
#		Esimate Cmeans using our methods
Est.Depth <- function(n, iter=5)
	SMALL.VAL <- 1e-8
	cmeans <- colSums(n) / sum(n)
	keep <- NULL
	for (i in 1 : iter)
		n0 <- rowSums(n) %*% t(cmeans)
		prop <- rowSums((n - n0) ^ 2 / (n0 + SMALL.VAL))
		qs <- quantile(prop, c(0.25, 0.75))
		keep <- (prop >= qs[1]) & (prop <= qs[2])
		cmeans <- colMeans(n[keep, ])
		cmeans <- cmeans / sum(cmeans)
	return(list(cmeans=cmeans, keep=keep))

#		Esimate sequencing depth
PS.Est.Depth <- function(n, iter=5, ct.sum=5, ct.mean=0.5)
	n <- PS.Filter(dat=list(n=n), ct.sum=ct.sum, ct.mean=ct.mean)$n
	seq.depth <- Est.Depth(n=n, iter=iter)$cmeans
	seq.depth <- exp(log(seq.depth) - mean(log(seq.depth)))

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PoissonSeq documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:33 p.m.