Patterns documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:34 a.m.