
#' Active Premium or Active Return
#' The return on an investment's annualized return minus the benchmark's
#' annualized return.
#' Active Premium = Investment's annualized return - Benchmark's annualized
#' return
#' Also commonly referred to as 'active return'.
#' @param Ra return vector of the portfolio
#' @param Rb return vector of the benchmark asset
#' @param scale number of periods in a year
#'   (daily scale = 252, monthly scale = 12, quarterly scale = 4)
#' @param ... any other passthru parameters to Return.annualized
#'   (e.g., \code{geometric=FALSE})
#' @author Peter Carl
#' @seealso \code{\link{InformationRatio}} \code{\link{TrackingError}}
#'   \code{\link{Return.annualized}}
#' @references Sharpe, W.F. The Sharpe Ratio,\emph{Journal of Portfolio
#'   Management}, Fall 1994, 49-58.
###keywords ts multivariate distribution models
#' @examples
#'     data(managers)
#'     ActivePremium(managers[, "HAM1", drop=FALSE], managers[, "SP500 TR", drop=FALSE])
#'     ActivePremium(managers[,1,drop=FALSE], managers[,8,drop=FALSE])
#'     ActivePremium(managers[,1:6], managers[,8,drop=FALSE])
#'     ActivePremium(managers[,1:6], managers[,8:7,drop=FALSE])
#' @rdname ActivePremium
#' @aliases
#' ActivePremium
#' ActiveReturn
#' @export ActiveReturn ActivePremium
ActiveReturn <- ActivePremium <- function (Ra, Rb, scale = NA, ...)
{ # @author Peter Carl

    Ra = checkData(Ra)
    Rb = checkData(Rb)

    Ra.ncols = NCOL(Ra)
    Rb.ncols = NCOL(Rb)

    pairs = expand.grid(1:Ra.ncols, 1:Rb.ncols)

    if(is.na(scale)) {
        freq = periodicity(Ra)
            minute = {stop("Data periodicity too high")},
            hourly = {stop("Data periodicity too high")},
            daily = {scale = 252},
            weekly = {scale = 52},
            monthly = {scale = 12},
            quarterly = {scale = 4},
            yearly = {scale = 1}

    ap <- function (Ra, Rb, scale)
        merged = na.omit(merge(Ra, Rb)) # align
        ap = (Return.annualized(merged[,1], scale = scale, ...)
              - Return.annualized(merged[,2], scale = scale, ...))

    result = apply(pairs, 1, FUN = function(n, Ra, Rb, scale) ap(Ra[,n[1]], Rb[,n[2]], scale), Ra = Ra, Rb = Rb, scale = scale)

    if(length(result) == 1)
    else {
        dim(result) = c(Ra.ncols, Rb.ncols)
        colnames(result) = paste("Active Premium:", colnames(Rb))
        rownames(result) = colnames(Ra)

# R (http://r-project.org/) Econometrics for Performance and Risk Analysis
# Copyright (c) 2004-2020 Peter Carl and Brian G. Peterson
# This R package is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
# for full details see the file COPYING
# $Id$

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